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So, how can we fix dating for men?

Duuuuuuude, there are NO WOMEN that accrue men as "friends" and then start banging them 'cause "gosh darn it,

Its not going to happen instantly lmao. Women dont see men they fuck as just fuck toys because women are not horny in the way us men are. They legit can live without it. When a woman wants you, its not for sexual desires, that shit is just in porn/movies, it's because she connects with you. You do realize friendship at its core is a connection between two people right? When a woman chooses you, she wants you and when you marry a woman or enter a relationship with a woman, that thing is called a friendship first and foremost, because how else can two fucking people connect if they are not friends first? You think a relationship based on just physical attraction will last? It might but its chances are slim.

Friendzoning isn't about having female friends, it's about obsessing over a specific girl and doing ANYTHING just to stay in contact with her, hoping you can somehow woo her with your subtle charm.

No, friendzoning is a word that stupid men have as an excuse for when a woman rejects them, but the fact is, being rejected as a date isnt the end of the world. As you said, a woman needs to click with that guy, she needs to not have that ICK as one of my female friends says, because no matter how the guy is, if she feels an ICK about him, shell neve r date him, but that ICK can easily go away if those two people bond more and he gains her trust.

But just know that THEY are the ones that decide if they wanna fuck or not

I 100% agree. I never said otherwise. I'n only stating that its not the end of the world if you become friends with her and your chances are considerably higher if you do become friends with them in the long run. The word friendzone is stupid and Im tired of men using it as a crotch to blame women for their failures.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist


So I'll just assume that you were friendzoned, cried online and gave up?

1 out of 3, I did the "nice guy" thing, recognized it wasn't working, watched how other men did things and copied that. There was no internet for me to cry to. I didn't give up, just changed approach.

It worked, I did get attractive women. A lot of them, because I also worked on myself and career. Bitches love money right?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm just glad this doesn't apply to me.

I don't think there's hope for a lot of people out there. Broader societal trends are going to dramatically worsen this problem in the coming decades. We're seeing less men going to college for multiple reasons, but their earning power on average is going to fall behind women even more in the future, and they typically don't like to date down. College attendance also typically determines political ideologies on average, so that is going to divide more along gender as well, and people are a lot less tolerant of dating across political lines now. Technology will continue advancing and promoting less socialization across the board. Going to be more division and bitterness in the future.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
There are 3 things most women go for and for the most part they go in this order.

1. Success/Talent
2. Personality
3. Looks

1. Being successful in life is very attractive to women because it’s basically hard wired into their DNA. In the old days this was dominated by the alpha males who could physically dominate. These days women are more interested in men who have successful careers or are extremely talented at something. If you are a young man and struggling then maybe focus more on your career for a while. You will find that later in life when you have money and success even at normal jobs women will find you more attractive.

2. Personality is somewhat out of our control and can be subjective. In general you need to find women who like your personality or if that is no women then maybe you need to work on bettering yourself first and changing some of your more negative traits.

3. Looks is again mostly out of our control but you can dress better, groom well and work on posture.

As for dating here are some tips from my life that work well.

- if your first date is a dinner date always make sure there is a coffee shop a walkable distance from the restaurant if you can. If the date is going well ask her if she wants to grab a coffee and continue the conversation.
- don’t attempt to kiss on the first date
- after the first date don’t contact the woman for at least 4-7 days. If she contacts you, respond, but don’t be too available. The idea is to make her think you aren’t that interested in her.
- the second date should be somewhere fun or even active. You want to break the touch barrier early on this date. If it goes well maybe go in for that kiss.
- make dinner for her on either the 3rd or 4th date. The main point of this date for me was always to get her to my place to gage her comfort level in a setting that purposefully would make her a little uncomfortable. It will also give a woman a huge insight into your life. Anecdotally any woman that didn’t sleep with me at, or before, this point never kept dating me for long after. Over time I sorta saw this as the cutoff point on whether I wanted to continue seeing a woman.
- pay attention to a woman’s body language during conversation. Most will lean towards you if they are into you. If they are leaning back that isn’t necessarily bad but could mean they are still feeling you out. Be cognizant of your own body language as well. You will likely find yourself leaning more towards her if you too are interested.
- never ask a woman if she is okay when she is quiet. That will immediately put her on guard, especially if she is self conscious. Instead ask her what is on her mind or just try and take the conversation in another direction.
- make the date about her. Keep her talking about herself and reveal as little as possible about yourself as possible. The one caveat to this is that if y’all find something in common it’s cool to flesh that out on convo.

Lastly, “Don’t put the pussy on a pedestal.”
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Gold Member
I will agree with the sentiment that no one should chase a girl who is not interested in you but, definitely keep in contact with her and stay friendly. Don't burn bridges just because you are in the friend zone. She might have some cute friends and you already have a decent springboard to start from being her friend. Just accept it and find someone else who has an interest in you in their social network.
Thats not really being friend zoned though. Thats just not being a jerk to a chick that rejected your sexual advance. FriendZoning(tm) is actively staying in a girls orbit with the hopes of wearing her down though constant attention, keeping you focused on her instead of other girls. If you can softy hit on a girl and get rejected, but she somehow still agrees to be social with you, then by all means use her as a springboard towards other girls. But don't keep her in your sights, it ain't NEVER happening under any circumstances other than a radical decline in her fortunes or a massive surge in yours (in which case you could now do much better).
I did the "nice guy" thing

You dont have to do any "nice guy" or "bad boy thing". It's only a coincidence that bad boy works for some and nice guys works for others. Its a crapshoot and your aim should be being a normal guy that doesnt treat women horribly, make them laugh and just be around them. It might click ,it might not but let me ask you this. If you treat a woman like a bad boy/trash, are you certain you want that woman to be by your side forever? Its your choice obviously but I assume this topic is about long term relationships, not fuck goals because if we're talking fuck goals, I suppose a certain amount of disrespect can get you in bed BUT only if you keep it at the minimum.

Case in point, a chat with a female friend who likes me a lot:


We're friends and we didnt click instantly. She actually didn't like me at all at first, but over time she grew to care about me a lot, but there are other circumstances which I told you, which stop me from making the final move on her, but my point stands. Just be friends with them, forget about the nice guy or bad boy. Being friends with someone allows you to be both.


Gold Member
I used to LARP as a straight guy for years before I quit being in denial about myself. If I was able to have multiple relationships with the ladies, you can too!

Biggest question: what kind of person are you looking for? It’s an important question to figure out because if you don’t have an answer to that question, you won’t necessarily know where to look.

A girl who is introverted and plays videogames like World of Warcraft is unlikely to be found at your local bar, but it’s somewhat possible she might frequent more nerdier venues like a card shop where they host Magic the Gathering tournaments and such. Or maybe some Discord server that caters to feminine tastes. Likewise if you’re looking for a chick who is extraverted and enjoys playing beach volleyball during the day while clubbing at night, you probably need to be playing more beach volleyball and hanging out at bars. Probably should know how to dance too.

Fucked up analogy but, if you’re looking for red snapper or grouper, don’t go fishing in freshwater.


You dont have to do any "nice guy" or "bad boy thing". It's only a coincidence that bad boy works for some and nice guys works for others. Its a crapshoot and your aim should be being a normal guy that doesnt treat women horribly, make them laugh and just be around them. It might click ,it might not but let me ask you this. If you treat a woman like a bad boy/trash, are you certain you want that woman to be by your side forever? Its your choice obviously but I assume this topic is about long term relationships, not fuck goals because if we're talking fuck goals, I suppose a certain amount of disrespect can get you in bed BUT only if you keep it at the minimum.

Case in point, a chat with a female friend who likes me a lot:


We're friends and we didnt click instantly. She actually didn't like me at all at first, but over time she grew to care about me a lot, but there are other circumstances which I told you, which stop me from making the final move on her, but my point stands. Just be friends with them, forget about the nice guy or bad boy. Being friends with someone allows you to be both.

You're a foreign, and this is embarrassing for you. See point one for how you lack awareness of this.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I think dating is tough for everyone in different ways, right now, but I think for men, the biggest issue is getting out of their own way.

I don't mean to minimize the extent to which they can be a real challenge. The way dating works now -- and especially app dating -- is really antithetic to men's instincts and most of them get themselves really frustrated doing what doesn't work, and the remaining end up knee deep in options and they also end up having trouble settling down.

I also think there's an extent to which all of these apps over time break down and make everyone miserable because their business model is engagement, not putting people in happy relationships. I was able to make them work for me and I met my wife there but it was only certain apps that were good.
Thats not really being friend zoned though. Thats just not being a jerk to a chick that rejected your sexual advance. FriendZoning(tm) is actively staying in a girls orbit with the hopes of wearing her down though constant attention, keeping you focused on her instead of other girls. If you can softy hit on a girl and get rejected, but she somehow still agrees to be social with you, then by all means use her as a springboard towards other girls. But don't keep her in your sights, it ain't NEVER happening under any circumstances other than a radical decline in her fortunes or a massive surge in yours (in which case you could now do much better).
Yeah, pretty much what I was saying. Holding out hope and chasing a girl forever who has no romantic feelings for you is a massive waste of time and detrimental to your mental health.


Gold Member
Its not going to happen instantly lmao. Women dont see men they fuck as just fuck toys because women are not horny in the way us men are. They legit can live without it. When a woman wants you, its not for sexual desires, that shit is just in porn/movies, it's because she connects with you. You do realize friendship at its core is a connection between two people right? When a woman chooses you, she wants you and when you marry a woman or enter a relationship with a woman, that thing is called a friendship first and foremost, because how else can two fucking people connect if they are not friends first? You think a relationship based on just physical attraction will last? It might but its chances are slim.
Ahh, I see you've fallen for the "I see you as a friend, and maybe something more with time" friendzone line women will use to turn away a guy in the hopes he won't get violent. Women ARE as horny as men, maybe even more so, they just don't prioritize the hook-up as much because its SO EASY for them to get it. And yes, romance is a necessary tool for keeping a relationship going, but I personally don't think it matters much in the initial stages other than as a wealth display.

No, friendzoning is a word that stupid men have as an excuse for when a woman rejects them, but the fact is, being rejected as a date isnt the end of the world. As you said, a woman needs to click with that guy, she needs to not have that ICK as one of my female friends says, because no matter how the guy is, if she feels an ICK about him, shell neve r date him, but that ICK can easily go away if those two people bond more and he gains her trust.
The ICK is permament. It is NEVER going away. All you can do is overcome it by catching her in a desperate moment. So it's best to recognize the ICK moment and then cut bait and move on.

I'm not saying you can't be friendly towards women. No one likes a jerk. And you shouldn't hold it against a girl for turning you down, sometimes circumstances change and again, don't be a jerk, But dating is largely a numbers game, especially these days, and MOST IMPORTANT for guys without opening advantages in looks or status. Learning how to approach women, initiate conversation, and CLOSE THE DEAL QUICKLY about whether or not she wants more is critical because if you can't do that you are inefficient. And of course the more success you have, the more success you get. Best time to score is when you are already scoring, and that's the pitfall because then you are just in the churn n'burn at that point which is ultimately unsustainable (for most).

But don't go looking for love. Look for companionship, sexual compatibility, and FUN, let love blossom where it may.


Just have good social skills. If you dont, improve them.

That's all that it takes, really

When you wonder "why they always go for those low lifes?". Well, they have confidence and way better social skills than you do.

Some women are attracted by status or money, sure, but you really want those?

If you want someone to love you for who you are, improve yourself. In every aspect.
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Gold Member
You dont have to do any "nice guy" or "bad boy thing". It's only a coincidence that bad boy works for some and nice guys works for others. Its a crapshoot and your aim should be being a normal guy that doesnt treat women horribly, make them laugh and just be around them. It might click ,it might not but let me ask you this. If you treat a woman like a bad boy/trash, are you certain you want that woman to be by your side forever? Its your choice obviously but I assume this topic is about long term relationships, not fuck goals because if we're talking fuck goals, I suppose a certain amount of disrespect can get you in bed BUT only if you keep it at the minimum.

Case in point, a chat with a female friend who likes me a lot:


We're friends and we didnt click instantly. She actually didn't like me at all at first, but over time she grew to care about me a lot, but there are other circumstances which I told you, which stop me from making the final move on her, but my point stands. Just be friends with them, forget about the nice guy or bad boy. Being friends with someone allows you to be both.
I think I need to see the photos to be able to understand this text in context :p:

And are you sure you didn't friendzone(tm) HER and she feels differently about you? Or are you just the "break glass in emergency" back-up dick and you only THINK you are the one regulating the relationship?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Gawd some of y’all are hopeless
Grampa, you come from an era where all a man had to do to get a woman was make $40,000 a year .

Times have changed.

Women can make their own money now.

They have much higher standards.

You are out of touch.
I think dating is tough for everyone in different ways, right now, but I think for men, the biggest issue is getting out of their own way.

I don't mean to minimize the extent to which they can be a real challenge. The way dating works now -- and especially app dating -- is really antithetic to men's instincts and most of them get themselves really frustrated doing what doesn't work, and the remaining end up knee deep in options and they also end up having trouble settling down.

I also think there's an extent to which all of these apps over time break down and make everyone miserable because their business model is engagement, not putting people in happy relationships. I was able to make them work for me and I met my wife there but it was only certain apps that were good.
I don't think anyone here is making the distinction that dating doesn't have its challenges, especially in the modern era. However, this defeatist attitude and blaming all of society/women is very detrimental to your self-esteem and outlook on life. No woman is going to be attracted to your negative core beliefs and they can sense it a mile away.
Ahh, I see you've fallen for the "I see you as a friend, and maybe something more with time" friendzone line women will use to turn away a guy in the hopes he won't get violent.

You've been reading reddit from dumb men way too much. I legit feel sorry if you think most women think this way.

Women ARE as horny as men

Let's agree to disagree on this matter.

The ICK is permament

It's not. I'm not saying the guy should chase the same tail forever, obviously that would be stupid and unhealthy in the long run, but it's also not set in stone that she'll just forget about him. If they go on dates, and are friends, things can change. If she ignores him, I wouldn't exactly call that a "friendzone". The term has lost its meaning quite often and as I've said, it's used as a stupid excuse. I am talking about legit friends here.
But dating is largely a numbers game, especially these days, and MOST IMPORTANT for guys without opening advantages in looks or status.

This is incredibly false outside of Tinder and you're just saying nonsense.

Learning how to approach women, initiate conversation, and CLOSE THE DEAL QUICKLY about whether or not she wants more is critical because if you can't do that you are inefficient.

You're just disagreeing with yourself now, since you yourself said, that a woman will pick you regardless. Women can get the ICK with any kind of man, doesnt matter if hes rich or handsome or good with words. I've seen it happen A LOT of times around me and at work. You were spot on about the woman chooses the man, but thats about it. Being a try hard is not an advantage, if that were the case only handsome guys would be in relationships and as far as I know, looking all around us, average men dominate the relationship world.
Look for companionship, sexual compatibility, and FUN, let love blossom where it may.

So we agree on the friendship aspect, because companionship is friendship.
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I will attempt to make a positive contribution to the thread, so here are my quick tips.

  1. Ask about her hobbies and interests. Music, movies, ways they like to relax, travel, food etc. Just get her talking. I find most women like to talk about themselves. Keep it light and fun for the first date/interaction. Based on what they talk about bounce off of it if you relate to something.
  2. Don't try to impress her with some dumb shit or act arrogant/cocky. You are not some special prize, just keep it cool and humble.
  3. Make good eye contact and smile. Use active listening and reflective statements to make her feel like you are actually listening to what she has to say. Everyone wants to feel heard and understood.
  4. Meet people at places that share similar interests as you. Also, get to know thier friends and friends of friends. Even if a particular girl you like is not into you she might have some available friends.
  5. Compliment her on how she looks. Women put effort into their appearance. Especially, make an effort to compliment her dress or hairstyle.

Great post, and I cannot stress the bolded parts enough. Feel her personality out, and even if they seem super serious, always try to make someone laugh. Laughter bridges a huge gap, people want to be with someone that can bring them joy especially in such a ridiculous world. As far as complimenting looks, yes, it can be beneficial but absolutely do not do it more than once on a date, they've heard it all before. Instead try to compliment them on their achievements, or find something in the conversation to compliment them on. Attractive woman hear how beautiful they are all day so be unique and memorable.

Also, though it's been mentioned and should be obvious.... HYGIENE AND GROOMING. I will say this though and it's been studied... woman typically look at your shoes first as odd as that may sound. I laughed it off until I observed it multiple times myself, often getting compliments on my dress shoes as an ice breaker. Yes it sounds silly but read up on it.

I must be doing something right, I've been with the same woman 15+ years now but I admit I've never been in the modern dating game so good luck to you all.

I'm short, dark complected and ugly and I'm about to jump back in. I have nothing but my self deprecating personality and deadpan humor. Wish me luck Gaffers!

That goes really far actually, especially if you can sneak sarcasm into it with the right person. If you go in with a negative attitude about your appearance it will reflect on your face, don't think about it at all and just focus on having fun.
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Halo is Back Halo is Back came back to school GAF on pussy. 😂
Lol, I'm by no means a player. I'm now lucky enough to be married to a wonderful and beautiful woman who has treated me with so much compassion, understanding, and love like no other woman. I just wanted to chime in because the topic is personal for me. I'm not an ugly guy or anything but I am short (5'6) and started balding in my early twenties. It wasn't until I tried to work on my self-esteem and actively tried to date women and socialize that I saw some success in the dating game. I used to believe that I would never find a girlfriend and die alone, I was severely depressed and self-conscious.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I don't think anyone here is making the distinction that dating doesn't have its challenges, especially in the modern era. However, this defeatist attitude and blaming all of society/women is very detrimental to your self-esteem and outlook on life. No woman is going to be attracted to your negative core beliefs and they can sense it a mile away.
Huh? I wasn't being defeatist at all, I was saying men can do well at dating if they act right, it's just that acting right isn't super intuitive to the way a lot of men are socialized, so it's important to not frame that conversation around blame.
Huh? I wasn't being defeatist at all, I was saying men can do well at dating if they act right, it's just that acting right isn't super intuitive to the way a lot of men are socialized, so it's important to not frame that conversation around blame.
My comment wasn't specifically directed to you about dating being hopeless. It is more generalized to other members from the previous thread. I was acknowledging that dating is tough for many and that today's social media climate does present new challenges.


Here's one bit of advice I'll share which I wish I learned a lot sooner...

Sometimes you just don't "click" with a person, no matter how much you thought you would. And that's OK, nobody's fault, if you're not feeling it or they're not feeling it, that's just how it rolls, move on to the next.

Winter John

Go to a bar/club.
Have a few drinks.
Approach the chick you would like to fuck.
Strike up a conversation. Buy her a couple of drinks.
Invite her back to your place for an evening of coitus.

That’s all you gotta do. Ya don’t need to write lists, invent imaginary rules or listen to fuckwits like Peterson. Ya just gotta put on a clean shirt and get out there.
... and this is all coming from the same guy that steals his coworkers' sandwiches. The irony. Start with yourself, man.

"If everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your own shoes."​

Men need to be able to say what they want and what don’t want. No beating around the bush, no dropping hints.

Be forward and direct - not cocky but confident.

If you can’t do this, you are a friend zone target. If you do this in an aggressive manner then you aren’t getting anywhere either.


I'm 5'5 and have never had an issue with women. I was shy in high school, semi-shy in college. For better or worse, drinking did help me put out vibes I wanted to fuck without coming across as a creep. Now, it just comes naturally now though I guess (am now 37). Be pleasant, dress well, smell good, but the biggest advice I have is to LISTEN to women. If you're a genuine dude that wants to actually get to know a woman, that counts. Even if you only want to fuck, be up front about it but be nice about it. There's a lot of body language things younger dudes can learn to tell if you have a shot or or going to be "friend-zoned". And at that point, you can decide whether or not she's a cool chick to hang out with, or, most times, you cut it loose and go look again for what you actually want.
I think I need to see the photos to be able to understand this text in context :p:

And are you sure you didn't friendzone(tm) HER and she feels differently about you? Or are you just the "break glass in emergency" back-up dick and you only THINK you are the one regulating the relationship?

Im not that kind of a dick. Its just that my life is....pretty terrible atm and I cant bring anyone in my messy life atm, her included but yeah I would love to be with her forever. There were others before her tho, who I've been friends with, and I was asked for marriage and to have kids and all that but I refused. Im not a saint, but I did previously mention that I'm very self aware of my poor choices in life but I'm also the kind of guy that isnt a dick and I cant invite someone until I fix my shit. I dont want to ruin another's life. Maybe in my country things are different than the US and women are different, more prone towards friendlier men but suffice to say and this is prolly my last reply here:

Just be fucking normal, be friendly and once that is established, you can causally/humorously be a dick with them as in my picture, but never out of control. Ultimately all the women I've met, just wanted normal men, not men who tried too hard to be bad boys or extremely nice guys that bent the knee. Stop overthinking things about friendzone and all that shit with women. They are complicated and can change their mood towards someone instantly from ICK to NICE and vice versa.


Just ask her whether math is discovered or invented and go from there.

Alternatively, ask her what she thinks about the set of hyperreal numbers.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
The two biggest mistakes I see men make are:
  1. being too sexually aggressive or flirtatious right off the bat before any rapport has been established and
  2. literally just spamming every vaguely fuckable woman with low-effort messages because they think it's "a numbers game."
This doesn't work. Look for women who have compatible interests or personalities to your own, and then just try to be fun and funny, don't send dick pics, don't do dumb pick up lines, just talk about shit you both like talking about and then ask her to go do something you both like doing. That seems like obvious advice, but it is NOT what 99% of men do.

And then the men that do have this stuff figured out make another mistake, which is not knowing when to get off apps and focus on one girl. If you're dating four girls and you like them all, it can be tough to make that decision to stop fucking three of them, but if you don't you will never end up with a stable relationship at the end.

That last one was my biggest struggle last time I dated, and Covid hit and cleared a lot of my schedule but I still had two girls and I refused to pick until I blew things up with both, but after a few months they both came back and this time I chose correctly.


Sorry if this is long winded but I have some strong feelings about this subject. Props to the OP for trying to open up some constructive dialogue, this isn’t a black and white issue. Frankly, I think it’s kind of disgusting how men are so willing to attack their brothers and call them incels. Most men that are struggling don’t identify as that, and are simply having a rough go of things. I imagine it hurts even more being dismissed and outcasted by fellow men for simply being vulnerable(which society tells us we should be) than to be called an incel by a woman. A little solidarity and empathy can go a long way.

If you can’t relate at all to any of these issues modern men are having, than you should count your lucky stars, but understand not everyone is as fortunate as you. Online dating, unfortunately, has become the default for most people, and I think it’s pretty obvious to everyone that type of dating gives a huge advantage to women. Fine, if I had as many options as most women do, I’d pick the best ones too. I get it. Who can blame them? But it’s the reality we live in and that leaves a lot of lonely, frustrated men. Add to that people don’t socialize like they used to, thanks in large part to social media and the aftereffects of the pandemic, as well as men forgoing college at record numbers, which really hurts their ability to meet and get to know women in a more natural setting.

It’s all a recipe for disaster in the long term if something doesn’t change. But it’s not like mens troubles in general are a new thing. Sure, there have always been creeps, sex pests and perverts out there that repulse women, we all know that. Screw them. But if you take the time to talk to “incels“ I’m sure most of the time you’d find men that are just looking for companionship, someone to come home to, a means to secure a legacy through sons and daughters. Sure, sex too, but that doesn’t last forever and it’s far from the most important thing as we age. We live in such a hyperindividualistic society, but we are social beings at heart and we crave companionship, the companionship of the opposite sex more than anything, it’s fundamental to our nature. (Obviously true too for homosexuals but topic isn’t about that). Not achieving that leaves most people feeling empty.

Heres my story. Im in my late thirties, 5”3, balding, have narrow shoulders and a weird, very skinny body type that no amount of “hitting the gym” will fix. I have a weird looking face and my facial hair pattern is an absolute disaster so I can’t grow a beard lol. To say that these things simply don’t matter and to “try harder” is ignorant to the extreme. I work out all the time, am pretty fit, take care of myself, dress well. I didn’t go to college, but I make over 80k, have no debt and in general have pretty much all my ducks in a row. None of this has helped me. I’m also in management in my field which restricts me from potentially finding someone at work, and generally any other managers I work with are married and probably wouldn’t even be interested in me romantically to begin with if they weren’t.

To be fair, I’m also pretty socially awkward, but life molded me that way. Was bullied for most of my developing years for my appearance, have only had a handful of really close friends that have all long since moved away and started families, leaving me with no real social circle outside of my immediate family, thank god I atleast have that. I never had any strong male role model. My father bounced from one drug addiction to the next my entire life growing up, spent some time in jail and was largely a recluse, even to this day. I love him, he’s not a bad person at heart and I’m incredibly grateful my mom stuck it out, cleaned up his messes and is still with him, something you don’t see much anymore. But you really can’t make up for that lack of a positive paternal influence.

I’ve had one relationship in my life. Was married for about a year(the relationship was about three)around a decade ago to a woman that in hindsight basically used me to get out of another relationship(this was her MO but I was so attention starved and willing to fall for any woman that showed me attention that I failed to see the obvious.). Revealed she was cheating on me on my birthday, and that was the end of that. Was probably cheating nearly the entire time.

At this point in my life I’m pretty content. Like I said, I do well enough, all my material needs are covered. I’m not looking for pity by posting this. I’m actually a pretty self aware, positive dude despite what it may seem by posting this. I don’t hate women, but I recognize they certainly aren’t looking for me lol. I just wish people in this age were a little more understanding of peoples struggles. I’m sure there’s a particular formula someone in my situation and my life experience could do to find a mate that was acceptable to them, but the amount of effort and rejection I’d have to face to get there, at this point, I don't even know if it’s worth it.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I could never talk to 4 different girls at the same time. My head would explode.
They call it "roster dating" and it's definitely a more common thing these day, but it's probably a bad idea.

I had never dated this way, ever. I really never dated more than one girl at a time, although I was kind of a serial dater in my 20s. But then like 5 years ago I got out of a long relationship and moved to a new town and I was feeling myself and I decided I was just going to go out as much as I could.

It was messy, I was seeing at least 4 girls at any given time, and while I convinced myself I was dating in good faith and working towards a serious relationship, you can't really ever get there because there's always someone new and excited that you don't want to say goodbye to. It's this treadmill you can't get off.

If your dating 4 chicks you don't like any of them at least not seriously imo.

I dunno, for me the problem was more that I kind of liked all of them, and it was this decision paralysis.

Like I said, I had just gotten out of a big break up, though, and I didn't trust my own judgment about women as a result so I was constantly second guessing myself and afraid to choose.
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Gold Member
The best advice I can offer young guys who have no game, is to abandon the goal of getting a girlfriend, and instead try scaling things back to a much more achievable goal. Like just talking to a girl. Don't talk to her with the intention of flirting or asking her out. Just strike up a conversation. Go out and tell yourself "I'm going to chat with one girl tonight." If you do it, then great. Next try to chat to two girls the next night you got out. Then maybe chat with 3-5 girls total next week. If a girl is rude to you, then who cares? Not like you were trying to ask her out right? The idea is to grow accustomed to speaking with girls to help get over your anxiety and fear of rejection. You'll grow more experienced and learn more. As a result you'll eventually become less intimidated by women, which will in turn make you more confident and come across less nervous and creepy.

One day you might strike a conversation up with a girl who will be making it obvious she likes you. Hopefully you'll be experienced enough at the point to pick up the cues.
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