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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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Young Justice

Lol at Mamoa looking exactly the same

Gal looks like Katie Holmes there
Any bullshit rumors from the usual places? I'm bored and could use the entertainment.
Snyder is out, to be replaced by Paul WS Anderson


It was in the past few days. I check r/DECUleaks from time to time to see the most recent dumps. I think it was listed 12/16 or something like that.

I'm always a fan of the inane and year is wrapping up so...

To start, Wonder Woman is still undergoing post production, Studio is happy with Jenkins' story choices regarding WWI's moral ambiguity on both sides.
JL is being meticulously touched up by everyone involved to make the best film possible. Green Lantern is being pushed for an inclusion in the final scenes instead of a credits scene by Geoff Johns, but the studio is against this.
There is a divide between the filmmakers and WB Studios for everyone except Jenkins, who is working excellently.
The Batman releases in June 2018, it's got Armie H's Riddler hiring Deathstroke to get rid of the 'idiotic brutes' in Batman's rogues gallery to prove his superiority and fuel his ego.
Aquaman is the Oct 2018 film. It's got Black Manta wanting revenge on Aquaman. The film will feature sea monsters and will set up Orm (reimagined as a radical King) for Throne of Atlantis in the sequel
Flash is moved back to 2019, and is set to feature an adaption of 'Rogue War' with a twist involving Golden Gliders' (Captain Cold's sister) having immensely powerful meta abilities.
Gotham City Sirens will be next. It involves Katana of the Birds of Prey recruiting Harley Quinn, who she knows from SS, to help them defeat Lady Shiva. The Birds will have a side role, with the focus on the 3 antiheroines.
Man of Steel 2 is set for 2019 as well. It gets Parasite, Superboy, Cadmus, and Green Lantern.
Green Lantern Corps is now for Spring 2020. It will star John Stewart from the cartoon, but also feature Guy Gardener, Kyle Rayner, and Jessica Cruz. It will be based off a New 52 story. Hal Jordan will be the Green Lantern in the Justice League films, but will not have more than a minor role.
JL2 is now Summer 2020. It gets either the White Martians or the Crime Syndicate. Either way, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, and Black Canary (from Sirens) will join the JL.
Cyborg will end 2020's slate.
Titans, Green Arrow/Black Canary, and sequels all JL members will happen by 2020.

Both Joker and Harley Quinn are getting a major make over by Michael Wilkinson. The Joker will keep his body tattoos but his facial tattoos will all be gone and the grills will be removed. Harley Quinn keeps the heart tattoo on her face and will wear less skimpy outfits. Geoff Johns and Jon Berg are not fans of the Joker's current look.
Warner Bros has been discussing possible spin off films. These films would be low budget and not part of their main film slate. Deathstroke, Deadshot, Nightwing, Thomas Wayne and Green Arrow have been discussed.
David Ayer will start working on Suicide Squad 2 after he's done with Birds of Prey/Sirens movie. He wants Black Manta, Bronze Tiger and Killer Frost on the team. He has a script he's been working on since Suicide Squad wrapped principal photography.
Zack Snyder will direct the Man of Steel sequel which has Brainiac as the main villain. Supergirl will be in the film. Lois Lane's family will also have a role as both General Sam Lane and Lucy Lane will be in the film.
Brett Ratner is in talks to direct Shazam. Sam Raimi was in talks but both sides couldn't make a deal. The studio wants a large portion of the film to focus on Black Adam.
Black Manta will be the main villain for Aquaman. Black Manta's actions leads to Ocean Master declaring war against the surface world. Justice League 2 will adapt Throne of Atlantis. This move was done by Geoff Johns to take more time to develop Darkseid and the New Gods. The studio is also giving Aquaman a huge push in Justice League.
New Gods movie is in development. The film will show Darkseid's rise to power and on the prophecy that his son Orion will slay him one day. Mister Miracle will also play a big part in the film.
Nightwing and Red Hood will both appear in The Batman. The film takes inspiration from Arkham Origins as well as the Under The Hood and War Games story arcs.
Ben Affleck signed a deal with WB to direct two Batman films. The contract also contains three non-comic book projects of his choice.
Batman's role in future Justice League films will be reduced to put the spotlight on other characters. The first Justice League film puts the spotlight on Batman but Justice League 2 will put the spotlight on Aquaman. The early plan for Justice League 3 is to put the spotlight on Superman.
Wonder Woman receiving nothing but high praise from WB execs. The film cost 125 million to make.
George Miller, Alfonso Cuaron and Peter Jackson have been in talks to direct films at some point.
Sienna Miller, Rosamund Pike, Luke Evans, Jackie Earle Haley, Matthew Goode, Kate Beckinsale, Alex Pettyfer, Kevin Durand, Eva Green, Marko Zaror, Stephen Lang, Tom Hardy, John Bernthal, John Hamm, Jeffrey Tambor, Blake Lively , Rebecca Hall and Tyrese Gibson are/were in talks for potential roles.
There's plans for a Titans film after 2020. Warner Bros wants to have a very diverse line up. Static and Blue Beetle are being discussed as possible members.

WB -My friend says they were very confident in the DC film slate until BvS got panned. Since then they have become more reactionary and are green lighting and cancelling projects based on reaction not sticking to their original slate.
Wonder Woman -Certain people have seen a early cut of WW and feel it is a strong movie there are certain scenes they tried to cut that Patty Jenkins had to fight to keep and has caused rumors around the studio. It is still very much a pre BvS reaction movie so expect it to be dark but not on same level as BvS. There was humor and a fun tone to it but with reshoots they have added more sensibilities to keep a consistent tone.
Justice League -They have learned from BVS and SS and are trying to avoid over exposure of content and staying true to the movies actual tone in trailers to generate maximum positive buzz with . Expect trailer to drop from anywhere between Christmas to mid Jan with Snyder pushing for Christmas Eve day. -While Snyder has been watched by Geoff Johns and Jon Berg closely to avoid more of his weirder nonsensical scenes and plot details it is a very much a Snyder film visually but in spirit a lot different from what he has done in the past and Snyder himself has enjoyed the change of mindset and tone in himself and the movie as well. -Snyder worked with Wan and Affleck for coming up with the look for character and settings for both JL and solo movies hence why they changed Aquamans look to full armor.
Flash -They have met candidates and they have made a decision that will be announced in the new year. Original treatment from guys that wrote the script will be used with few changesmade by the new director with guidance from Geoff John to match with his directing style while still keeping the vision that WB has for the film.
Aquman -Did not learned anything new about this movie that has not already been released. The only thing new is that Wan will be using the technology used by Snyder for the underwater scenes which are said to be phenomenal in Justice League.
Batman -Out of all the films coming out after Justice League this film is the furthest in development. -Screenplay/script is complete and being fine tuned by Affleck whenever he gets time between his other commitments. -Pre Production is already underway as a lot of it was helped on by Snyder while in UK which includes costume design, casting and more. Deathstroke was not originally in JL but after Snyder and Affleck started pre production on Batman they realized the opportunity to include DeathStroke and thus made him part of JL in a scene. -Rumors around studio say Bat Family and a large part of rogue gallery will be in the movie. This said the exact details of the script are still under wrap known by few and won't be know until pre production is in full swing once Affleck is done with promotion for his next release. -Internally the movie is targeting 2018 release date but Affleck after BvS wants to get this right and could delay the movie to a 2019 release if it is not up to his standards.
Other Projects - MoS 2 is way further in development then people realize and the delay for JL 2 is believed to be no co-incidence. The general buzz right now is that the studio will do any and everything to get Superman right and make him likable to the audience and critics likewise.
-Green Lanterns mythology will appear in JL 1 in some form to set up JL2 and GLC.

No Justice League trailer this month. The most the crew is willing to give is possibly teaser pictures and more casting news. Expect a trailer in the first quarter of 2016, and a bigger one during the release of Wonder Woman. Like Batman v. Superman, Man Of Steel, and the Star Wars films, expect a lot of commercials for products that also feature minor clips from the movie such as the Turkish Airlines segments.
Wonder Woman's bigger trailer will be around Superbowl time. WB and DC have full confidence with Wonder Woman and believe it can make sufficient money until Homecoming's release and still compete.
The Batman film is shaping up to be the biggest hit the DCEU has had yet. Talk is going back and forth between either a late 2018 to mid 2019 release.
Jared Leto is not angry with Warner Bros, and will be delighted to return as The Joker for the Batman solo if the script involves him. However he is more likely to be in the sequels, and having another minor role in the first film.
Armie Hammer is signed to WB and their DC films.
As said before, the Cyborg film is in pre-production however WB/DC is waiting for the full reception of his character in Justice League before making full commitments. Either way, the plan in the long run is to make a Teen Titans film, and the path will either be the Flash film involving Cyborg, following the Cyborg solo and Nightwing/Robin involvements in The Batman films, to the Titans film. If Cyborg isn't a home-run amongst fans (which is highly unlikely since the role is said to be absolutely charming and endearing), then the Cyborg solo will be developed into the Titans film itself. However, it's pretty much set-in-stone for the solo Cyborg film to occur. Will the film tackle black issues is the question.
Expect the Fortress of Solitude in Man Of Steel 2, as concept art surrounding it is being passed around.
2019 and 2020 is expected to be the DCEU's biggest years.

First off, I'm a mid-level exec at WB. You may have read a lot of leaks here and I'll be the first one to tell you that even if any of these guys have actually worked on the films or marketing or anything... us below-the-line guys don't know any real stuff. All we know is rumors and hear-say. It just so happens that our rumors come from big sharks and not journalists or bloggers.
So, I'll start by saying that WB had been trying for a cinematic universe since about late 2009. They wanted it to launch with Greg Berlanti's Green Lantern but when that tanked, they went with the backup plan instead.
Christopher Nolan.
WB wanted Nolan to oversee their cinematic universe and they wanted to use The Dark Knight trilogy as a kickoff point. In fact, Goyer was told to write 'Man of Steel' in the same universe. Nolan helped write bits of that film. 'Batman v Superman' was never planned after MoS, it was planned right from the start - only it was to feature Bale's Batman coming out of retirement after Superman accidently levels a city.
I know Zack Snyder had stated facts contrary to this but understand that not everything said in interviews is true. That's just a fact. However, Nolan backed out of the DCEU - not because of MoS' reception but because he wanted his Dark Knight Trilogy to have it's own separate legacy. A secret deal was made where WB would allow him to back out if Nolan remained a Studio Guy for at least three more films. Hence, 'Interstellar' and 'Dunkirk' happened.
The DCEU was reimagined completely by Zack Snyder. Affleck was cast as Batman and WB never raised any concerns about that. They had been going after the Oscar crowd - Amy Adams, David Ayer and so, they loved Affleck and Terrio.
So, what's happening now?
Wonder Woman (June 2, 2017) - WB if pretty confident in this film. Patty Jenkins is getting some studio love right now. Tsujihara was quite relieved by the film, he was a bit concerned about the DCEU after the reception to BvS and SS. The bookends are, in fact, set in the present day. Patty had to fight to keep them in, Jon Berg wanted them out.
Justice League (November 16. 2017) - Okay, Zack always planned for this to be a bit more hopeful and joyful than his previous two installments. The runtime of the film isn't planned to be near 3 hours. The edit hasn't been locked yet but the runtime isn't expected to be any more than 160 - 165 minutes. Geoff Johns wasn't all that involved in the film since it was already a runaway train before he came on but he did help Snyder in simplifying the story. It's much less layered now and plays out like a more straightforward alien invasion story. Lex helps Steppenwolf come to Earth. Batman makes the Justice League to defeat Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf resurrects Superman, in hopes of making him evil and destroy the League but his plan fails. Superman stays pure, joins the League and thwarts Steppenwolf's attempts. WB is being cautiously optimistic on this one.
The Flash (Undated 2018) - Okay, here's the deal with this film. WB got Phil Lord and Chris Miller to write and direct this film but they got offered a deal by Kathleen Kennedy and WB lost them. So, they got Seth Graham-Smith to write and direct. This was always meant to be a temporary measure since WB was never confident about his directorial capabilities. So, they got Rick Famuyiwa to direct it but that didn't work out for creative reasons. Now, the reason you haven't heard about a new director is because WB is desperately trying to find one. Still. Deals have been offered to Tim Miller, Leslie Linka Glatter, Alan Taylor and some more I think. No official decision has been reached. Negotiations are ongoing. The problem is that WB only has King Arthur on their Summer 2018 schedule and they desperately want The Flash to come out in Summer 2018 but production can't start unless a director has been chosen. Unfortunately, we all have to wait and see on this one. Geoff John's has zero involvement in choosing the director. He hasn't done anything on the film yet. Once production begins, he will be on set to help the director make daily story decisions.
Aquaman (October 5, 2018) - This film is pretty much sorted. Wan is hard at work on pre-production right now. Filming is expected to begin March or April or maybe even May. Geoff Johns has been quite involved in this film, helping out Wan with creature designs, Mera's portrayal, how Atlantis functions and turning the main message of the story to one about hope and inspiration. No Black Manta casting has been done yet (believe me, no one keeps this stuff a secret. It leaks out almost instantaneously). The release date was moved to open up the summer slot for Flash and to allow more time for VFX work. Yes, while Wan did choose the film because the underwater elements were new and could afford him a bit of scare factor, the scare factor was tuned down considerably once Johns got involved.
Shazam (April 5, 2019) - This is going to be like DCEU's Spiderman (production-wise), in the sense that all Shazam films will be outsourced to New Line Cinema. That's why I have no idea what's going on with this one. Apparently, Dwayne Johnson has been in touch with Garcia and Roven and that it may feature more Black Adam than Shazam.
The Batman (June 14, 2019) - Geoff Johns has been the most involved with this project. He wrote it with Affleck. It features Deathstroke but he isn't the main villain. In fact, there is no main villain for this one. Harley Quinn will be featured as well. However, so far, there is no Joker in the film and it's not because Affleck and Johns don't want him. It because Leto doesn't want to do it. He's so unhappy with SS and the way Ayer and WB treated him in the cut that he wants to drop out of the Joker role. WB isn't so keen on him either since he bad mouthed SS a lot. Leto will only return if compromises are made on both sides. Meanwhile, there is talk of Deadshot returning but that depends on Will Smith's schedule and whether he's busy with Bad Boys or not. Amanda Waller is in the film though I don't know the level of her involvement. I just saw Viola Davis' updated contract and it includes The Batman. Safe bet is that she is more than a cameo.
Cyborg (April 3, 2020) - This is still on the cards, so far. Although no talks have been made about canceling the film, I do know that WB is waiting to make the call after 'Justice League', once they see the feedback for the character. Even if he's poorly received, films aren't just cancelled. This may turn into a Titans film or even remain the same but with a team-up of some sort. It's too early to tell.
Green Lantern Corps (July 24, 2020) - Again, it's too early to discuss any relevant stuff about this film yet. No castings have been made. No directors have been hired or even discussed. The green lanterns to be featured in the film, right now, are Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Jessica Cruz.
Now, let's talk about the unannounced films on the table -
Justice League 2 - Zack Snyder is still lined to direct this if he still wants to. There is a concern that he may not and names like Patty Jenkins, George Miller and JJ Abrams are being looked at as fallbacks. WB wants this to be a November 2019 release but it'll depend on Zack and if he can finish it by then. Otherwise, Summer 2020 it is. Interesting thing here is that WB were really impressed with Westworld Season 1 and wanted to do more with JJ Abrams so they signed him a generous deal that included his show 'Grace' and one WB film. That could turn out to be a DCEU film.
Man of Tomorrow - Goyer is developing this right now. There are no planned villains at this point but Brainiac is a strong contender. WB just doesn't want the villain to be an alien threat. The funny thing is that neither Amy Adams not Jesse Eisenberg are signed for this film yet. Maybe they'll sign on later. Maybe their characters will be killed off or left out. No directors signed on yet but WB are pushing for Doug Liman to take the mantle.
Suicide Squad 2 - Now, this film is a bit tricky. Jon Berg wants to make a sequel for SS because of the Box Office results and because Deadshot and Harley Quinn managed to turn some heads. However, Geoff Johns isn't so keen on it and feels that from a creative standpoint, this film shouldn't be made in the immediate future. David Ayer has not been working on any sort of script at all and is completely off the project. Now, that doesn't mean that he won't be approached once the project is greenlit. That's just how Hollywood works.
Harley Quinn Spin-Off - Margot Robbie has been pushing for this but even she is busy with other projects now. At one point, this was strongly considered for a 2018-2019 release but the sad fact is that WB believes there can be no Harley Quinn movie without The Joker and Leto flat out refused the film. That made WB sour on the film a bit. So, this film isn't as hot right now. Tsujihara will wait to see Harley Quinn's reception in The Batman and if she's still as hot then, this film may be on.
Dark Universe - Del Toro never wanted this film to be a part of DCEU and pulled out of directing it as soon as it became a part of it. Doug Liman is interested in directing this but WB want him for MoT and that's why he hasn't committed to this yet. There are two main hurdles for this film. One, this is a dark film and WB are shying away from that. Two, SS wasn't received as well and this is as offbeat film just liked that one. So, we'll see what happens.
Booster Gold/Blue Beetle - All development has stopped on this. At one point, WB thought that this will be a fun film but it never moved beyond that. Maybe it'll get back up at some point. Zack Stentz had completed a outline for this one.
Lobo - Fuchs was working on this but when he turned in his screenplay for Wonder Woman, WB were very disappointed. He was taken off both projects and since then, this film has been dead. There are no plans for this character and no TV show talks have happened at all.
Other things I heard here and there -
DCEU TV shows are not happening, at least in the immediate future. The only planned TV show so far is 'Krypton' and that's being handled by Syfy. It probably won't feature any connections to DCEU and even if it does, fully expect the love to be one-sided as the films won't mention anything about this show. No Nightwing, Birds of Prey or Question TV shows are planned. This is mainly because of the ultra successful CW shows. Any DCEU shows will detract viewers from the CW shows and they make a LOT of money for WB.
At one point, Enchantress was gonna make it into the Shazam and Dark Universe films but after SS got cold reviews, all plans were scrapped.
No discussions have happened for Martian Manhunter, Sinestro, Crime Syndicate, Injustice League or whatever else that has been mentioned here.
John Cena has not been offered a role. Neither has Luke Evans.
Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Rosamund Pike and Denzel Washington have been offered roles. Armie Hammer is in The Batman but I haven't had the chance to look at his contract yet so I don't know who he's playing. Harvey Dent and Black Mask are two major players in the film so maybe one of them?
DCEU is at a wait-and-see stage right now where they are being cautiously optimistic about what they say and do. They'll wait until they see the reception to WW and JL before making any big commitments.
The best is seeing the flip flop between Leto hating and being fine with Joker/WB lol.

Third rumor box is what I want to be true

Third box is the most convincing. Why? Cause when it comes to Aquaman instead of making shit up, they just say they haven't heard anything.
Hope and Inspiration. Hope and Humor. Tonal Balance. Hope and Optimism.

lmao. these people need some new descriptors. sooner or later they're going to change Geoff John's title to DCEU Hope and Optimism executive officer.
I really like the plot of that first Riddler Batman movie, but it'd have to be really carefully done to avoid having people pick it to pieces over "but why's even trying to save them though."

Also, it's probably bullshit. But it could be cool.
I really like the plot of that first Riddler Batman movie, but it'd have to be really carefully done to avoid having people pick it to pieces over "but why's even trying to save them though."

Also, it's probably bullshit. But it could be cool.

I really need to see how Snyder justifies Batman killing peeps in BvS before thinking of any Batman solo movie plotlines. I would love Under the Red Hood, but the crux won't work. I'd love that Riddler plotline from 4chan, but it also doesn't hold water. Like, I cannot think of a way to have Batman's sole rule work. It kinda fucks up a lot. Like, TDK wouldn't work with this Batman.

I really hope Snyder makes it work. I didn't think he could explain away Superman's destructathon from MoS, but I was incredibly satisfied. Hope the same happens here.
I really need to see how Snyder justifies Batman killing peeps in BvS before thinking of any Batman solo movie plotlines. I would love Under the Red Hood, but the crux won't work. I'd love that Riddler plotline from 4chan, but it also doesn't hold water. Like, I cannot think of a way to have Batman's sole rule work. It kinda fucks up a lot. Like, TDK wouldn't work with this Batman.

I really hope Snyder makes it work. I didn't think he could explain away Superman's destructathon from MoS, but I was incredibly satisfied. Hope the same happens here.

Tbh, the Destructothon in MoS was always overblown. That shit was never really his fault.

As for Bats... I'm not sure. Under the Red Hood could work in a couple of different ways; you could keep Killer Batman, and have him argue that Jason is going too far even for him, or you could pretty easily explain BvS as Batman's nadir, and have him go back to no-kill afterwards, and use that to have him relate to Jason in a different way. He's been there, he understand the sheer appeal of killing, but he's realized that it's wrong. amn who kills is a man who can be made to kill the wrong people.

I think the second fits better with the whole arc. We know from Joker being alive that Batman wasn't going around killing people en mass before, and we can see from Alfred's behavior that Bruce's attitudes and behavior in BvS was atypical. So long as it's addressed, it doesn't seem an insurmountable obstacle.
Tbh, the Destructothon in MoS was always overblown. That shit was never really his fault.

No, I agree, but at least it was addressed. Making the movie kind of hinge on it had the ability to be really stupid, and it worked, cause of all the pieces. Batman was pissed cause he personally lost from it, the government had to step in, Lex used it to get a foothold. It worked. And now Justice League, along with carrying the whole DCEU on its back, has to make me go "okay, I can see why Batman killed, and now I believe he is past that". Batman killing in BvS is kind of a mountain out of a molehill in that with the films, Batman always kills some poor sap, it's just not focused on for longer than a split second after it happens. Snyder's style makes that incredibly hard to do. Hell, I still wanted to write it off as just artistic license. But then that damn Ultimate Edition cut... They just had to have the guy that got hit by the box have a fucking bloodsplatter.... That's when I couldn't write it off like I could MoS' destruction. It's not artistic license at that point, Snyder wanted those dude's dead. It sucks.

As for Bats... I'm not sure. Under the Red Hood could work in a couple of different ways; you could keep Killer Batman, and have him argue that Jason is going too far even for him, or you could pretty easily explain BvS as Batman's nadir, and have him go back to no-kill afterwards, and use that to have him relate to Jason in a different way. He's been there, he understand the sheer appeal of killing, but he's realized that it's wrong. amn who kills is a man who can be made to kill the wrong people.

I think the second fits better with the whole arc. We know from Joker being alive that Batman wasn't going around killing people en mass before, and we can see from Alfred's behavior that Bruce's attitudes and behavior in BvS was atypical. So long as it's addressed, it doesn't seem an insurmountable obstacle.

It still is completely hypocritical. And not in any way to serve the story. The way the argument plays in the comic works cause you see Jason's side of it, and you have to at least slightly agree. If Batman was a killer, stopped, and then goes "hey man stop that killing", I can't side with him, I'm with Jason all the way. Batman kills, Red Hood kills, who cares?
No, I agree, but at least it was addressed. Making the movie kind of hinge on it had the ability to be really stupid, and it worked, cause of all the pieces. Batman was pissed cause he personally lost from it, the government had to step in, Lex used it to get a foothold. It worked. And now Justice League, along with carrying the whole DCEU on its back, has to make me go "okay, I can see why Batman killed, and now I believe he is past that". Batman killing in BvS is kind of a mountain out of a molehill in that with the films, Batman always kills some poor sap, it's just not focused on for longer than a split second after it happens. Snyder's style makes that incredibly hard to do. Hell, I still wanted to write it off as just artistic license. But then that damn Ultimate Edition cut... They just had to have the guy that got hit by the box have a fucking bloodsplatter.... That's when I couldn't write it off like I could MoS' destruction. It's not artistic license at that point, Snyder wanted those dude's dead. It sucks.

It still is completely hypocritical. And not in any way to serve the story. The way the argument plays in the comic works cause you see Jason's side of it, and you have to at least slightly agree. If Batman was a killer, stopped, and then goes "hey man stop that killing", I can't side with him, I'm with Jason all the way. Batman kills, Red Hood kills, who cares?

What if it's structured less like a lecture on morality ("hey man stop that killing 'cause killing is wrong") and more like a father's desperate plea to his son? "I've been where you are, you think you're making it better, but that's not how it really works." Throw in some context where Bruce is deeply troubled by his actions in BvS, boom.


that's like the case for practically all comic book movies now though. speculating and arguing about them is more enjoyable than actually watching them.

I feel like the Marvel movies are so secretive for the most part, there aren't many rumors that don't turn out to be true. But then again I don't follow it as much as DC
What if it's structured less like a lecture on morality ("hey man stop that killing 'cause killing is wrong") and more like a father's desperate plea to his son? "I've been where you are, you think you're making it better, but that's not how it really works." Throw in some context where Bruce is deeply troubled by his actions in BvS, boom.

The only way I could see it work is with a shit ton of flashbacks. We would have to set up:

- Jason's backstory
- Batman during those years (shows how he was "then"/creates contrast with modern Bats)
- Jason's death and the fallout
- the string of events that gave us the Batman we see in BvS (has to be more than just Jason's death)

That is such a burden, having to bring up that much of the past, I can't see DC/WB/Ben wanting to go that way. Onwards and upwards, etc etc. The more I think about it, the less likely UtRH being involved in any meaningful way is... I just want my Jason Todd damn it. I have a feeling he's dead and staying that way in this universe.

I feel like the Marvel movies are so secretive for the most part, there aren't many rumors that don't turn out to be true. But then again I don't follow it as much as DC

More than anything, I just don't think there's a reason to create bogus leaks for Marvel, cause... they don't need it? Everything "leaked" from DC is either "hey, we're fixing all the things you hate, don't sweat it!" or "oh shit, we have no idea what we are doing, this universe is messed from the get go, we should just reboot". It plays into whatever narrative you want to believe about a cinematic universe with a crazy mixed track record. Marvel has been solid since day one. The craziest I've seen rumors go for Marvel is how the fucking Lego tie in sets fit into the movie.
That's why I thought us getting Giant Man in CW was bullshit, until we did hahaha


No, I agree, but at least it was addressed. Making the movie kind of hinge on it had the ability to be really stupid, and it worked, cause of all the pieces. Batman was pissed cause he personally lost from it, the government had to step in, Lex used it to get a foothold. It worked. And now Justice League, along with carrying the whole DCEU on its back, has to make me go "okay, I can see why Batman killed, and now I believe he is past that". Batman killing in BvS is kind of a mountain out of a molehill in that with the films, Batman always kills some poor sap, it's just not focused on for longer than a split second after it happens. Snyder's style makes that incredibly hard to do. Hell, I still wanted to write it off as just artistic license. But then that damn Ultimate Edition cut... They just had to have the guy that got hit by the box have a fucking bloodsplatter.... That's when I couldn't write it off like I could MoS' destruction. It's not artistic license at that point, Snyder wanted those dude's dead. It sucks.

It still is completely hypocritical. And not in any way to serve the story. The way the argument plays in the comic works cause you see Jason's side of it, and you have to at least slightly agree. If Batman was a killer, stopped, and then goes "hey man stop that killing", I can't side with him, I'm with Jason all the way. Batman kills, Red Hood kills, who cares?

I think Snyder is more honest than other directors. People say it's gratuitous what happened in MOS and Avengers did it right, however Snyder wrote Superman into a position where he had trouble saving people he saved people when he could but it was one guy fighting three Superpowered brings who would not give him a breather to save people and will exploit his concerns if anything. Snyder shows how frightening that shot would be in real life, you couldn't be able to evacuate large amounts of people so quickly, people will stand and stare, when Iron Man leads a giant alien between skyscrapers the ground is unlikely to be barren and empty. When flying objects fly through the sky people may not immediately evacuate the building. People may not like this, but that's what would happen.

Also Arkham Bats is brutal, but do you think some of the criminals in the Arkham games didn't suffer from internal bleeding, broken bones and crushed organs? Boxers can die in the ring when they are punched with padded gloves and access to immediate first aid, Batman doesn't so much as call an Ambulance or do first aid. Batman may not kill immediately but his actions probably lead to deaths. The way people kid themselves about this is amusing
I think Snyder is more honest than other directors. People say it's gratuitous what happened in MOS and Avengers did it right, however Snyder wrote Superman into a position where he had trouble saving people he saved people when he could but it was one guy fighting three Superpowered brings who would not give him a breather to save people and will exploit his concerns if anything. Snyder shows how frightening that shot would be in real life, you couldn't be able to evacuate large amounts of people so quickly, people will stand and stare, when Iron Man leads a giant alien between skyscrapers the ground is unlikely to be barren and empty. When flying objects fly through the sky people may not immediately evacuate the building. People may not like this, but that's what would happen.

Also Arkham Bats is brutal, but do you think some of the criminals in the Arkham games didn't suffer from internal bleeding, broken bones and crushed organs? Boxers can die in the ring when they are punched with padded gloves and access to immediate first aid, Batman doesn't so much as call an Ambulance or do first aid. Batman may not kill immediately but his actions probably lead to deaths. The way people kid themselves about this is amusing

First half of the post, I agree. I'm simply saying that the reaction was heard, it was explained and rationalized for what Snyder wanted to say, and I found it worked.

I disagree with the second half, cause you KNOW that no one takes a beating like the kind Arkham Batman dishes out and doesn't have severe injuries, but they are never shown, nor talked about. In BvS, it's right there. Nothing is left open, nothing can be brushed off as just "Hollywood blockbuster stuff". The majority of Batman stories don't touch on this, so for the sake of the narrative, we don't pay any mind. In Mad Love, Harley gets pushed out a window and survives. The likelihood in real life that a person would survive that fall, the one shown in the cartoon/comic, is low. But it's not real life, so you don't dwell. I can't not dwell on the Bat violence in BvS. It is front and center, it's that apparent. And yes, it serves a purpose to the narrative of the story, but it breaks a fundamental part of Batman.

I know a lot of people are sick of Batman, and how he has to be a part of everything WB/DC is doing, and I can agree that there is a bit of fatigue. But for such a comic accurate portrayal of Batman to fully disregard a key part of the character, it's just that much more infuriating. They just could not stick the landing, and I'm a bit peeved by it.

I hope at least some of this makes sense. I am crazy tired and I feel like I'm just typing nonsense at this point, but I wanted to at least try and explain myself hahaha


The third rumor box, all those bits about Nolan wanting out and leaving Zack to dry came out of 4chan when BvS finally arrived. I can almost believe that person knows what they're talking about.


First half of the post, I agree. I'm simply saying that the reaction was heard, it was explained and rationalized for what Snyder wanted to say, and I found it worked.

I disagree with the second half, cause you KNOW that no one takes a beating like the kind Arkham Batman dishes out and doesn't have severe injuries, but they are never shown, nor talked about. In BvS, it's right there. Nothing is left open, nothing can be brushed off as just "Hollywood blockbuster stuff". The majority of Batman stories don't touch on this, so for the sake of the narrative, we don't pay any mind. In Mad Love, Harley gets pushed out a window and survives. The likelihood in real life that a person would survive that fall, the one shown in the cartoon/comic, is low. But it's not real life, so you don't dwell. I can't not dwell on the Bat violence in BvS. It is front and center, it's that apparent. And yes, it serves a purpose to the narrative of the story, but it breaks a fundamental part of Batman.

I know a lot of people are sick of Batman, and how he has to be a part of everything WB/DC is doing, and I can agree that there is a bit of fatigue. But for such a comic accurate portrayal of Batman to fully disregard a key part of the character, it's just that much more infuriating. They just could not stick the landing, and I'm a bit peeved by it.

I hope at least some of this makes sense. I am crazy tired and I feel like I'm just typing nonsense at this point, but I wanted to at least try and explain myself hahaha

Batman has killed since detective comics 27. I get the feeling people let the many deaths in the Nolan films slide because it wasn't so brazen. I get the feeling people don't realise why certain decisions were made in BVS. Like the jolly rancher scene in BVS, the point of it was to compare and contrast how one senator was literally eating out of his hand whilst another Senator Finch told him to piss off.

Also, the killing is part of a character arc as was the case in Affleck's Daredevil but it's odd how people don't want certain characters to have an arc like Batman or Superman in the Snyder films. Captain America has had a limited character arc in all the Marvel movies. Meanwhile Batman starts off in a bad place and is looking to be less of a sadist by stopping with the branding. Superman doubts himself and tries to find his way in the world. Hell fucking Judge Dredd had more of a chatacter arc in Dredd, than say Captain America in all the marvel movies.


If the Martha scene had hit the way it should have and Alfred was a bit less cryptic about the "change" they wouldn't have to use another movie to explain what happened to Batman. It's what both scenes were meant to accomplish from point A to B. For me it worked out fine but I can definitely see why it wasn't enough for hardcore Batfans.
Batman has killed since detective comics 27. I get the feeling people let the many deaths in the Nolan films slide because it wasn't so brazen. I get the feeling people don't realise why certain decisions were made in BVS. Like the jolly rancher scene in BVS, the point of it was to compare and contrast how one senator was literally eating out of his hand whilst another Senator Finch told him to piss off.

Also, the killing is part of a character arc as was the case in Affleck's Daredevil but it's odd how people don't want certain characters to have an arc like Batman or Superman in the Snyder films. Captain America has had a limited character arc in all the Marvel movies. Meanwhile Batman starts off in a bad place and is looking to be less of a sadist by stopping with the branding. Superman doubts himself and tries to find his way in the world. Hell fucking Judge Dredd had more of a chatacter arc in Dredd, than say Captain America in all the marvel movies.

And Alfred started out fat. Just cause that's how the character starts doesn't mean that's what's established. Batman has had the no kill rule for generations. Now I just think you're being contrarian. Plus I think you're reading far too deep into the film for subtext. A viewer shouldn't have to make connections that may or not be what the director/writer was going for. I'm not saying it should be dumbed down, just less ambiguity.

If the Martha scene had hit the way it should have and Alfred was a bit less cryptic about the "change" they wouldn't have to use another movie to explain what happened to Batman. It's what both scenes were meant to accomplish from point A to B. For me it worked out fine but I can definitely see why it wasn't enough for hardcore Batfans.

It's not just that those two scenes didn't land, it's that they made such a serve change to an established character. But thank you for seeing where I'm coming from :p


Even though, without exception, these Reddit rumours are always absolute bollocks they are an oddly entertaining read.

The third rumor box, all those bits about Nolan wanting out and leaving Zack to dry came out of 4chan when BvS finally arrived. I can almost believe that person knows what they're talking about.

Almost. It's the most coherent of the three sets of rumours but still clearly written by someone whose sole industry knowledge comes from IGN or something.

Justice League 2 - Zack Snyder is still lined to direct this if he still wants to. There is a concern that he may not and names like Patty Jenkins, George Miller and JJ Abrams are being looked at as fallbacks. WB wants this to be a November 2019 release but it'll depend on Zack and if he can finish it by then. Otherwise, Summer 2020 it is. Interesting thing here is that WB were really impressed with Westworld Season 1 and wanted to do more with JJ Abrams so they signed him a generous deal that included his show 'Grace' and one WB film.

Abrams is developing a show called 'Glare' for HBO and the film and TV departments of major studios very rarely work this way.

The problem is that WB only has King Arthur on their Summer 2018 schedule and they desperately want The Flash to come out in Summer 2018 but production can't start unless a director has been chosen

King Arthur comes out May 2017. Also, WB already have Ocean's 8 scheduled for summer 2018.

I'd have thought that a "mid level" executive at Warners would know the year that the films his company makes are released.


And Alfred started out fat. Just cause that's how the character starts doesn't mean that's what's established. Batman has had the no kill rule for generations. Now I just think you're being contrarian. Plus I think you're reading far too deep into the film for subtext. A viewer shouldn't have to make connections that may or not be what the director/writer was going for. I'm not saying it should be dumbed down, just less ambiguity.

It's not just that those two scenes didn't land, it's that they made such a serve change to an established character. But thank you for seeing where I'm coming from :p

The thing is, I think the departure of the no kill rule was kinda needed. I often read people's arguments about how to improve the film and they often tried to argue that Batman would have his no kill rule but for Superman he'd drop it. It IMO makes sense to drop the no kill thing for consistency. What's he going to do put Superman in jail. Also Batman's no kill rule depends on the story cinematic Batman have killed more way more often than they have not. As for whether I am reading too much into the film, maybe but I think it's logical and consistent for the character.
I still think that people vastly overstate Batman's killing in BvS. The worst ones to me were the machine gun through the car, and the blowing up the people with the batwing. Everything in the warehouse scene was fine, he wasn't going out of his way to kill people and the stuff he did was in no way outside of stuff like Arkham. Also, you can bleed from the head and not be dead. It's not like there was brain splatter.
For me, I think having a Batman that does not kill/cause collateral damage and even goes out of his way to ensure that there are no casualties makes his need to kill Superman more interesting. He feels so strongly about Superman being a threat that he is willing to break is rule and it could also add to the notion that he simply does not view Superman as a human being. Also it could give another dimension to the Martha scene, he last minute realizes he's about to become a straight up murderer for the first time. They wanted to make a Batman that is more brutal but it could have been achieved by just having him break bones or even torture a little. I dunno, its not a huge deal to me as I still fucking love this movie but if someone were to ask me what I would change, this would be it.

Something for the holiday

Holy fuck that was unexpected!


To me, the Batmobile sequence was a mistake.

Cut that shit out and instead show us how Batman infiltratest LexCrop.
I wanted either the LexCorp break in scene or a Batmobile scene in the Knightmare earth or against Doomsday. LexCorp break in would've been awesome though.

I want Affleck to go back to his BvS suit with a redesigned cowl for his Batman film.
Yeah the BvS suit is already the GOAT Batsuit, just minor tweaks are enough for me. I hope we get to see a suit along the lines of Capullo's Rebirth suit at some point, the colors could look great on the big screen.


The batmobile scene is there to show not only how awesome the car is, but also to show the difference in power between Batman and Superman. I don't hate it, but it could've been better.
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