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Dating trends, How important is a girls height?

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Lets not get too harsh on the women when it comes to height. It's got a few hundred years in the making. Just because they have a limit when it comes to hieght doesn't mean there not looking for love or any other such nonsense. You can't control what attracts you. I've turned down women for heck of allot less then height.

Justin Bailey

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jecclr2003 said:
Sorry Justin no pics, my woman's just about as strong as me. I can't imagine the amounts of pain she'd inflict if she found out I posted her pics on the web....
Heh, I was just playing anyway.

Unless you really wanna post them.


Can't say I ever considered height too much one way or another. Being 6'2", I don't recall talking to a girl taller than me in recent years, and most of the shorter ones (5'2", 5'3") are still within a foot.


olimario said:
[People] who are concerned with things like height aren't looking for love. If they were, they would realize that height doesn't matter in the least.

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Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
You can't control what attracts you. I've turned down women for heck of allot less then height.
Indeed, I think people who complain about how it's shallow to turn so-and-so person down for so-and-so reason just put too much importance on relationships. If I'm dating someone who I don't even find attractive just to be going out with someone, I think that's a lot worse. It shows my need of being in a relationship as more important than actually caring for the person I'm comitting to. That's far more selfish and wrong then only going out with girls who fit your tastes, even if your tastes are rather picky. Turning a person down isn't denying their value as a human being, it's simply being honest with your romantic attractions.

Now I think after you've made marriage vows, the rules change and you have to honor that commitment. And then even in doing so, in treating them right and loving them in actions as you should, those feelings of love will stay and grow. However I don't think one should start a relationship based on that hope, it's to be the post-match means of maintaining a loving commitment as over the years you change into very different people than the ones who first married each other.


olimario said:
Women who are concerned with things like height aren't looking for love. If they were, they would realize that height doesn't matter in the least.

I think it’s more of an issue on the guy’s side. With girls, she’s just shallow, with guys, it’s how it’s supposed to be, its natural. WTF-is up with that.

Prospero said:
I've Oftentimes, tall women (at least the ones I've talked to about this) are frustrated by the prejudice that many men have for shorter women.

I think things on the girl’s side can be more accepting to when it comes to dating short guys.

Prospero said:
On the other hand, I know some tall women who are insecure about their own height and are absolutely unwilling to date men who are shorter than they are, thereby cutting themselves off from the vast majority of the single population. One friend of mine who's attractive has gone single for years now, because she's 6'0" and thinks this way.

There is a reaosn for that. I know girls can tease short guys but guys can be can just done right brutal. Not being considered a lady or treated like one because of their height. The backlash is just as brutal. It can be pretty devastating just hearing the guy you liked and pretty much thought even though he dumped you he was still nice to you, laughing it up with friends saying, “Man I couldn’t take that one bit, it felt like kissing a man, yuk!”

I just think tall girls end up losing on the whole age issue. Regardless how tall the guy is there seems to be some magic spectrum of height girls must be. Even if the guy is 4 feet and she is 6 feet, she'll be the butt of every joke because of how “low she has to settle” for because of her height. Tall girls are just an anomaly to the majority is what looks like is going on.

I don’t think height should factor so much. However, what exactly does height do to someone’s sexuality? What does it do to a girl’s sexuality? It seems trivial to say “ I just want to be he man” or I want to be the “dominant one”. More importantly, quality does a tall girl lack that a short girl can do?


Height isn't important to me. As long as the person is nice and I enjoy their company, that's all I'm really worried about.
i dated many girls taller than me, 2 of them took part in miss world.

i am 1,77 cm, they are about 1,85 and 1,78 :)
i like tall girls as they have sexy long legs.

but when i go hunting i look for everything, if the color on her fingernails are RED, then damn that women should get her ass to style school!!

if she does not go and get her nails done at all,well then she wont have the privilege to sleep with me thats for sure!
muncheese said:
I remember a study done on men's height in relation to how attractive it makes them. When asked reasons on why they wouldn't date someone, being a child molestor and being short came up tied. That's very disconcerting since I'm short. :(

Yeah. I heard about that study not long after that rejection. It was like a double whammy because I was already feeling bad.

On the other hand, for some girls, height is just as trivial to me as it is to them. Yes, it's disconcerting that some women do judge you as badly as a child molester (really strange but true) but then again, some don't give a shit. To give you an example, I used to date a girl that had fantastic measurements, that guys would actually ask me, "How did you do it?" which always put a smug smile on my face. That particular girl that I'm talking about was 5"7" my same height, though she often looked taller because of the shoes she wore.

So they exist. I realize now that while there's nothing you can do about your height, you have other attributes that are far more important and even then, there are beautiful women out there that don't care about height at all, or at least are willing to overlook it. While I didn't get to date that 5'2" girl and she later ran off with a 6' mechanic that lived in a trailer (that's true btw), you have to realize what she gave up in order to be with a guy that was simply 5" taller than me.

If a womens' genes dictates that height be the only measuring stick to a better mate, IMHO those women are fucked (not literally). Great things do come in smaller packages. It's not just a stupid, geeky affirmation that I tell myself everytime I'm rejected because of my stature. It's absolutely 100% true in that particular case.


Odd how when your at your lowest you start taking notice of these things. I feel ya though Shadow.

First this surprise slapped me in the face on monday

Then, I get a call from gateway. "The X800 ATI Radeon XT Platnum edition you ordered on June 3rd will not ship as planned. The new ETA for the video card is July 28th".

Bastards, changed the date from 6/9 to 6/15, 6/19, 6/25, 6/29, 7/2, 7/9, and now July 28th... This week has been nothing but ownage for me. (Damn you GAF, ownage is officially part of my vocab now.)


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Short girls are cuter. I've dated 5'2, 5'5, and 5'7. Probably wouldn't date someone who has an inch of height over me. I'm 6'1
Can someone link me to that study by the way? (the "being short" is just as bad a rap as being a child molestor.) Man... if that's true, it's quite pathetic. Then again many guys probably think the same way.


I've dated girls from 5'1 to 6'2. I'm 5'10, by the way. I suppose I'm more attracted to tiny girls initially, but I don't care too much, they all have their appeal.
I'm 5'6", she's 5'9" (and often taller with heels). We're both fine with it. We tease each other about it, and there are a few...mechanical issues with the height difference that would be resolved if our positions were switched, but it's really not a problem.




And even i am moderately surprised
taller women are a pain...

at least with the shorter ones, once the chloroform has taken hold they are easier to drag home....

I had this conversation with three of my female friends and they all said that they'd never date a guy that was shorter than they were - and one of them is 6'. On the other hand, my mum is about 5'11 and my dad is 5'6.

I think it's a preference thing (like curly hair, green eyes or a cup size). Sure the initial attraction counts for something, but when it really comes down to it, it's all about the person.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I wouldnt want to date a girl that was taller than me, but I dont really care how short they get, as long as theyre hot


Delaying marriage, are we? :p

We've already discussed it at great length, but we want to wait until we're well done with college and well off career wise before we tie the knot. My guess is it won't happen for another six or seven years.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Ryu said:
We've already discussed it at great length, but we want to wait until we're well done with college and well off career wise before we tie the knot. My guess is it won't happen for another six or seven years.

i think he was referring to you alluding to her being 8 years old and still growing but at a current height of 4'11
So they exist. I realize now that while there's nothing you can do about your height, you have other attributes that are far more important and even then, there are beautiful women out there that don't care about height at all, or at least are willing to overlook it. While I didn't get to date that 5'2" girl and she later ran off with a 6' mechanic that lived in a trailer (that's true btw), you have to realize what she gave up in order to be with a guy that was simply 5" taller than me.

Who're you fooling? I'm sure she had a bunch of other reasons to reject you, it's just that those other reasons would crush your fragile spirit so they were best left a secret. If you had other qualities she looked for, she'd just as soon be with you, but you didn't.

Can someone link me to that study by the way? (the "being short" is just as bad a rap as being a child molestor.) Man... if that's true, it's quite pathetic. Then again many guys probably think the same way.

The "study" is likely bullshit. If surveyed as to what your biggest turn off would be, the first thing that pops into your head is the feature that you most commonly have to deal with. No one thinks 'child molester' in regards to a potential mate, and unless you explicitly compared the two, i doubt you could say they're comparable.
McLesterolBeast said:
Who're you fooling? I'm sure she had a bunch of other reasons to reject you, it's just that those other reasons would crush your fragile spirit so they were best left a secret. If you had other qualities she looked for, she'd just as soon be with you, but you didn't.

Being harped on for being short is more crushing than anything else. Take it from a short guy - if a chick really wants to wound you, they can just call you short. It's more damning because it is something you can't change at all. I'm sure for people who are 7 foot tall and lack athleticism, they probably feel the same way.

The "study" is likely bullshit. If surveyed as to what your biggest turn off would be, the first thing that pops into your head is the feature that you most commonly have to deal with. No one thinks 'child molester' in regards to a potential mate, and unless you explicitly compared the two, i doubt you could say they're comparable.

Other common features a chick regularly deals with:. Arrogance. Lack of humor. Overweight. Stupidity.

I could keep on going on. Those features seem like something that would be worse to see in a potential mate. Why pick on short?

Yeah, I'm sure the study didn't have a "list" from which women could choose characteristics. However, it might have, after all I'm not certain how the study was done, which is why I want to see the results. As you said, child molestor is something that often doesn't pop up at the top of one's head, which is why I want to see how it became a common response.


Yea, I agree with Sirpopopop. It has me thinking too. I don't think child molestor was on the top of anyones head. Why then no one else thought of anything else like rapist, serial murderer, etc... I agree that there had to be a list of things to choose from. And the person being surveyed thought that child molestor should be the best answer. I mean think about it, if someone in general picked any other option, they'd think they'd be pointed out as someone who doesn't mind a child molestor.

The general public when it comes to taking surveys doesn't answer truthly. They usually asnwer what they think they should answer. Whether multiple choice or free response.

I can imagine, being called on being shirt gets to you. Its like saying you can't compare to a taller person or you can't do certain things because your short. And the same holds true with girls getting dumped, cheated on, or not given a chance because they are tall. Funny world.
McLesterolBeast said:
Who're you fooling? I'm sure she had a bunch of other reasons to reject you, it's just that those other reasons would crush your fragile spirit so they were best left a secret. If you had other qualities she looked for, she'd just as soon be with you, but you didn't.

Where you there? Did you know either me or the girl? Did you listen to conversations before or after me asking for a date?

No? Then STFU. Don't pretend to be an expert on a situation in which you know exceedingly little about.
I don't have to know all the details to make a reasonable estimate of what happened.

How would she be able to articulate, "i dont like you as a person"? Or maybe, "you're not attractive". Height is a lot easier to quantify. If she says she only dates guys who're 6 feet or above, it doesn't sound personal. If you were exceptionally attractive, or had a lot of other qualities that she liked, the height factor would suddenly matter a whole lot less. Some people just give greater consideration to certain features. That applies for everyone, unless you fit into some freakish extreme, which you certainly don't (and given her height, that definitely isn't the case).

It's ok though. There's gotta be at least one woman out there who isnt repulsed by you. Just aim lower. Much lower.


McLesterolBeast said:
I don't have to know all the details to make a reasonable estimate of what happened.

How would she be able to articulate, "i dont like you as a person"? Or maybe, "you're not attractive". Height is a lot easier to quantify. If she says she only dates guys who're 6 feet or above, it doesn't sound personal. If you were exceptionally attractive, or had a lot of other qualities that she liked, the height factor would suddenly matter a whole lot less. Some people just give greater consideration to certain features. That applies for everyone, unless you fit into some freakish extreme, which you certainly don't (and given her height, that definitely isn't the case).

It's ok though. There's gotta be at least one woman out there who isnt repulsed by you. Just aim lower. Much lower.
Wow, what an ass.

Believe it or not, it is quite plausible that the explanation "You are simply too short for me" is the whole story. Many girls -- and guys, for that matter -- have "dealbreakers" which can torpedo an otherwise worthy candidate. I'm not one to judge whether having dealbreakers is a good thing or a bad thing, but the phenomenon is quite real. Refusing to date someone who is addicted to heroin? Probably a good, sane limitation. Refusing to date someone who is anything but a blonde? Probably a stupid restriction. Refusing to date someone with kids? Dunno.

Everyone has certain buttons which have to be pressed in order to find a particular someone attractive, and not all of them make sense. Or, sometimes you just need a set of guidelines to narrow the field since you can't date EVERYONE. The bottom line is that people DO have cutoff criteria, and they use them every day.

I don't know The Shadow personally, but judging from his behavior on the boards over the last couple of years, I'm strongly inclined to believe that his version of the story is correct: she couldn't get over his height, wasn't attracted for that reason, and dated someone else. I can only assume from your response that you have some kind of personal issue with him to insult him in the way that you did...which is pretty fucking sad.


Thaedolus said:
Probably anything over 5'4 and under 6' is fine with me. I seriously wouldn't want a girl who is taller than me, though, because she would be a giant, probably playing basketball. I'm 6'3, by the way

ditto. same here
Wow, what an ass.

Believe it or not, it is quite plausible that the explanation "You are simply too short for me" is the whole story. Many girls -- and guys, for that matter -- have "dealbreakers" which can torpedo an otherwise worthy candidate. I'm not one to judge whether having dealbreakers is a good thing or a bad thing, but the phenomenon is quite real. Refusing to date someone who is addicted to heroin? Probably a good, sane limitation. Refusing to date someone who is anything but a blonde? Probably a stupid restriction. Refusing to date someone with kids? Dunno.

Everyone has certain buttons which have to be pressed in order to find a particular someone attractive, and not all of them make sense. Or, sometimes you just need a set of guidelines to narrow the field since you can't date EVERYONE. The bottom line is that people DO have cutoff criteria, and they use them every day.

I don't know The Shadow personally, but judging from his behavior on the boards over the last couple of years, I'm strongly inclined to believe that his version of the story is correct: she couldn't get over his height, wasn't attracted for that reason, and dated someone else. I can only assume from your response that you have some kind of personal issue with him to insult him in the way that you did...which is pretty fucking sad.

It's so sweet of you to pad his fall, but we have to prepare him for the cold, tangy sting of reality.
If he was particularly good looking, had a nice car and was a cool guy, she would not likely have an issue with him only being 5 inches taller than her.

It's just like with bald guys. You know? Not many girls want someone who's bald, well - it's probably the case that most women are fairly turned off by it. Do you know anyone who's bald, jynx? But if you're exceptionally attractive, know how to tell girls what they want to hear and are doing well for yourself, you've got a shot.

Cutoffs exist, but they're almost exclusively culturally influenced. There is no cultural norm that would deter a 5'2 girl from dating a 5'7 guy. From a personal standpoint, there is always a potential tradeoff. We're not talking about marriage here. We're talking about a single date, as far as i can tell.


Basically a summary of what's already been said: Attraction is more powerful than his/her preferences, but it's also useless to beat yourself up and wonder if the reason for rejection is really what they're saying.
McLesterolBeast said:
It's so sweet of you to pad his fall, but we have to prepare him for the cold, tangy sting of reality.
If he was particularly good looking, had a nice car and was a cool guy, she would not likely have an issue with him only being 5 inches taller than her.

As I said before, you know exceedingly little about the situation or the people involved. I'm sure you *think* you know her motivations, or how it went down, or what was said, but you don't. Far from it.

So please, don't insult my intelligence by giving me your petty "reality" talk. I don't need some anonymous know-it-all internet geek on a gaming forum to tell me what really happened; how it "really went down". The simple reality is, I was there, you were not. I knew the girl long before I ever asked her out, you did not.

I'm sure you can get away with being a pseudo-expert with friends and family but not with me.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
The Shadow said:
As I said before, you know exceedingly little about the situation or the people involved. I'm sure you *think* you know her motivations, or how it went down, or what was said, but you don't. Far from it.

So please, don't insult my intelligence by giving me your petty "reality" talk. I don't need some anonymous know-it-all internet geek on a gaming forum to tell me what really happened; how it "really went down". The simple reality is, I was there, you were not. I knew the girl long before I ever asked her out, you did not.

I'm sure you can get away with being a pseudo-expert with friends and family but not with me.
But your obvservation of the situation is clouded by your own biases and the fact that you were there! He was not there; he is an impartial observer. Therefore, you don't know JACK SHIT about the situation, and he knows all. Remember that next time you tell someone who's giving you advice on a situation he knows nothing about to fuck off, because he knows everything about it! Despite knowing nothing about it...or something.....
I know enough details about the situation and enough about the human condition to make a reasonable estimate.

Sorry shadow. You're just not good enough for her.
Ok, that was harsh. It's possible that she's got some extreme fetish for height that trumps every other feature and characteristic a human could possibly possess. Maybe that is the case, I dont know.

I know exceedingly little about the situation, like you said. Shadow may just live in a town where human nature is way off from the usual. A place where fairy's roam the land and where people give no consideration to attractiveness, success, wealth and social skills.

Attribute the rejection to your height. That way you can hide from the crushing blow to your ego that reality would entail.
demon said:
But your obvservation of the situation is clouded by your own biases and the fact that you were there! He was not there; he is an impartial observer. Therefore, you don't know JACK SHIT about the situation, and he knows all. Remember that next time you tell someone who's giving you advice on a situation he knows nothing about to fuck off, because he knows everything about it! Despite knowing nothing about it...or something.....

I wasn't asking for advice sport. And, he wasn't an impartial observer. He read a post or two regarding one single girl's particular taste, just a story I thought I'd throw in casually, and decided I'm some star trek geek that was asking his first crush out.

I won't argue that "emotions" can be clouded in certain situations but I knew the girl on a fairly nonchalant level. This wasn't some deep infatuation. I wasn't heartbroken because "my one true love" didn't love me back. It was simply her reason for saying no. Not that she said no, but the reason she said no. Nothing more, nothing less.

I've asked may girls out before and after this particular one. I knew that she had a preference for taller guys long before I even tried my luck. Why did I bother? Don't know. I didn't think that particular requirement was all that rigid.

Regardless, I don't need "advice" to an event that happened years ago, about a girl who I haven't seen for almost as long.
I've asked may girls out before and after this particular one. I knew that she had a preference for taller guys long before I even tried my luck. Why did I bother? Don't know. I didn't think that particular requirement was all that rigid.

The point is, it probably wasnt all that rigid, despite what she may have said.

I'm friends with this girl who's taller than me. I'm pretty sure she's into me, but the feeling isn't mutual. She's actually 3 inches taller (she's 6' versus 5'9). If she was to straight up ask me, i'd say no on account of her being taller, but the reality of it is that the height is just a contributing factor. It's more often than not a tactic used to remove guilt from people doing the rejecting. I actually don't like girls who're over 5'7, but there are a number of compensatory factors that could sway my judgement, she just doesnt happen to have those characteristics.

For reference, she's a pretty good student, does well with everything, we share similar aspirations, but i'd sooner go for a shorter, more attractive girl who is going to a local college for some dead end position in nursing, or what not. People our age aren't looking for someone to marry, for the most part.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
The Shadow said:
I wasn't asking for advice sport. And, he wasn't an impartial observer. He read a post or two regarding one single girl's particular taste, just a story I thought I'd throw in casually, and decided I'm some star trek geek that was asking his first crush out.

I won't argue that "emotions" can be clouded in certain situations but I knew the girl on a fairly nonchalant level. This wasn't some deep infatuation. I wasn't heartbroken because "my one true love" didn't love me back. It was simply her reason for saying no. Not that she said no, but the reason she said no. Nothing more, nothing less.

I've asked may girls out before and after this particular one. I knew that she had a preference for taller guys long before I even tried my luck. Why did I bother? Don't know. I didn't think that particular requirement was all that rigid.

Regardless, I don't need "advice" to an event that happened years ago, about a girl who I haven't seen for almost as long.
You know what, I think he IS right. Perhaps it wasn't your height, but your complete and utter lack of a SENSE OF HUMOR? :p
McLesterolBeast said:
The point is, it probably wasnt all that rigid, despite what she may have said.

I got your point. It's misinformed and wrong.

I knew her requirements were rigid. She had told me before that height was one of the most important, that she had dumped other guys becuse they weren't tall enough. I pressed my luck anyway, suspecting a "no" but hoping for a "yes".

There is no "probably" here.

demon said:
You know what, I think he IS right. Perhaps it wasn't your height, but your complete and utter lack of a SENSE OF HUMOR? :p

Eh, I probably didn't see it because I thought you did have a good point, even if I didn't think it applied to me in this particular case. Either way, sorry I missed it.


McLesterolBeast said:
It's just like with bald guys. You know? Not many girls want someone who's bald, well - it's probably the case that most women are fairly turned off by it. Do you know anyone who's bald, jynx?
Wow, was that a personal shot? I'll have you know that every single ONE of the hundreds of women who claimed they turned me down for sex because I was bald were lying. The truth was that they thought I was a humorless asshole, but found that baldness was a more convenient excuse.
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