Hmm okay.I don';t like this conversation so I enact the Rex the wonder dog rule
Hmm okay.I don';t like this conversation so I enact the Rex the wonder dog rule
I cannot believe that I had not noticed this before, but Red Robin's nu52 costume is AWFUL.
Like, legitimately awful.
Jason will always be robin to me
For me he was so generic until he became Red Hood, now I enjoy him as a character alot.I'm intrigued as to why. Most people that I talk to or posts on forums always make it seem as if they didn't care for Jason until he became Red Hood.
i wanted Harper to get her own book![]()
I've never seen nor heard this sentence in my life.
Until now.
I'm intrigued as to why. Most people that I talk to or posts on forums always make it seem as if they didn't care for Jason until he became Red Hood.
If Harper got a book before Helena B. I would throw a fit.
Isn't Superwoman the Crime Syndicate universe Wonder Woman (Lois)?
Yep, and she's about to give birth to a multiverse destroying spawn of satan.
Yep, and she's about to give birth to a multiverse destroying spawn of satan.
Evil Hyperman?
Finally, his true origin shall be revealed! (how do I post pics so they have to be clicked to show full size?
Finally, his true origin shall be revealed! (how do I post pics so they have to be clicked to show full size?
I've never seen nor heard this sentence in my life.
Until now.
I'm intrigued as to why. Most people that I talk to or posts on forums always make it seem as if they didn't care for Jason until he became Red Hood.
Aaaaw. You got me genuinely curious, was a joke![]()
Finally, his true origin shall be revealed! (how do I post pics so they have to be clicked to show full size?
I cannot believe that I had not noticed this before, but Red Robin's nu52 costume is AWFUL.
Like, legitimately awful.
Its awful but there are a few times I thought it looked alright.
It depends on the artist, I think it is supposed to be an homage to pre-Crisis Earth 2 Robin.
No truer words...
The true GOAT Tim suit
Yes and no, the mask is dumb. The cowl would work wonders on this.
Do you mean that thing he wore that made his head look like a thumb?
I wouldn't call that an improvement on anything :/
Only two problems with the N52 look are the overdesigned harness straps and maybe the cape (though even that works a lot of the time). Change those and you've got a perfectly good costume
I wouldn't call that an improvement on anything :/
I've never seen nor heard this sentence in my life.
Until now.
I'm intrigued as to why. Most people that I talk to or posts on forums always make it seem as if they didn't care for Jason until he became Red Hood.
I've always liked the costume with the mask.I know a lot of people hate it, though.
No truer words...
The true GOAT Tim suit
You know, given a do-over, I think something American Alien would have been a much better start to the DCCU.
I always like when early Batman and early Superman mythos are intertwined.
The huge amounts of salt that would come from Max Landis writing a mainline Superman book would be worth it.
There was no need to ever get rid of this Tim Drake costume
Barbara gets paralyzedHuh, in an invterview with Comicvine Didio said the Rebirth special has what he thinks is the most controversial scene done in all his time there. Considering some of the things he's overseen, that could really be saying something.
Huh, in an invterview with Comicvine Didio said the Rebirth special has what he thinks is the most controversial scene done in all his time there. Considering some of the things he's overseen, that could really be saying something.
Barbara gets paralyzedby Batman
Anyone else disappointed there won't be a Firestorm ongoing come Rebirth.
lol my first thought was Kate and Maggie getting hitched and Didio saying "same sex marriage! So controversial" and JHWilliams III being all "Fuck you".Well, it'd Didio, so his sense of controversial/conventional is a little bit warped. Could be a big fucking deal. Could be Kate & Maggie getting married.
Dat's fucked.
Huh, in an invterview with Comicvine Didio said the Rebirth special has what he thinks is the most controversial scene done in all his time there. Considering some of the things he's overseen, that could really be saying something.