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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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If Danny Devito can find someone, no one has an excuse. This is one of those "If you think you can or can't, you're right" moments. If you refuse to budge from a mindset of "forever alone", I won't waste my time debating you.

Always with Danny Devito. Yes, one ugly, short, balding, funny millionaire celebrity managed to get married. I'm not him.

If I refuse to budge from a mindset? Reality is not a mindset, if I think something will happen doesn't change that it wont.


Thus the key word "naturally" in there. But, that negative attitude is a self-fulfilling prophecy of its own.

I have to agree with Zackie, those pictures are dark and most of them it's hard to make out. Also, I have a couple other questions...

- I'm a little confused with how you identified yourself. So, you're a transwoman that like women, correct? If so (or if not), it might help to be clear about that in your profile somewhere.
- Speaking of, why is it in Japanese? Unless you live in Japan and are just visiting the US... which I don't think you are? I really don't know. Anyway, make the profile in English if you are (it's not cute), and if you really do stay in Japan then you might want to try other dating apps, dunno how popular OKC is there.

i don't know why my profile is in japanese. i also don't remember posting it here. what happened last night o_O
Yes it is. I have not come even close to succeeding now after many attempts, when I am supposed to be in the prime of my life, how on earth can I succeed later? It is in fact much better to focus on other things knowing the amount of time and energy I'd waste desperately trying to find dates throughout my life.

And before you answer, most of my issues are things I can not change, like my height, facial structure and hair.

I have worked with what I have.

Can I ask why you're even this thread?

We try to do our best to help people, but the prerequisite for that is actually wanting help and having a willingness to take affirmative steps forward. Even if you wanted to date, the person you are today patently isn't ready to form a commitment with another human being.

But I will address one of your points. The "prime of your life" notion is bullshit. You're meant to improve, each and every day. Look at ZackieChan: an aging, balding, dad bod-rocking guy spent the past year cleaning up the Eastern Hemisphere, and now he's settled down into a relationship. Or me. I used to be every fucking NeoGAF stereotype, to include the copy of The Fountainhead on the bus.

Anyway, Happy 2017. I hope it's kinder to you than 2016, but you've got to work for it.


If your mindset is not ready for dating because of no self-esteem, depression, or hopelessness, the mental thread OT can probably help you better (or better yet, a therapist).
Tried online dating for a few months, so that no one can claim I didn't try every available option. "Shockingly" I had zero success.

Single for life, it isn't so bad once you accept it, I suppose. I will focus on just being healthy and finding a good career and friends.

I highly doubt it, and I am not doing the things to get a date, but for myself.

Negative attitude? What negative attitude? I am open to a relationship if I ever get a chance. I don't think I will, so I'm not holding my breath and I'll focus on other things, but I am in theory available to it.

I think realistically. And that isn't something I can just change.

Yes it is. I have not come even close to succeeding now after many attempts, when I am supposed to be in the prime of my life, how on earth can I succeed later? It is in fact much better to focus on other things knowing the amount of time and energy I'd waste desperately trying to find dates throughout my life.

And before you answer, most of my issues are things I can not change, like my height, facial structure and hair.

I have worked with what I have.

So what the fuck do you want from this thread?

Are you looking for sympathy? You won't get any.. You're being extremely pathetic right now with how you're behaving. Buck the fuck up and instead of always saying I've done this or I've done that, you keep fucking trying and trying. Shit doesn't just click into place after the first try, it's a daily struggle to make things work. It requires consistent effort with a positive frame of mind and approach to the situation.

Everyone has their moments where they think nothing will work, they'll be lonely for life, but it's entirely up to you if that's what really happens. Look at the people in this thread. We have had what seemed like lost causes go forth and actually start dating. They didn't bitch and cry about how they were doomed to be single for life, they listened, they took on board any advice they felt they could use and started to make changes they needed to. They didn't walk up on Monday, make some changes and have a girlfriend by Friday. It took them weeks, sometimes months, but as I said, these things take time and dedication.

Stop pitying yourself. It won't get you anywhere and it won't get you sympathy from others. If how you post here is how you behave in general, you're giving off negative vibes that no-one wants to be around.

You're self sabotaging in the worst kind of way.
Always with Danny Devito. Yes, one ugly, short, balding, funny millionaire celebrity managed to get married. I'm not him.

If I refuse to budge from a mindset? Reality is not a mindset, if I think something will happen doesn't change that it wont.

So you just wanna vent or?

I mean no one here is sweating it if you just decide it's over for you. Can't save someone who doesn't wanna be saved.

Your negativity wont be what denies you finding a girl but it will make it impossible to keep one. Your attitude does determine your lattitude man. Nobody wants to be surrounded by a pit of dark amd despair.

Work on you, see a professional if you have to. Find your passion for life. Then when you approach dating hopefully you are in a better mindset. Also. Dont "try" shit just to say you tried it lolol. No one cares that you say you did it. Trying once aint ever mean instant success.


i don't know why my profile is in japanese. i also don't remember posting it here. what happened last night o_O

Somebody had a few too many drinks on NYE :3~

You should figure out why it ended up in Japanese, though.

Also lol Agnostic (the user, not the mindset)


Somebody had a few too many drinks on NYE :3~

You should figure out why it ended up in Japanese, though.

Also lol Agnostic (the user, not the mindset)

i probably did it on purpose. i'm obsessed with vaporwave lately so i probably thought it was be a good idea to have it in Japanese. I have fixed it now.


I don’t mean to ask about that girl once again, but I’m curious as to what to do.

We’ve been messaging each other quite a bit recently after the previous lull leading up to her trip back home to the States, but I’m wondering if I should ask her out again just yet? This week she has a friend staying over, and then the following 2 weeks her parents are staying over. She previously said on the last date that she probably wouldn’t be able to meet up in January because of this and exams, so I’m not quite sure if I should take the initiative and just see if she wants to meet up? Normally I’d be assertive, but a part of me feels I should leave it up to her in this instance...

In other news I’ve been chatting to a few girls on Tinder (along with Bumble, surprisingly), and whilst it’s probably a bit too premature (I’m still not in the clear over Mono...), it’s certainly been good on the mind.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
To be fair, it is impressive to be able to drunk type coherently(big assumption) an okcupid profile in a different language and not be able to recall it.
So just signed up for meetup but looking through it there doesnt seem like there is much going on. Is this something others have found with it? I didnt want to go straight to the more direct dating sites, meetup seemed more casual and chances of catfishing i suppose are low haha. Am i being to paranoid about being catfished arent I ? Should I skip it and go more direct?


So just signed up for meetup but looking through it there doesnt seem like there is much going on. Is this something others have found with it? I didnt want to go straight to the more direct dating sites, meetup seemed more casual and chances of catfishing i suppose are low haha. Am i being to paranoid about being catfished arent I ? Should I skip it and go more direct?

Meetup isn't an online dating thing >.>

It's to meet new people in general, and its activity depends on where you live. It's trying to gain steam in my area, for example, but I guess people are too invested in school groups/events to give it much of a try.

If you want to actually meet people to date, you kinda need to use a dating app, unless there's a singles Meetup group. And yes, you're overly concerned about catfishing.
I don’t mean to ask about that girl once again, but I’m curious as to what to do.

We’ve been messaging each other quite a bit recently after the previous lull leading up to her trip back home to the States, but I’m wondering if I should ask her out just yet? This week she has a friend staying over, and then the following 2 weeks her parents are staying over. She previously said on the last date that she probably wouldn’t be able to meet up in January because of this and exams, so I’m not quite sure if I should take the initiative and just ask her out? Normally I’d be assertive, but a part of me feels I should leave it up to her in this instance...

Ask her out? I thought you were dating??? Anyway, an entire month where she can't make time to see you, frankly I would just leave the ball in her court while you talk to others.

In other news I’ve been chatting to a few girls on Tinder (along with Bumble, surprisingly), and whilst it’s probably a bit too premature (I’m still not in the clear over Mono...), it’s certainly been good on the mind.

Right? Plenty of fish in the sea.


Have a date with a girl who's into similar stuff I am into. Shes nerdy, pretty, and into video games. Pretty excited. She seems super nice and normal too which is good. I haven't been on a real date in a while, so I'm sure it'll go superr smoothly...

Also might-have kind-of developed a physical attraction to one of my closest girl friends. But I sure as hell don't want to burn that bridge. Drunk me on the other hand isn't the smartest of people, and kind of insinuated something of the sort a few nights ago. The good thing is I'm often flirty like that with everyone so it's less obvious. But seeing her afterwards I'm a tad afraid she's into it, which I can't blame her for... I'm pretty charming and handsome.
I'd also like some feedback with my okcupid profile, please. I'm registered for a while there already but nothing came from it so far.

Quote for the link

You look good. I don't usually concern myself with the text so much, but you should have a close up photo and one of you doing something non-bro. Maybe cooking!

Yes it is. I have not come even close to succeeding now after many attempts, when I am supposed to be in the prime of my life, how on earth can I succeed later? It is in fact much better to focus on other things knowing the amount of time and energy I'd waste desperately trying to find dates throughout my life.

And before you answer, most of my issues are things I can not change, like my height, facial structure and hair.

You are no doubt exaggerating everything. "Many attempts" after a "few months" of trying online dating? That's nothing. You can do this.
Ramit Sethi has some guidelines for posting questions in his course Facebook groups, which I think are good in general. You can't just ask a question. You need to describe what steps you've taken so far, what your question is, and a few possible answers that you've come up with. Otherwise you will be told to gtfo and repost the right way. I think that kind of guideline would be extremely helpful here. All your posts just contain complaining and no details about what you've actually tried. How can we help you?

But I will address one of your points. The "prime of your life" notion is bullshit. You're meant to improve, each and every day. Look at ZackieChan: an aging, balding, dad bod-rocking guy spent the past year cleaning up the Eastern Hemisphere, and now he's settled down into a relationship. Or me. I used to be every fucking NeoGAF stereotype, to include the copy of The Fountainhead on the bus.
Not sure whether to laugh or cry, but you're right. I'm 38, and 35 until now has been the prime of my life. It's awesome.

I don’t mean to ask about that girl once again, but I’m curious as to what to do.

We’ve been messaging each other quite a bit recently after the previous lull leading up to her trip back home to the States, but I’m wondering if I should ask her out just yet? This week she has a friend staying over, and then the following 2 weeks her parents are staying over. She previously said on the last date that she probably wouldn’t be able to meet up in January because of this and exams, so I’m not quite sure if I should take the initiative and just ask her out? Normally I’d be assertive, but a part of me feels I should leave it up to her in this instance...

In other news I’ve been chatting to a few girls on Tinder (along with Bumble, surprisingly), and whilst it’s probably a bit too premature (I’m still not in the clear over Mono...), it’s certainly been good on the mind.

I also thought you two were already dating. But either way, just ask her out. Jesus Christ, it's in the thread title.


You are no doubt exaggerating everything. "Many attempts" after a "few months" of trying online dating? That's nothing. You can do this.

Word. Me finding a relationship has taken anything from 1 month to 12 months of active searching.

Yes, it's stupid and difficult and rejections fuck your feelings up until suddenly you're happiest ever for finding that one right person, and it can last for many many years.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
So much weird stuff happened this last week, I don't even know where to start.

At a new job site, second one in the month. They have a group of people learning the computer system to do the job, day one I'm sitting in the back, trying to avoid contact with anyone with whom it's not absolutely necessary. That utterly fails, as they have a "teambuilding" exercise where everybody has to get up and talk to a bunch of people in the room.

Though I do try not to interact with people, I do watch them. I want to see what people are like so that when I do have to talk to them I know what to expect. So, we're going around the ring, and when I get to this one woman she just starts acting weird. Weird look in her eye, throwing her head back and forth and side to side as she talks, body waggling in the strangest manner I've seen in a long time. I'm thinking to my self "did this chick just get done doing drugs in the bathroom?" I make a note to my self to keep an eye on her for the rest of the night, watching people on drugs at work can at times be an interesting distraction and I want to see where this goes, especially since it's the first day.

But I move on to the next person, and watching out of the corner of my eye I see all that has stopped. I assume, from past experience, that maybe she's just some red state ruralton, never been around anyone who's not white, and my not quite whiteness made her nervous or scared her. That's alright, it's happened before, and I won't have to deal with her much longer anyway.

I end up talking to another girl, funny, says interesting stuff, likes video games, general cuteness. The exercise continues until we get back on task and start learning about the computer system again.

The second day the computer I've been using shits the bed. So do all the others in the back row. I get up to look for a computer that works. I end up sitting next to the second girl. We talk more, she's still funny, still interesting, still pleasant to be around. Towards the end of the day she says she's hungry, I say we should go eat after work. She agrees. We get food, I take her home.

Third day, they say they've fixed the computers. They have not fixed the computers. I go back to the seat next to the second girl. That computer is also now not working. I move down one seat. The first girl comes in, sits down between me and the second girl, and now the computer is working. Well damn. First girl, sitting next to me starts acting weird again, but not so bad as last time. I think "alright, maybe I can put her at ease and she won't be jittering like a crankhead all night." I start talking to her, telling jokes, being friendly, hoping she will relax. Second girl does. not. dig. this. Gives me a weird look.

The second girl is really young, out of high school but a teenager. In spite of that I do think she's attractive, but I'm thinking she may be young enough not to have had enough experience with unfounded envy/jealousy to throw it aside. I don't want to be overt at work though, so I try to point out things that show why I wouldn't be interested in the first girl in a natural way. I point out her wedding ring. It's a genuine point of conversation because it is unusual, the band is some kind of clear material. This backfired on me. I don't think the first girl was afraid of me, because when I mention her wedding ring she takes it off, puts it in my hand and then starts leaning on me. What the fuck. The second girl really didn't like that. She also didn't seem to notice how chagrined I was at it. As the day goes on, the first girl's computer goes on the fritz again. Any time she needs to look at someone else's monitor she turns towards mine, every time she leans on me again.
So what the fuck do you want from this thread?

Are you looking for sympathy? You won't get any.. You're being extremely pathetic right now with how you're behaving. Buck the fuck up and instead of always saying I've done this or I've done that, you keep fucking trying and trying. Shit doesn't just click into place after the first try, it's a daily struggle to make things work. It requires consistent effort with a positive frame of mind and approach to the situation.

Everyone has their moments where they think nothing will work, they'll be lonely for life, but it's entirely up to you if that's what really happens. Look at the people in this thread. We have had what seemed like lost causes go forth and actually start dating. They didn't bitch and cry about how they were doomed to be single for life, they listened, they took on board any advice they felt they could use and started to make changes they needed to. They didn't walk up on Monday, make some changes and have a girlfriend by Friday. It took them weeks, sometimes months, but as I said, these things take time and dedication.

Stop pitying yourself. It won't get you anywhere and it won't get you sympathy from others. If how you post here is how you behave in general, you're giving off negative vibes that no-one wants to be around.

You're self sabotaging in the worst kind of way.

I only made a short post explaining why I'd stop trying to date. After that I responded to each post claiming that wasn't the right thing to do, because I guess I thought replying to me meant wanting to engage in conversation?

Fuck you and your hostility, but I never meant to post more than the original message.


Ask her out? I thought you were dating??? Anyway, an entire month where she can't make time to see you, frankly I would just leave the ball in her court while you talk to others.

I also thought you two were already dating. But either way, just ask her out. Jesus Christ, it's in the thread title.
We are dating, I just worded it badly. I can see why my post would've lead you guys to believe that with what I said...

I did think of just leaving it in her court (as Gotdatmoney said), since if she's truly interested in meeting up this month she'd at the very least make time to see me.
I only made a short post explaining why I'd stop trying to date. After that I responded to each post claiming that wasn't the right thing to do, because I guess I thought replying to me meant wanting to engage in conversation?

Fuck you and your hostility, but I never meant to post more than the original message.

You came in here to proclaim you've given up on dating and that no-one should suggest anything because you've tried online dating too and shockingly had no results.

So what? That means you give up? Shit doesn't just happen. Let's see your profile, we can help you change it so it's more appealing. You claim your problems are things you can't fix like your looks, so let's see a pic and see what you really look like, because I don't believe your looks are as big of a problem as you suggest and again, looks are something you can work with if you have an attractive personality but you don't seem to have that either because all you do is give out negative vibes.

We can try to help, but if all you're going to do is wallow in your self pity and cry about how you can't get anywhere, what do you expect anyone to do? We can't force you to change, we can't get out there and micromanage your dating life for you. So what was the point of posting here if you didn't want help or advice?
It's always the same. Whenever anyone blames their looks for their problems dating they always end up being ok looking. In fact with some of the posters in dating gaf they end up actually being damn attractive.

The problem is almost always a negative mindset and the individual not being happy with their own lives. If you're not happy with yourself, don't feel confident and don't think you're very interesting you can't expect other people want to date you.
No doubt that IAmAnAgnostic has used his pity party to get attention from women, but it's not the right type of attention and that's not going to turn into a dating opportunity. Everything is everybody else's fault except his, even his physical attributes are not his fault but that of genes.

Until IAmAnAgnostic matures he's not worth dating because of his attitude and not because of any other reason. This is a warning to any other Gaffer that can see themselves in him and are dateless.
So much weird stuff happened this last week, I don't even know where to start.

At a new job site, second one in the month. They have a group of people learning the computer system to do the job, day one I'm sitting in the back, trying to avoid contact with anyone with whom it's not absolutely necessary. That utterly fails, as they have a "teambuilding" exercise where everybody has to get up and talk to a bunch of people in the room.

Though I do try not to interact with people, I do watch them. I want to see what people are like so that when I do have to talk to them I know what to expect. So, we're going around the ring, and when I get to this one woman she just starts acting weird. Weird look in her eye, throwing her head back and forth and side to side as she talks, body waggling in the strangest manner I've seen in a long time. I'm thinking to my self "did this chick just get done doing drugs in the bathroom?" I make a note to my self to keep an eye on her for the rest of the night, watching people on drugs at work can at times be an interesting distraction and I want to see where this goes, especially since it's the first day.

But I move on to the next person, and watching out of the corner of my eye I see all that has stopped. I assume, from past experience, that maybe she's just some red state ruralton, never been around anyone who's not white, and my not quite whiteness made her nervous or scared her. That's alright, it's happened before, and I won't have to deal with her much longer anyway.

I end up talking to another girl, funny, says interesting stuff, likes video games, general cuteness. The exercise continues until we get back on task and start learning about the computer system again.

The second day the computer I've been using shits the bed. So do all the others in the back row. I get up to look for a computer that works. I end up sitting next to the second girl. We talk more, she's still funny, still interesting, still pleasant to be around. Towards the end of the day she says she's hungry, I say we should go eat after work. She agrees. We get food, I take her home.

Third day, they say they've fixed the computers. They have not fixed the computers. I go back to the seat next to the second girl. That computer is also now not working. I move down one seat. The first girl comes in, sits down between me and the second girl, and now the computer is working. Well damn. First girl, sitting next to me starts acting weird again, but not so bad as last time. I think "alright, maybe I can put her at ease and she won't be jittering like a crankhead all night." I start talking to her, telling jokes, being friendly, hoping she will relax. Second girl does. not. dig. this. Gives me a weird look.

The second girl is really young, out of high school but a teenager. In spite of that I do think she's attractive, but I'm thinking she may be young enough not to have had enough experience with unfounded envy/jealousy to throw it aside. I don't want to be overt at work though, so I try to point out things that show why I wouldn't be interested in the first girl in a natural way. I point out her wedding ring. It's a genuine point of conversation because it is unusual, the band is some kind of clear material. This backfired on me. I don't think the first girl was afraid of me, because when I mention her wedding ring she takes it off, puts it in my hand and then starts leaning on me. What the fuck. The second girl really didn't like that. She also didn't seem to notice how chagrined I was at it. As the day goes on, the first girl's computer goes on the fritz again. Any time she needs to look at someone else's monitor she turns towards mine, every time she leans on me again.

Sounds like you need to step up your flirting game on the second girl, and go on a date.
So much weird stuff happened this last week, I don't even know where to start.

None of that is particularly weird, man. You're giving off those "space alien discovers earthlings and tried to interact" vibes again, like many of your other threads. Hope girl 2 is into that Third Rock From The Sun thing.
So much weird stuff happened this last week, I don't even know where to start.

At a new job site, second one in the month. They have a group of people learning the computer system to do the job, day one I'm sitting in the back, trying to avoid contact with anyone with whom it's not absolutely necessary. That utterly fails, as they have a "teambuilding" exercise where everybody has to get up and talk to a bunch of people in the room.

Though I do try not to interact with people, I do watch them. I want to see what people are like so that when I do have to talk to them I know what to expect. So, we're going around the ring, and when I get to this one woman she just starts acting weird. Weird look in her eye, throwing her head back and forth and side to side as she talks, body waggling in the strangest manner I've seen in a long time. I'm thinking to my self "did this chick just get done doing drugs in the bathroom?" I make a note to my self to keep an eye on her for the rest of the night, watching people on drugs at work can at times be an interesting distraction and I want to see where this goes, especially since it's the first day.

But I move on to the next person, and watching out of the corner of my eye I see all that has stopped. I assume, from past experience, that maybe she's just some red state ruralton, never been around anyone who's not white, and my not quite whiteness made her nervous or scared her. That's alright, it's happened before, and I won't have to deal with her much longer anyway.

I end up talking to another girl, funny, says interesting stuff, likes video games, general cuteness. The exercise continues until we get back on task and start learning about the computer system again.

The second day the computer I've been using shits the bed. So do all the others in the back row. I get up to look for a computer that works. I end up sitting next to the second girl. We talk more, she's still funny, still interesting, still pleasant to be around. Towards the end of the day she says she's hungry, I say we should go eat after work. She agrees. We get food, I take her home.

Third day, they say they've fixed the computers. They have not fixed the computers. I go back to the seat next to the second girl. That computer is also now not working. I move down one seat. The first girl comes in, sits down between me and the second girl, and now the computer is working. Well damn. First girl, sitting next to me starts acting weird again, but not so bad as last time. I think "alright, maybe I can put her at ease and she won't be jittering like a crankhead all night." I start talking to her, telling jokes, being friendly, hoping she will relax. Second girl does. not. dig. this. Gives me a weird look.

The second girl is really young, out of high school but a teenager. In spite of that I do think she's attractive, but I'm thinking she may be young enough not to have had enough experience with unfounded envy/jealousy to throw it aside. I don't want to be overt at work though, so I try to point out things that show why I wouldn't be interested in the first girl in a natural way. I point out her wedding ring. It's a genuine point of conversation because it is unusual, the band is some kind of clear material. This backfired on me. I don't think the first girl was afraid of me, because when I mention her wedding ring she takes it off, puts it in my hand and then starts leaning on me. What the fuck. The second girl really didn't like that. She also didn't seem to notice how chagrined I was at it. As the day goes on, the first girl's computer goes on the fritz again. Any time she needs to look at someone else's monitor she turns towards mine, every time she leans on me again.

Straight up you seem like the only one here who is acting very strange. These are just people. The way you are talking would make it seem like shit has taken place on another planet.

You should just go to the girl you were interested in and ask her on a date. That is it. And lose this whole "everyonr is a weird specimen and only I am normal" vibe. Holy is that irritating.
In AD!2017 news, my girl just left for a weeklong business trip. We're exclusive and there was a one-off "if we break up" comment from her end, we're definitively in that gray area that's inching towards official status, including meeting friends, which is supposed to happen soon.

It's just utterly unpresidented for things to be progressing so smoothly and quickly -- and mutually, along with me reaching "no filter" status. This is usually when I start second-guessing myself, latch on to a minor problem, and blow it out of proportion. Not going to do that this time!

Unfortunately, now it's another 8 days, and we don't really text much.
Talked to a no face on OKC.

Wont upload pics because she wants to know someone through chat first.

Eventually sends pics on imgur, she's really hot, way outta my league. Pretty sure she's fake but I sent pics back and nothing came up on reverse google images anyway.

So What's the deal? She also talks like an anime character.

You know:


"Guys will say SHOW. BEWBZ" and stuff like that


Talked to a no face on OKC.

Wont upload pics because she wants to know someone through chat first.

Eventually sends pics on imgur, she's really hot, way outta my league. Pretty sure she's fake but I sent pics back and nothing came up on reverse google images anyway.

So What's the deal? She also talks like an anime character.

You know:


"Guys will say SHOW. BEWBZ" and stuff like that

She is a guy that loves hentai
Well she thinks Im cute. I am almost certain this is a fake profile. She's nerdy, and really hot, and theres no way Im on the same level, or that she's so interested based on a 30 min convo about nerdy things.

I did once speak to a really pretty girl in the same way, she turned out to be real and we added each other on Facebook after hitting off a good convo first and trading pics later, but she ghosted me immediately.

Im just really sure this is too good to be real
Does she has a facebook? Ask it out idk.

Well right before I asked for pics, she said she needed to go out and that shed talk to me later. Already sent her two messages and will wait for a response first.

Facebook sounds like the best thing to ask for, or an Instagram, but Im feeling really stupid because I just know there's something off here.


Well right before I asked for pics, she said she needed to go out and that shed talk to me later. Already sent her two messages and will wait for a response first.

Facebook sounds like the best thing to ask for, or an Instagram, but Im feeling really stupid because I just know there's something off here.


Stay safe mate!


Well right before I asked for pics, she said she needed to go out and that shed talk to me later. Already sent her two messages and will wait for a response first.

Facebook sounds like the best thing to ask for, or an Instagram, but Im feeling really stupid because I just know there's something off here.

What do you have to lose? Time?
Hope for the best, expect the worst; Keep expectations low and you'll be fine.

Edit : Red flags are abound so I'd assume fake too, but if you're smart - dont give money, harmful info, meet until it's clear she's real etc - then no reason to not have fun with it.

I am almost certain this is a fake profile. She's nerdy, and really hot, and theres no way Im on the same level, ...
Im just really sure this is too good to be real

Cut that "level" nonsense now.
What do you have to lose? Time?
Hope for the best, expect the worst; Keep expectations low and you'll be fine.

Edit : Red flags are abound so I'd assume fake too, but if you're smart - dont give money, harmful info, meet until it's clear she's real etc - then no reason to not have fun with it

Cut that "level" nonsense now.

Haha, I dont think it's nonsense. Not trying to put myself down, but I absolutely know my place and that's okay. Doesn't mean I wont try, but Im going to be self conscious about what kind of people Im talking to. There are some very interesting profiles out there and I know I cant match some people.

At this point, Im just really concerned because I linked my pics...just curious what catfish do with them.

Anyways, she's still online but ignoring me. Think Im going to ask for a Facebook and leave It at that. Maybe she just wasnt attracted to my pics, and thats okay too. I'm just paranoid about getting catfished I guess


Haha, I dont think it's nonsense. Not trying to put myself down, but I absolutely know my place and that's okay. Doesn't mean I wont try, but Im going to be self conscious about what kind of people Im talking to. There are some very interesting profiles out there and I know I cant match some people.

At this point, Im just really concerned because I linked my pics...just curious what catfish do with them.

Anyways, she's still online but ignoring me. Think Im going to ask for a Facebook and leave It at that. Maybe she just wasnt attracted to my pics, and thats okay too. I'm just paranoid about getting catfished I guess

You met on OKC, right? She already has your pics, without having to contact you. As long as you don't admit to anything crazy (diaper play), there's nothing embarassing they can use to blackmail you. Just ask her out for coffee or drinks. If she's not who she says she is, all you're out is parking.
You met on OKC, right? She already has your pics, without having to contact you. As long as you don't admit to anything crazy (diaper play), there's nothing embarassing they can use to blackmail you. Just ask her out for coffee or drinks. If she's not who she says she is, all you're out is parking.

I know you're right. It's just that I work in a field where online dating isn't easy. I never leave pics up and aways message people without pics and only put pics up when Im online, so most dont see my face.

Im just way too careful, despite others in my profession openly having dating profiles.

It sucks, but Im too scared about my job. But thanks, Ill ask her out and see if I can get her Facebook.


I know you're right. It's just that I work in a field where online dating isn't easy. I never leave pics up and aways message people without pics and only put pics up when Im online, so most dont see my face.

Im just way too careful, despite others in my profession openly having dating profiles.

It sucks, but Im too scared about my job. But thanks, Ill ask her out and see if I can get her Facebook.

What the hell is your job?
What the hell is your job?

Teacher. I once matched with a student and didn't even know it. She was 20 (graduated), I was 25, and I was a student teacher when she was in high school and recognized me. Didn't tell me for like 2 days. Thankfully, I was pretty PG (tinder).
Casual Friend's parents asked her to ask me to come to dinner tonight cause they're cooking steaks.

I think her parents like me more than she does. But fuck it, I ain't turning down free filet mignon.
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