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Dating trends, How important is a girls height?

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Guys, would you date someone taller then you? Does it really bother you to date a girl that is taller then you? Whats your excuse to dating women shorter then you? What do you think when you see a couple where the girl is taller then the guy?

Heels don't count, by the way..

Reasons I've heard so far....

"I think its cute to bend over so she can kiss me"..(uh huh)

"I like them smaller, its easier to pick them up during sex"...

Whats your take on this?


I probably prefer it so they can't beat me up. :)

Unfortunately it looks like i'm in that situation. :(

Seriously though, my first gf was really short: 5'2 and it was a bit awkward kissing while standing.

Ideally I would like someone close to my height, but i'm not choosy.


Probably anything over 5'4 and under 6' is fine with me. I seriously wouldn't want a girl who is taller than me, though, because she would be a giant, probably playing basketball. I actually was attracted to such a girl who lived on my floor last year in school, but I couldn't get over looking up at her...

I'm 6'3, by the way


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Whenever I see a couple where the guy is shorter than the girl, he's no taller than 5'6, always is at least kinda buffed up, and usually wears a backwards cap and has some kind of gold chain around his neck.

Anyways, I'm 5'8.5 (yeah I'll take that half inch) and I would just feel uncomfortable with a girl who's taller than me. Probably for the same reason reversed that girls usually like a guy who's taller than them.....guys are just supposed to be the physically dominant one in the relationship; that's the way we're all genetically programmed to want it. It would be kind of emasculating to go out with a girl three or four inches taller than me....I wouldn't even bother with a chick who's 6'2.

I think my ideal height for a girl would be 5'7, maybe 5'6. In theory I like the idea of the girl being kinda shorter than me, but when she gets to be too short, I'm just not as attracted to that as much, regardless of my own height, if that makes any sense.


She should be within a comfortable bending distance to lock lips. Everyone pictures the woman to be smaller so having a taller woman kinda offsets the general image of a couple. The man's supposed to be the man, y'know? The closer a woman is to the physical stature of a man, the more awkward it will look. People are just programmed to think that way now.

Shorter is good but sometimes when the difference is too big, it starts to get in the way (ie. your heads and pelvic areas don't line up comfortably, if you know what I mean)


demon said:
Whenever I see a couple where the guy is shorter than the girl, he's no taller than 5'6, always is at least kinda buffed up, and usually wears a backwards cap and has some kind of gold chain around his neck.

Anyways, I'm 5'8.5 (yeah I'll take that half inch) and I would just feel uncomfortable with a girl who's taller than me. Probably for the same reason reversed that girls usually like a guy who's taller than them.....guys are just supposed to be the physically dominant one in the relationship; that's the way we're all genetically programmed to want it. It would be kind of emasculating to go out with a girl three or four inches taller than me....I wouldn't even bother with a chick who's 6'2.

I think my ideal height for a girl would be 5'7, maybe 5'6. In theory I like the idea of the girl being kinda shorter than me, but when she gets to be too short, I'm just not as attracted to that as much, regardless of my own height, if that makes any sense.

Perfect, my exact thoughts

Ill Saint

If you like each other, who gives a fuck?
I find it silly to be insecure about such a thing as a chick being taller than the guy.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I tend to like shorter, but I think thats mostly because I like cute girly girl type girls. The taller ones seem to more often have a "hot" kind of look rather than "cute". I still find them attractive, but usually I'm not especially drawn or really hit it off/feel especially compatible with them (which may just be a result of my own lack of effort due to lack of motivation). Nevertheless, it tends to be shorter girls, around 5'6" and under.
I prefer around 5'8" to 5'11" or so. Dated a 5'4" and a 5'2". I didn't really consider them too short at the time, but now that I think about it... yeah, they were short. It's cool when a girl doesn't have to wear big ass heels, or super thick-soled boots to compensate for their shortness. I'm a little over 6'2".
marsomega said:
Guys, would you date someone taller then you?

Does it really bother you to date a girl that is taller then you?

Whats your excuse to dating women shorter then you?
I don't have to look up at them, have them look/move down to kiss me, etc. It may simply be just a power thing, but that's how I am.

What do you think when you see a couple where the girl is taller then the guy?
"I couldn't really do that unless the girl was smoking hot"


My ex girlfriend who I adore is only 5'4. I love it because her head can rest against my chest pretty much anytime.


Whether she's shorter or taller than me, doesn't matter. My ex is 5ft even(i'm 5'7-8). I'd date a beach volleyball chick, i'd date a gymnast. :/


I've always thought its too simple to say its because the guy is suppose to be dominant. I mean, I never seen it as being taller makes you the dominant one. Then again, when I first stepped in to the word of dating I never even began to think of height being an issue.

Offcourse there are some considerable extremes, ( 3 ft/7ft pair), but height is something I see people don't like to admit to being very specific/anal about. Enough tothrow out every other quality they check off on their list out the window.

Sux though, as I'm wrapping up college, every tall girl I knew had some type of self-esteem problem. Some have even gone the other way(Lez). One thing I've seen a few times though, even though the girl is taller, if the girl is very petite, guys go for it.
I've pondered on this question recently and I've found it's more interesting to hear it from the woman's perspective. I'm about 5'8" and I think my girlfriend is about 5'3" (never gotten around to measuring properly), but she says our height difference is perfect for her to rest her head on my shoulders and chest - which is perfectly fine by me :D
marsomega said:
Guys, would you date someone taller then you? Does it really bother you to date a girl that is taller then you? Whats your excuse to dating women shorter then you? What do you think when you see a couple where the girl is taller then the guy?

Yes, I would date someone taller than me. No, it doesn't bother me if she's taller, though I guess it would if it was a significant difference in height. My excuse, I just prefer shorter women. I'm short, so that may be a factor but in general, I just like short girls.

What do I think when I see a shorter guy than his girlfriend? I'm not sure if there's a specific "thought" that goes with it but it generally puts a smile on my face. The fact that the girl could overlook the guy's height is always a nice thought.

I was always self-conscious about my height in grade school but grew out of that particular insecurity when I hit high school. Since then, I never really felt bad about my height until I met a particular girl who I liked but wouldn't go out with me because I was too short for her and she preferred guys that were 6' or taller. She was only 5'2" btw.

So, the reason of the rejection kinda bothered me for a time. That someone would refuse to even date me because I was 5" shorter than her minimum requirement. I think it bothered me because up to that point, my height was a trivial thing and I just assumed it was trival to everyone else as well. I never viewed it as this thing that people could use to judge me in a negative way. It's not like an awful haircut, torn up cloths, and bad breath. There's nothing you can do about your height.

But I digress...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Yeah Wolfy and ScientificNinja bring up a good point. It may not even be so much about dominance as it is about more practical feelings of care and being protective and the like. If you hold her and her head rests on your shoulder/chest, then it's like you care for her and protect her. If you hold her and your head is in her bossom, well that may be pleasant in it's own way, but it may kind of remind you of being a little kid with your mom, just something not quite right about it.


The Shadow said:
I was too short for her and she preferred guys that were 6' or taller. She was only 5'2" btw.

I can't imagine too many 6 foot guys that would be interested in her :D

Being picky to an extreme like that is pretty dumb.
Vormund said:
I can't imagine too many 6 foot guys that would be interested in her :D

Being picky to an extreme like that is pretty dumb.

Well, I heard a few months later that she started dating an auto-mechanic that lived in a trailer. I'm not wealthy by a long shot but I'm definitely better off than that so I find a little solace in the fact that she could have had something better. Me.


Who am I kidding. He's deep dicking her and I'm not. :(


Doesnt matter whether they are taller or shorter than me. I'm open :p
Although it seems to be that the man is almost always taller than the girl.


I wouldn't mind dating someone taller. Since I'm short anyways, (165cm.. which is short, but average because I'm asian :D) and i reckon 70% of chicks are taller than me... So I don't really have a choice... I like 'em a lil shorter than me or at least same height.

Asian chicks are hot. (just thought i'd throw that in as well)


My wife and I are both 5'7 though she swears she's 5'6 1/2. ;) In heels she towers over me, but it doesn't bother me. I've dated people shorter than me and much taller than me. A girl I went out with in highschool was close to six foot with the big poofy mane she had. Height just isn't an issue. I likes 'em all. ;)


I've dated women taller than me (I'm 5' 9", and have dated as tall as 5'11"). It's not an issue if neither of you makes it an issue.

Oftentimes, tall women (at least the ones I've talked to about this) are frustrated by the prejudice that many men have for shorter women. From what they've told me, and in my own experience, an average-height man who can assertively approach a tall woman shows that he has self-confidence, and doesn't buy into the prevalent stereotypes about male/female relationships.

On the other hand, I know some tall women who are insecure about their own height and are absolutely unwilling to date men who are shorter than they are, thereby cutting themselves off from the vast majority of the single population. One friend of mine who's attractive has gone single for years now, because she's 6'0" and thinks this way.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I like tall women because I'm tall. However, I was recently sleeping w/ a woman who I referred to as 41188. She was just under 5' and only 88lbs (although I fattened her up a bit during our time together. Being that's I'm 6'4", I had my reservations, but she put it down better than I could have ever imagined.
Im 5'9. I wouldn't want to be with someone taller than that. Ideally, somewhere between 5'0 and 5'7.

I don't have that much of an issue with my height, but if there was one thing i could change about myself, it'd be that - i'd grow an extra 3 inches to make the 6 foot barrier.


Well I'm 6'5 and the average height of girls i been with has been around 5'6, the shortest was 5'2 the tallest being 5'11 which i must say was a welcomed change because the hugs are much easier on my back :p

I was too short for her and she preferred guys that were 6' or taller. She was only 5'2" btw.

I remember a study done on men's height in relation to how attractive it makes them. When asked reasons on why they wouldn't date someone, being a child molestor and being short came up tied. That's very disconcerning since I'm short. :(


I'm 6'1 and have never had a girlfriend who was taller than me. I think I'd prefer to keep it that way. Doesn't matter much to me how short they are, though.


Whenever I see a tall girl short guy couple I'm always impressed. Such a massive majority of women insist thier man is taller. I'm 6'1 and I always felt bad for short guys they have so many less options. Plus if a women is taller then me 6'1 is enough and there ok with it. I can't begin to count the number of times I picked up a tall women simplyu buy going up after a short guy and saying "Don't you hate it when short guys hit on you." Works every time.
YES height matters.

Of course I'm a bit biased, I'm 6-8, 280-300lbs., so in my case women have to be a bit on the tall side or it just looks weird.

My wife is 5-8, which works out really well. My ex on the otherhand was 5-4, in public it looked like I was tagging a 14 year old (and just for the record, she was 21, not 14).

As it stands now my wife is 5-8 and about 135lbs, muscular build (which works for me) and a nice sized , ok, huge rack.

And for the pervs in here, I know there are a few... shes a 38D. Natural. And no i will not show a pic.


jecclr2003 said:
YES height matters.

Of course I'm a bit biased, I'm 6-8, 280-300lbs., so in my case women have to be a bit on the tall side or it just looks weird.

My wife is 5-8, which works out really well. My ex on the otherhand was 5-4, in public it looked like I was tagging a 14 year old (and just for the record, she was 21, not 14).

As it stands now my wife is 5-8 and about 135lbs, muscular build (which works for me) and a nice sized , ok, huge rack.

And for the pervs in here, I know there are a few... shes a 38D. Natural. And no i will not show a pic.

I don't think anyone was going to inquire about your wife's rack, Limelight McAttentionWhore.


No doubt Oli his post just creeped me out. Then again you post pics of your GF ass, do you not? Your both pretty weird.


darscot said:
No doubt Oli his post just creeped me out. Then again you post pics of your GF ass, do you not? Your both pretty weird.

I don't NOT post pictures of my girlfriends ass.
Wasn't looking for limelight, just beating the local pervs to the punch and covered all the bases.

I know how my fellow pervs think.... why else would the off topic battlecry be...

aoi tsuki

i'm 6'2" and i think there's something sexy about a girl who i can look directly in the eyes. Height doesn't matter too much, though i wouldn't want her much taller than me. i dated a girl who was 5'4" and it was kinda awkward kissing stanging up, but i loved it when she'd plant her head just above my stomach when she gave me a hug . Shorter girls are generally easier to work with too. :)

Justin Bailey

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jecclr2003 said:
Wasn't looking for limelight, just beating the local pervs to the punch and covered all the bases.

I know how my fellow pervs think.... why else would the off topic battlecry be...


<off topic>
One of the first images that shows up when you search for blowtorch in GIS (safe search off) is this one (Not Safe For Work):

</off topic>
Sorry Justin no pics, my woman's just about as strong as me. I can't imagine the amounts of pain she'd inflict if she found out I posted her pics on the web....


It's also fake well maybe not fake but it's very staged. The guys probable has the old Prince Albert put the touch in lit it. Took the picture turned it off and pulled it out. Then had a laugh.


I want them as tall as me or a bit taller. Though short girls doesn't deter me, I just prefer them tall.


The Shadow said:
So, the reason of the rejection kinda bothered me for a time. That someone would refuse to even date me because I was 5" shorter than her minimum requirement. I think it bothered me because up to that point, my height was a trivial thing and I just assumed it was trival to everyone else as well. I never viewed it as this thing that people could use to judge me in a negative way. It's not like an awful haircut, torn up cloths, and bad breath. There's nothing you can do about your height.

But I digress...

That was exactly how I thought about height at first, so trivial it didn't even register. When it does, the intro is usually brutal; More like having an ice cold bucket of icey water splash right on your face as you wake up. Then being slapped by a frozen large sized trout just to make sure you still feel the cold burn later on plus the smell to make you sick.


marsomega said:
That was exactly how I thought about height at first, so trivial it didn't even register. When it does, the intro is usually brutal; More like having an ice cold bucket of icey water splash right on your face as you wake up. Then being slapped by a frozen large sized trout just to make sure you still feel the cold burn later on plus the smell to make you sick.

Women who are concerned with things like height aren't looking for love. If they were, they would realize that height doesn't matter in the least.
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