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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Junior Member
Got dumped 3 weeks ago. Been talking to 7 different girls on Tinder since. Got laid by a old high school friend last week. Got a date with the most promising of Tinder girls tomorrow. Things are going good, boys!

Dang I wish I had your luck. It's been 6 months since I broke up with my ex, I think about her regularly since I found out she's dating somebody after 2 months of us breaking up but I'm happy with the choice I made of breaking up with her. Part of me wants to mingle and get back out there but after the holidays are done i'm practically not going to have any time for freedom. Placement (I don't get paid) but have to do 40 hours and then work at my real job on the weekends. Part of me is sad going to be alone for new years but i'm young, (20). My other problem is I don't have my G2 license yet which makes me feel more down about talking to girls since if they live farther away i'd be a huge pain to meet them. Also just wanted to wish everybody on here a happy holidays since GAF has helped me cope with some of the situations I dealt with earlier in the year.


I get a decent amount of matches on Tinder, but I wouldn't mind some advice if anyone is up for looking at my profile?


This girl wont leave me the heck alone. Im not interested in her, I sort of maybe lead her on, but within a week told her I just wanted to be friends and that I made a mistake... but that wont do for her.

I dont think I led her on, because I made it clear I want to be friends, but that didn't go as expected...

Can I please PM some of you the bigger story? I have never been in this situation and Im honestly stressed and even afraid she'll go batshit crazy. She already fucking cries at shit. I feel like she's manipulative. Argh.

I don't need a PM to tell you if she's being like that, just drop her and move on. If she can't deal with being just friends, then there's gonna be way too many problems in y'all's "friendship" going forward. Nip it at the bud.

We just kind talk about life and she teases me sometimes.

Sounds like you made a friend...?

Given the situation you seem to be in, that's a good thing.

Alternatively, you can ask her out, see what happens.

Oh, I see. Makes sense, since from what I can tell you're around an 8+ yourself (hard to tell with the glare on the glasses and your head tilted a bit back). Interesting. Thanks.

Can we not grade people on a 1-10 scale here? The scale doesn't even work for grading video games let alone people, and is EXTREMELY subjective to boot. We're all better than grading each other's looks like that at least, aren't we?

What might be whatever the balls is an "8+" to you could easily be a similarly random "5" to someone else

Lulubop I didn't look at your profile, I'm not calling you ugly, I swear


Dang I wish I had your luck. It's been 6 months since I broke up with my ex, I think about her regularly since I found out she's dating somebody after 2 months of us breaking up but I'm happy with the choice I made of breaking up with her. Part of me wants to mingle and get back out there but after the holidays are done i'm practically not going to have any time for freedom. Placement (I don't get paid) but have to do 40 hours and then work at my real job on the weekends. Part of me is sad going to be alone for new years but i'm young, (20). My other problem is I don't have my G2 license yet which makes me feel more down about talking to girls since if they live farther away i'd be a huge pain to meet them. Also just wanted to wish everybody on here a happy holidays since GAF has helped me cope with some of the situations I dealt with earlier in the year.

Bud, you're way ahead of the game, believe me. I never even had a serious girlfriend by the time I was 20. You'll be great.
Yea I too was wondering, do we still do profile reviews like we used to do for OKC thread ? I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on my pictures. Everyone says 90% of the apps is just pictures and I tend to agree.


Yea I too was wondering, do we still do profile reviews like we used to do for OKC thread ? I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on my pictures. Everyone says 90% of the apps is just pictures and I tend to agree.

Yeah you can post your profile/pictures or PM people or whatever, if you want. I would recommend going to the Online Dating thread but apparently it's sorta dead...?


Oh, I see. Makes sense, since from what I can tell you're around an 8+ yourself (hard to tell with the glare on the glasses and your head tilted a bit back). Interesting. Thanks.

Sorry, I didn't realize you couldn't actually see my profile. Crappy link, but I'd say I'm about in that range tbqh. What's your profile description like?
I don't need a PM to tell you if she's being like that, just drop her and move on. If she can't deal with being just friends, then there's gonna be way too many problems in y'all's "friendship" going forward. Nip it at the bud.

Thanks. There's still a part to this story I want to tell, but Id rather PM it. I do feel like I did something wrong, but I also feel like it shouldn't be such a big deal.


Is there anyone on here that would be willing to let me PM them for some advice? It's rather long winded, and I would like to not share it with the world, per say.


There's a girl that's going to be at this new year's party tonight. I'm going to try to flirt with her a bunch. She's a little older, but hardcore goth (came 2nd place in Seattle's Best Goth competition).

I'm not very good at flirting, cause my mind doesn't really stay on track. Any suggestions?
There's a girl that's going to be at this new year's party tonight. I'm going to try to flirt with her a bunch. She's a little older, but hardcore goth (came 2nd place in Seattle's Best Goth competition).

I'm not very good at flirting, cause my mind doesn't really stay on track. Any suggestions?

The world's best pickup line is "Hi."


Poll : If a girl asks if you're single, is that a good indicator of intentions?

A girl at work
(I work in a restaurant, it's fine, that doesn't apply.)
brought it up casually this morning and it seems like a hint to me; Still always great to get the collective GAF opinion.

The world's best pickup line is "Hi."

True story. Confidence is your best friend. Find a common ground, ask interesting questions and listen twice as much as you talk.

I spent ten minutes talking to a table about Rick and Morty yesterday because that was the shirt they wore that day.


Should you text / call a girl you like, even if she might not like you back during these special occasions (Christmas, New Year)?


Thanks. There's still a part to this story I want to tell, but Id rather PM it. I do feel like I did something wrong, but I also feel like it shouldn't be such a big deal.

You can PM it to me if you want, though fair warning, I doubt my answer will change much unless you have a super crazy story to tell.

(That goes for anyone else, y'all can PM me whenever. No dicks tho plz)


Should you text / call a girl you like, even if she might not like you back during this special occasions (Christmas, New Year)?

don't do it... this situation you are proposing is an internet meme. At the very most just say happy new year, if she wants to talk she'll talk.
Fam I'm gonna be honest, I'm lonely AF right now.

2016 was such a shitshow for me dating wise. Broke up with a girl I genuinely loved at the beginning of the year and it's been nothing but meh first dates and getting turned down since.

Here's to 2017. Hope it's better for me dating wise.
My problem is that for the last few years I have not managed to date a woman I personally liked. I mean a woman I would be friends with if there was not sex involved. It's real hard to keep a relationship going just for sex if you don't like the person. I know that the solution is to work harder and work on self-improvement to attract higher-quality and more compatible dates, but it's disheartening.


Been told recently by a few female friends that I have this look in ny eyes that's sexy sometimes or a fail at bedroom eyes.

I try to show desire in my eyes but that can easily be seen as creepy. Lol


Guys.... especially short guys....

I somehow managed to get a girl who's about 8 cm or so taller than me.
I have no idea how I managed this my game was on point.
I kinda felt like Jordan in his 63 point game, the stars were aligned!

I'm never ever ever saying "nah she's too tall" ever again!!!
Tried online dating for a few months, so that no one can claim I didn't try every available option. "Shockingly" I had zero success.

Single for life, it isn't so bad once you accept it, I suppose. I will focus on just being healthy and finding a good career and friends.


Tried online dating for a few months, so that no one can claim I didn't try every available option. "Shockingly" I had zero success.

Single for life, it isn't so bad once you accept it, I suppose. I will focus of just being healthy and finding a good career and friends.
Things will probably happen naturally once you do the the things you mention in the end.


I highly doubt it, and I am not doing the things to get a date, but for myself.

Thus the key word "naturally" in there. But, that negative attitude is a self-fulfilling prophecy of its own.

can you guys please judge my okcupid profile? please be nice i am sensitive https://www.okcupid.com/profile/tasteslikefuture

I have to agree with Zackie, those pictures are dark and most of them it's hard to make out. Also, I have a couple other questions...

- I'm a little confused with how you identified yourself. So, you're a transwoman that like women, correct? If so (or if not), it might help to be clear about that in your profile somewhere.
- Speaking of, why is it in Japanese? Unless you live in Japan and are just visiting the US... which I don't think you are? I really don't know. Anyway, make the profile in English if you are (it's not cute), and if you really do stay in Japan then you might want to try other dating apps, dunno how popular OKC is there.
Some photos should be of you doing things, not just standing somewhere in a room by yourself taking a selfie. Show some variety and interesting things going on.
Guys, she won't stop messaging me. I'm doing the "ignore all" option but she won't let up.

Why won't she take the hint...

I'm not going to get anything in return.

I'm new to some of these mechanics btw.

Trying to better myself for 2017 by investing my time in women who have mutual interest.
I'd also like some feedback with my okcupid profile, please. I'm registered for a while there already but nothing came from it so far.

Quote for the link

Guys, she won't stop messaging me. I'm doing the "ignore all" option but she won't let up.

Why won't she take the hint...

I'm not going to get anything in return.

I'm new to some of these mechanics btw.

Trying to better myself for 2017 by investing my time in women who have mutual interest.

Then you have to tell her if she won't take the hint. It's rough but if you don't want her around you gotta say so.
Damn, that's harsh.

I mean she's a nice girl and I know she means well but I'm not gonna get used/walked on by women anymore.

2016 was a lot of bullshit dating wise. Gotta look out for #1



I'd also like some feedback with my okcupid profile, please. I'm registered for a while there already but nothing came from it so far.

Quote for the link

Standard disclaimer: Cultural differences being what they are, I can't guarantee my advice will work for non-American countries. This goes doubly for countries whose official languages don't include English. Actually, why is this in English?

- I love your first pic. You look good in it and there's a subtle nod to general geekery. The second one isn't that bad. The shirt looks too big on you and the name badge, well, name badges just aren't sexy.

- You need more pics, preferably non-posed pics. Think candid pics of you displaying genuine emotion, pics of you hanging out with friends, pics of you having fun doing a hobby. Maybe a close-up face pic for your lead pic?

- Your favorites section is good, with the exception of food. "Everything" is such a cop out answer! You mentioned cooking earlier, mention something you can make that is absolutely delicious. Create a call to action!

- I don't know about starting your "you should message me if" with "you are smart...". In the US, that would result in a few angry messages from girls who think you think you were better than them.

- The typical friday night was a bit blah, until I got to the Salsa dancing part. Lead with that! The key of Online dating is setting yourself apart from everyone, and "movies or friends" is a very typical friday night for everyone.

- I'd also beef up your self-summary a little. It's brief to the point of being brusque. The rest of your profile has personality and heart, which makes it stick out even more.
Thus the key word "naturally" in there. But, that negative attitude is a self-fulfilling prophecy of its own.

Negative attitude? What negative attitude? I am open to a relationship if I ever get a chance. I don't think I will, so I'm not holding my breath and I'll focus on other things, but I am in theory available to it.
Guys, she won't stop messaging me. I'm doing the "ignore all" option but she won't let up.

Why won't she take the hint...

I'm not going to get anything in return.

I'm new to some of these mechanics btw.

Trying to better myself for 2017 by investing my time in women who have mutual interest.

Damn, that's harsh.

I mean she's a nice girl and I know she means well but I'm not gonna get used/walked on by women anymore.

2016 was a lot of bullshit dating wise. Gotta look out for #1


You can't block her?

Sounds like you enjoy the attention. You say you're doing all the ignore stuff, but not the main one which is to block someone you no longer have any interest in.


Guys, she won't stop messaging me. I'm doing the "ignore all" option but she won't let up.

Why won't she take the hint...

I'm not going to get anything in return.

I'm new to some of these mechanics btw.

Trying to better myself for 2017 by investing my time in women who have mutual interest.

This the girl you wrote a couple of weeks ago?
If she keeps calling that's a good sign. I think you are reading too much into the favours she is asking for, the car-ride thing seems more like an excuse to see you. Not the smoothest or most clever one, but if she had just been grinding you for attention she wouldn't have persisted this much.
A girl who's just interested in friendship wouldn't act like this.
She would either grill you for a reason on the phone, avoiding face-to-face interaction as much as she can, or get angry at you for ignoring her. And I mean seriously angry: no pouty, silence treatment bullshit but full blown insults to be the one who gets the last word on who hangs up on who.
Where did you get the idea that she would message other guys while she is with you?
Resigning yourself to "Single for Life" is not realistically. It's negative thinking that will poison your mind if you keep with it.

Yes it is. I have not come even close to succeeding now after many attempts, when I am supposed to be in the prime of my life, how on earth can I succeed later? It is in fact much better to focus on other things knowing the amount of time and energy I'd waste desperately trying to find dates throughout my life.

And before you answer, most of my issues are things I can not change, like my height, facial structure and hair.


Yes it is. I have not come even close to succeeding now after many attempts, when I am supposed to be in the prime of my life, how on earth can I succeed later? It is in fact much better to focus on other things knowing the amount of time and energy I'd waste desperately trying to find dates throughout my life.

And before you answer, most of my issues are things I can not change, like my height, facial structure and hair.

If Danny Devito can find someone, no one has an excuse. This is one of those "If you think you can or can't, you're right" moments. If you refuse to budge from a mindset of "forever alone", I won't waste my time debating you.
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