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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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All that is easier said then done.

Building a foundation takes time. If you think you're depressed see a doctor though. That is priority number 1.

After that I suggest looking for a physical activity you enjoy (hiking, soccer, cycling etc) and trying to do that a few times a week.
Gonna echo this. You are your own worst enemy. Not doing anything is the easy way out. Believe me when I say that your situation will not improve if you yourself don't improve as well. If you aren't happy about yourself, others won't either.

Time to work from the bottom up:

- Develop a diet and log your improvements, showing how much healthier you are eating

- Work out. Again, I recommend P90X or P90X3 if you don't want to hit the gym. These are very effective and can show results in 90 days if you stick to the plan.

- I was depressed not too long ago. Talk to someone. If you don't have someone to talk to, seek professional help.

Going to the gym isn't really the problem. I've been there plenty of times in the past. Use to go all the time last year but I just don't have the drive anymore.
Building a foundation takes time. If you think you're depressed see a doctor though. That is priority number 1.

After that I suggest looking for a physical activity you enjoy (hiking, soccer, cycling etc) and trying to do that a few times a week.

I'm sorry but I don't even really know what I like anymore.

Edit: sorry for the multiple post. On mobile and coping text is difficult.
I went there to check up on her profile. I had a weird feeling so I was right after all

This isn't normal behaviour, especially after just two dates. I don't care if you had sex or she talked about the future, you really shouldn't be stalking someone online like this.
Hey I'm posting here because I don't really know what to do. Broke up with my gf a long time ago and I still miss her everyday. Been feeling lost without her and dont know what to do with myself. I hear going to the gym helps but my job is physically demanding and by the time my work day is over I'm to tired to go, and I'm overweight because I eat alot, I think it's because of my depression. Anyway any advice guys? Also no she won't talk to me or anything. Talking to her again is not an option. She has shut me completely out of her life.

All that is easier said then done.

I'm 25 now
We dated off and on for 3 years
AND she broke up with me.

I guess I can work out more.

Going to the gym isn't really the problem. I've been there plenty of times in the past. Use to go all the time last year but I just don't have the drive anymore.

I'm sorry but I don't even really know what I like anymore.

Edit: sorry for the multiple post. On mobile and coping text is difficult.

You're 25 years old for fuck sake and you're acting like someone in their late forties who has just been divorced by his wife and is now stuck in a one bedroom apartment with a receding hairline and a beer gut.

You're literally just starting out in the world of dating and relationships. So you lost someone you loved. Happens to everyone, what you can't do is become a pathetic shell of a person who just sits around and cries about how they wish things could go back to how they were.

She's gone, she's never going to come back. Doesn't mean you have to forget her, but it does mean you have to move on and grow as a person. Take the lessons learned from that relationship, work on your issues and maybe the next one will be better and the one after that too.

Stop with the wishy washy bullshit. If you're job is physically demanding, change your eating habits so you won't need to visit the gym as regularly and even then, I'd say at 25 you shouldn't be at a point where you're too tired to do more than just work and eat. Make some changes, don't keep looking for excuses and putting it off.


Damn Miles, I wish I had your dialogue about three years ago. It's sound, direct, and needs to be said.


You know, I made a decent-sized thread here about my long-term breakup then and I now wonder how that environment differs from now. How the advice and approach changed..? This thread wasn't around.
You're 25 years old for fuck sake and you're acting like someone in their late forties who has just been divorced by his wife and is now stuck in a one bedroom apartment with a receding hairline and a beer gut.

You're literally just starting out in the world of dating and relationships. So you lost someone you loved. Happens to everyone, what you can't do is become a pathetic shell of a person who just sits around and cries about how they wish things could go back to how they were.

She's gone, she's never going to come back. Doesn't mean you have to forget her, but it does mean you have to move on and grow as a person. Take the lessons learned from that relationship, work on your issues and maybe the next one will be better and the one after that too.

Stop with the wishy washy bullshit. If you're job is physically demanding, change your eating habits so you won't need to visit the gym as regularly and even then, I'd say at 25 you shouldn't be at a point where you're too tired to do more than just work and eat. Make some changes, don't keep looking for excuses and putting it off.

I'm gonna try man but I know myself and I'm pretty weak willed right now.


How did you get on with this?

... and this?

This is basically the situation I'm in. The whole other colleagues encouraging it thing is making it really difficult. Constant little comments about us...

I mean, I would just say something but she sits next to me in the office so she's 100% unavoidable if it went badly.

I stuck to my principles and did/said nothing. I have, honestly for unrelated reasons, got a new job that starts in February.

It hurts, it is really, really hard but it is for the best. I don't think people here, when I tried to explain, got how difficult it is when you see the person for hours a day, every single day. Or maybe people here find it really easy to sweep their feelings under a rug.

So I'm sorry. I have no advice. I guess there's no way you can change desk, for the small amount of relief that would give?


I stuck to my principles and did/said nothing. I have, honestly for unrelated reasons, got a new job that starts in February.

It hurts, it is really, really hard but it is for the best. I don't think people here, when I tried to explain, got how difficult it is when you see the person for hours a day, every single day. Or maybe people here find it really easy to sweep their feelings under a rug.

So I'm sorry. I have no advice. I guess there's no way you can change desk, for the small amount of relief that would give?

Thanks, that's still helpful. Bit more context on the previous page if you missed it.

I feel like I've been at the say nothing stage for a while though and it's driving me mad. Maybe it will be easier when I'm back at work in the new year. I'm trying not to talk to her until then unless she does first, can't really ignore her.
I don't think people here, when I tried to explain, got how difficult it is when you see the person for hours a day, every single day.

Eh we understood. Statements like this are so "I'm a special snowflake". You're not, we have read a million situations like yours. We have been in your exact situation personally. Just because something is difficuly it doesnt mean it doesnt need to be done.

Would you rather have been told "yeah that is an impossible situation, you're basically fucked"?


We just kind talk about life and she teases me sometimes.


Just say that god wants you two to go on a date or something. Sounds like she's interested on some level to talk with you every day.
I just lurk this and most front page threads but as I tell all my students, don't compel yourself to feel happy if it's not what you feel like being. Taking in a day, even a week, to feel sad or angry over something or someone is pretty damn healthy despite anyone saying otherwise.

Anyway, good luck in your guys' and gals' endeavors.


Eh we understood. Statements like this are so "I'm a special snowflake". You're not, we have read a million situations like yours. We have been in your exact situation personally. Just because something is difficuly it doesnt mean it doesnt need to be done.

Would you rather have been told "yeah that is an impossible situation, you're basically fucked"?

You conveniently left off the second sentence, "Or maybe people here find it really easy to sweep their feelings under a rug". Some people handle situations better than others. Doesn't make me special or anything, but one thing I have learnt lurking for a long time in this thread is that some people get over things and bounce back way quicker than others. Oh and those people genuinely don't seem to understand why everyone can't act that way.

Again, nothing special about that. It is just what it is. People be different. Personally I am quite a closed off person (a few very bad relationships, including being cheated on by a fiancée, have made me very wary and so it tends to take a LOT to open me up) and so when I fall I really fall. And the further you fall the harder it is to get up.


Thanks, that's still helpful. Bit more context on the previous page if you missed it.

I feel like I've been at the say nothing stage for a while though and it's driving me mad. Maybe it will be easier when I'm back at work in the new year. I'm trying not to talk to her until then unless she does first, can't really ignore her.

Yeah, I did after I replied. I really should learn to read to the end of the thread before replying. I've only been using internet forums for a couple of decades ...

I've done all sorts of things. I tried genuinely avoiding her completely, but then you end up having to avoid all your friends because they all hang out together. I've tried not initiating contact, but then she contacts me. I tried to not be alone with her, but you can't help that.

But unlike others, I will say it. It is shit and it continues to be shit until you find some way to deal with it. And the best way to deal with it is to find someone else.
You conveniently left off the second sentence, "Or maybe people here find it really easy to sweep their feelings under a rug".

I left it out because it is basically an extention of "I'm a special snowflake". Do you think all the people in this thread magically just got to the point wjere nothing ever bothered them? Do you think nothing ever bothers them now? You are projecting this idea that people just got to that point without ever struggling. Eh, newsflash, the vast majority were in your position and learned how to deal. It wasn't god given.

Some people handle situations better than others. Doesn't make me special or anything, but one thing I have learnt lurking for a long time in this thread is that some people get over things and bounce back way quicker than others.

Yes obviously people are different. But you are not getting advice from people who never had problems ever. Yiu are getting it from eople who were in situations like yours and found ways to work to where they are now.

Oh and those people genuinely don't seem to understand why everyone can't act that way.

Mmmkay not gonna touch that.

Again, nothing special about that. It is just what it is. People be different. Personally I am quite a closed off person (a few very bad relationships, including being cheated on by a fiancée, have made me very wary and so it tends to take a LOT to open me up) and so when I fall I really fall. And the further you fall the harder it is to get up.

Okay well unless you type out a life story we can only go off what you have posted comtext or not. What advice are you looking for exactly that wasnt addressed? Do you think you fall out of love gently or? How would you prefer it was stated to you? Genuine question.


I left it out because it is basically an extention of "I'm a special snowflake". Do you think all the people in this thread magically just got to the point wjere nothing ever bothered them? Do you think nothing ever bothers them now? You are projecting this idea that people just got to that point without ever atruggling. Eh, newsflash, the vast majority were in your position and learned how to deal.

No it isn't as it doesn't imply that I am somehow different or special. There's loads of people like me. Loads.

Yes obviously people are different. But you are not getting advice from people who never had problems ever. Yiu are getting it from eople who were in situations like yours and found ways to work to where they are now.

Did you see me continue to talk about this? Did I go on and on about how wrong you all were? No. Surprise, surprise, I took the advice on board. I even told the friend that was trying to get me to do something that I was uncomfortable with that the internet had spoken and I was continuing with my original plan of doing nothing.

I think what I am trying to say is that sometimes on here there is a lack of empathy. How you say things is as important as what you say. Half the responses I got were just "you sound like a fucking crazy person", which may have been true but frankly doesn't help anyone. There was a lack of empathy, people trying to understand why I had got to the position I was in. And yes, that then makes you feel as if some people genuinely do not understand what the situation is like and how difficult it is to get out of.

Mmmkay not gonna touch that.

Sorry, just calling it as I see it.

Okay well unless you type out a life story we can only go off what you have posted comtext or not. What advice are you looking for exactly that wasnt addressed? Do you think you fall out of love gently or? How would you prefer it was stated to you? Genuine question.

As I said (and did actually post earlier), I took on board the advice. The overwhelming majority of those that weren't just mocking me was what I felt myself. The spanner in the works was the friend that was trying to make me do something else.

My issue is with those whose response to someone that was struggling to deal with someone that they had fallen for who not only was in a relationship but genuinely couldn't escape (work doesn't really let you avoid people just 'cos you have a thing for them) was "you sound like a crazy person".

Well newsflash, feelings have a weird tendency to do that.
No it isn't as it doesn't imply that I am somehow different or special. There's loads of people like me. Loads.

Did you see me continue to talk about this? Did I go on and on about how wrong you all were? No. Surprise, surprise, I took the advice on board. I even told the friend that was trying to get me to do something that I was uncomfortable with that the internet had spoken and I was continuing with my original plan of doing nothing.

I think what I am trying to say is that sometimes on here there is a lack of empathy. How you say things is as important as what you say. Half the responses I got were just "you sound like a fucking crazy person", which may have been true but frankly doesn't help anyone. There was a lack of empathy, people trying to understand why I had got to the position I was in. And yes, that then makes you feel as if some people genuinely do not understand what the situation is like and how difficult it is to get out of.

Sorry, just calling it as I see it.

As I said (and did actually post earlier), I took on board the advice. The overwhelming majority of those that weren't just mocking me was what I felt myself. The spanner in the works was the friend that was trying to make me do something else.

My issue is with those whose response to someone that was struggling to deal with someone that they had fallen for who not only was in a relationship but genuinely couldn't escape (work doesn't really let you avoid people just 'cos you have a thing for them) was "you sound like a crazy person".

Well newsflash, feelings have a weird tendency to do that.

I want you to re-read your posts, you came off as someone who was seriously close to the edge in the worst kind of way. The things you were saying were alarming.

You're asking for people to understand what you were going through and a few of us did, at least initially, but then you kept ratcheting it up with your posts and how you were feeling. That kind of behaviour shouldn't be empathised with, ever, it's not healthy and it should be called out for what it is in the hopes that the person will realise just how far they've gone and start working on reeling their crazy back in.
No it isn't as it doesn't imply that I am somehow different or special. There's loads of people like me. Loads.

I'm not gonna go in circle on this. I will just say that implying people really find it easy to sweep shit under the rug has an implied snark to it. If you don't see it shrug. End of the day I dont really care either way.

Did you see me continue to talk about this? Did I go on and on about how wrong you all were? No. Surprise, surprise, I took the advice on board. I even told the friend that was trying to get me to do something that I was uncomfortable with that the internet had spoken and I was continuing with my original plan of doing nothing.

Nothing in my post implied you didnt try. It plainly stated you are getting advice from people who had issues just like you and the advice they are givimg is coming directly from a place of experience. They didnt just get over shit instantly.

I think what I am trying to say is that sometimes on here there is a lack of empathy. How you say things is as important as what you say. Half the responses I got were just "you sound like a fucking crazy person", which may have been true but frankly doesn't help anyone. There was a lack of empathy, people trying to understand why I had got to the position I was in. And yes, that then makes you feel as if some people genuinely do not understand what the situation is like and how difficult it is to get out of.

There is a value to being told you are acting stupid when that is actually what is occuring. Sometimes 2000 word essays are not necessary for everyhing. Not to point you out specifically but some of the stuff posted here . . . It does beg the question "has no one told you this is ridiculous?"

On your situation specifically though it is basically I have feelings for a girl I worm closely with and she has a bf. If you arent willing to make the hard choices like branching out friends to avoid or trying to pivot away from her there isnt much to say.

Imo the real issue is that I think that you need to be able to put people in categories. It takes time and understanding of people and dynamics but its useful. If someone is taken then the way you interact with that person has to have a real context that this is a friendship that has no purpose beyond that. If this is my colleague then that dominates above all else etc etc. This personally is how I was able to deal with relationships and see the bigger picture.

Sorry, just calling it as I see it.

That's fine. It's just pointless as a discussion. If you think there is a lack of empathy now . . .

As I said (and did actually post earlier), I took on board the advice. The overwhelming majority of those that weren't just mocking me was what I felt myself. The spanner in the works was the friend that was trying to make me do something else.

I didnt quote you under the assumption you didnt take the advice

My issue is with those whose response to someone that was struggling to deal with someone that they had fallen for who not only was in a relationship but genuinely couldn't escape (work doesn't really let you avoid people just 'cos you have a thing for them) was "you sound like a crazy person".

Well newsflash, feelings have a weird tendency to do that.

I think people's issue was you started with, "I have hopelessly fallen in love with my coworker". Really paints a vivid picture of what to expect right from the start dont you think?

I think the common statement is think with your head not with your heart. Do you know why that is? I cant comment on what Miles has said since I dont remember beyond your first post but I agree with him that when someone is sonfar gone you cant reach them with empathy. You shouldnt normalize something unhealthy.

I can be empathetic to developing feeling for someone. I can't be empathetic someone out here tahm bout "I was nad this girl I like hadher boyfriend come to the store. She shouldnt do that to me wtf." (Yes actual situation from.dating age). That is dumb as fuxk.
No it isn't as it doesn't imply that I am somehow different or special. There's loads of people like me. Loads.

Did you see me continue to talk about this? Did I go on and on about how wrong you all were? No. Surprise, surprise, I took the advice on board. I even told the friend that was trying to get me to do something that I was uncomfortable with that the internet had spoken and I was continuing with my original plan of doing nothing.

I think what I am trying to say is that sometimes on here there is a lack of empathy. How you say things is as important as what you say. Half the responses I got were just "you sound like a fucking crazy person", which may have been true but frankly doesn't help anyone. There was a lack of empathy, people trying to understand why I had got to the position I was in. And yes, that then makes you feel as if some people genuinely do not understand what the situation is like and how difficult it is to get out of.

Sorry, just calling it as I see it.

As I said (and did actually post earlier), I took on board the advice. The overwhelming majority of those that weren't just mocking me was what I felt myself. The spanner in the works was the friend that was trying to make me do something else.

My issue is with those whose response to someone that was struggling to deal with someone that they had fallen for who not only was in a relationship but genuinely couldn't escape (work doesn't really let you avoid people just 'cos you have a thing for them) was "you sound like a crazy person".

Well newsflash, feelings have a weird tendency to do that.

I don't know the whole story here (and can't be assed to go back and start from the beginning since I'm at work) but keep in mind most of the people in this thread that are giving advice are regulars in the thread and give advice to a lot of people. And they see a lot of stories and questions and sometimes the easiest thing to do is give the straight, blunt advice. It doesn't mean they don't have empathy, it probably means they've given the advice before in a nicer manner and got ignored.

There's only so many times someone can give advice to multiple people before they start cutting the bullshit out of it.

Ron Mexico

You're 25 years old for fuck sake and you're acting like someone in their late forties who has just been divorced by his wife and is now stuck in a one bedroom apartment with a receding hairline and a beer gut.

I was 32, just divorced by my wife and stuck in a one bedroom apartment. Hairline has been receding before the divorce and the beer gut game was (and still is somewhat) strong.

And it was the best thing in the world to have ever happened to me. Because what I didn't do was sit around and feel sorry for myself. I took the opportunity as a new lease on life. I met new people. I went on some hysterically bad dates. Went on some better ones. But not once did I ever let myself feel sorry for where I was.

Bottom line is, Miles is telling you a lot of things you need to but don't want to hear. I'm a middle-aged, somewhat overweight, somewhat balding, otherwise average looking guy. My mantra was (and even while engaged now still is) that I'm not going to be the right fit for everyone and that's perfectly fine. I don't want to be. Rather, I'll check the right boxes for a smaller subset of women and own that concept.

You can do all those things and more because you're 25 years old.


Well, that was an interesting lunch date to end the year on. I'd recap it, but I don't even believe it happened. She has both a hysterectomy and boob job scheduled for 2017, and I think I was closer in age to her son...


Well, that was an interesting lunch date to end the year on. I'd recap it, but I don't even believe it happened. She has both a hysterectomy and boob job scheduled for 2017, and I think I was closer in age to her son...

That sounds great. Hold out for those surgeries and you get regular condom-free sex with a large breasted woman. Living the dream Salamando.

I'm hoping that in 2017 that I can go on dates with older women. So far I've only dated someone 4 years older than me, I was 25 at the time. I'd at least like to date someone in their late 30s but the majority I come across are looking for a serious relationship or have kids. It's tough.
Well, that was an interesting lunch date to end the year on. I'd recap it, but I don't even believe it happened. She has both a hysterectomy and boob job scheduled for 2017, and I think I was closer in age to her son...

Sounds like you found someone looking to have fun with the youngins! I'd be down for it, but that's not everyone's cup of tea.

That sounds great. Hold out for those surgeries and you get regular condom-free sex with a large breasted woman. Living the dream Salamando.

I'm hoping that in 2017 that I can go on dates with older women. So far I've only dated someone 4 years older than me, I was 25 at the time. I'd at least like to date someone in their late 30s but the majority I come across are looking for a serious relationship or have kids. It's tough.

Or have some odd self-esteem issues. I'd love to date an older woman that doesn't think I'm doing them a favor because they're all old and ugly.

It's like I wouldn't have asked you out if I didn't find you attractive, stop trying to dissuade me!


Sounds like you found someone looking to have fun with the youngins! I'd be down for it, but that's not everyone's cup of tea.

Or have some odd self-esteem issues. I'd love to date an older woman that doesn't think I'm doing them a favor because they're all old and ugly.

It's like I wouldn't have asked you out if I didn't find you attractive, stop trying to dissuade me!

She said she would've invited me back to her place if her boyfriend wasn't home. I could do the older woman thing, but open relationships and sexing a woman in a bed she shares with another man sooo isn't my thing.

Self-esteem issues are right. I've heard "you're probably not interested in me" too many times.


She said she would've invited me back to her place if her boyfriend wasn't home. I could do the older woman thing, but open relationships and sexing a woman in a bed she shares with another man sooo isn't my thing.

Self-esteem issues are right. I've heard "you're probably not interested in me" too many times.

This woman sounds great. That is totally my thing.

Older women seem to have no problems flirting with me, but when I flirt back they usually switch to saying stuff about how they could be my mother.


This woman sounds great. That is totally my thing.

Older women seem to have no problems flirting with me, but when I flirt back they usually switch to saying stuff about how they could be my mother.

Well if you're ever in the area, I'll tell you how to find her. She didn't seem that sexually experienced...if anything I'd be teaching her things. Was pretty damn hot though. Only reason I stayed once I realized she wasn't the 33 yrs old her profile said.
Well if you're ever in the area, I'll tell you how to find her. She didn't seem that sexually experienced...if anything I'd be teaching her things. Was pretty damn hot though. Only reason I stayed once I realized she wasn't the 33 yrs old her profile said.

Come on son. You were hoping for some easy sex but backed out when she revealed she had a boyfriend.

And that's really sad. Like damn. I'm picturing her using crazy old pics or using snapchat filters to hide her real age. How old was she really?


ok so since my last update I've been getting into the meeting girls IRL stuff.
Apparently I'm only attracted to women 3-4 years older than me...
Which is really hard since none of those women want to date a 23 year old xD.


Got dumped 3 weeks ago. Been talking to 7 different girls on Tinder since. Got laid by a old high school friend last week. Got a date with the most promising of Tinder girls tomorrow. Things are going good, boys!


Come on son. You were hoping for some easy sex but backed out when she revealed she had a boyfriend.

And that's really sad. Like damn. I'm picturing her using crazy old pics or using snapchat filters to hide her real age. How old was she really?

<No lies detected> Jarring, though, to get to a restaurant thinking "this might be a girl I want a relationship with", evolving through "this is a girl I'd just like to sex," and ending up in "I'm getting the fuck out."

She was somewhere in her mid-40's; claimed 44, not arguing against it. She looked damn good though, no snapchat filters required. She worked out quite a bit, didn't smoke or do drugs, and was just a living tribute to clean living. Losing so much of her pregnancy weight is what motivated her to look into a boob job...she missed her pregnancy boobs.
<No lies detected> Jarring, though, to get to a restaurant thinking "this might be a girl I want a relationship with", evolving through "this is a girl I'd just like to sex," and ending up in "I'm getting the fuck out."

She was somewhere in her mid-40's; claimed 44, not arguing against it. She looked damn good though, no snapchat filters required. She worked out quite a bit, didn't smoke or do drugs, and was just a living tribute to clean living. Losing so much of her pregnancy weight is what motivated her to look into a boob job...she missed her pregnancy boobs.



In all seriousness, it's up to you but it doesn't sound like a bad gig to me. Unless you catch feelings.
I would love to see what anyone who lives in the NYC area and actually has success on Tinder looks like. I swipe right on everyone, yet only get perhaps one match every 2-4 weeks, and the girls who match me are *well* below me in terms of looks. It's crazy.

I know the obvious response is "you must not look as good as you think you do," but that would be an incorrect assumption. I do look a lot better in real life than in pics (many girls have told me this), but my pics are still in the 7.5 range. Yet the one or two girls per month (per month!) that I match with are in the 5-6 range. And I'm swiping right on hundreds of people when I'm watching TV and stuff lol. It's bizarre. I'd love to see what someone who fairly frequently matches with girls who are 7+ looks like.

I feel the same way about tinder in NYC. I match ok on other apps but with tinder it's almost below zero(have three lifetime matches and those ended with no replies lol)


I feel ambivalent. I just want to make sure I'm getting signals right.

the only signals you've mentioned are (1) She sends you a message at the same time every day, and (2) You talk about life and she teases you. That could be the signs of a friend, of romantic intent, or of a grandmother.

The greatest signal of interest? They go on dates with you.
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