Unspeakable Evil
Once..ANOTHER REBOOT? How many of these have they done in the past decade?! Fuck it, I'm out and I'm sticking to the cw-verse DC shows until they get their shit sorted out.
Once..ANOTHER REBOOT? How many of these have they done in the past decade?! Fuck it, I'm out and I'm sticking to the cw-verse DC shows until they get their shit sorted out.
ANOTHER REBOOT? How many of these have they done in the past decade?! Fuck it, I'm out and I'm sticking to the cw-verse DC shows until they get their shit sorted out.
The Titans in general have been a mess
To be confusing. I stopped reading after they revealed Superboy was the clone of the real superboy(Superman and Lois's kid).
The fuck?
I really liked Kon and never followed the N52 character much, this sounds terrible.
You have a funny way of writing Damien Wayne
To be confusing. I stopped reading after they revealed Superboy was the clone of the real superboy(Superman and Lois's kid).
I feel like the minority when I say I don't care about long term continuity. I don't read these stories for some long term pay off, I just enjoy the arcs as I read them. I mean it's cool to have a universe where character changes are reflected and it feels like it's a living world, but if it came down to it, I'd rather have the story the writer wanted to tell than having to conform to whatever editorial wants to do. I think that is why there's so many great else word and non canon stories, because the writers have more freedom to do what they want.
.......im one more stupid ass choice from never again DC...you pushed me to the fucking edge with what you did to the Main Man..............I did not need to know this....
Speaking of Doomsday, I'm still not clear at all on if Superman ever died in the N52. Seems like it was hinted at sometimes, and other times it couldn't have happened.
That's typical with every solo character that has both a solo book and is part of a team book. It's best to ignore it.Ever since New52 there're things that made me confused with continuity like, what the hell happened at the latest Superman issue and the latest Justice League issue?
They played around with the concept of superman dying at doomsday's hands to be some sort of ancient kryptonian prophecy as told by zor-el to kara
It didn't catch on
Speaking of Doomsday, I'm still not clear at all on if Superman ever died in the N52. Seems like it was hinted at sometimes, and other times it couldn't have happened.
To summerized, NU52 Superboy is the clone of Superman and Lois' son, but Human and Kyrptionians hybrids are genetically unstable, so his DNA is a mix of Real Superboy, Lois, and Superman. Comic science so just relax.
How is every new design of Doomsday worse than the last. Let it go, let it go
new 52 Kid flash has the whole "evil titan from the future" thing as well.
That was Tim being controlled by Trigon or Raven. One of them.Plus Tim Drake stole his girl
That was Tim being controlled by Trigon or Raven. One of them.
Is Scott Snyder still doing Batman?
If not, I'm out. Dude's amazing
Everything is ending soon. It's expected for sales to slow down especially when you announce new #1's coming.It's gotten pretty bad for DC Comics:
Other than a few NU52 titles, I wasn't a big fan of most comics that came out of it. Been reading more and more Marvel titles since then. Not surprised by this move to try to get readers back who bailed on the Nu52 line.
Yes, this.All of the Robins are pretty unique characters. None of them are mini-Bruce.
Yup. What I said early in the thread.What Marvel and DC need to do is create seasons. Not every character should have a book that runs for 12 months straight or indefinitely. Bring back Mini and Maxiseries.
I've been saying this for years... Do seasons, give artists a lot of lead time, and only have select books run monthly or bi-weekly. Also, go black and white or whatever else is necessary to keep prices down for at least some appropriate books.
The aughts were such a fucking mess of late books. There was no reason for artists like Frank Quitely, Steve McNiven, etc. to even pretend they could do a monthly or even consistently bi-monthly series.
Yes, this.
Some writers might try to turn them (particularly Tim and Damian) into mini-Bruces but that's just bad writing.
And nthing the love for Red Robin's pre-52 ongoing. (Also sad that we lost Marcus To as his artist.)
Yup. What I said early in the thread.![]()
Nothing worse then a book that ends on a cliffhanger or the kerfuffle that comes from changing creative teams.I've been saying this for years... Do seasons, give artists a lot of lead time, and only have select books run monthly or bi-weekly. Also, go black and white or whatever else is necessary to keep prices down for at least some appropriate books.
The aughts were such a fucking mess of late books. There was no reason for artists like Frank Quitely, Steve McNiven, etc. to even pretend they could do a monthly or even consistently bi-monthly series.
John Byrne talks about it on his forum often. His forum is a horrible place though so I don't really want to go look through it.
I take a rather meta view of continuity, it all happened for me. For example, the characters may not remember Death of superman the way it originally happened (or at all) but it did happen, and then Flash reset the world and it didn't happen in this version, but it still did before the reset.
Now, to contradict myself just a little I do think there are big story points that should always be kept around. Batman being broken, Supes, Gwen, and Karen Page dying, Parallax possessing Hal, Wolverine losing the adamantium, etc...
Speaking of Doomsday, I'm still not clear at all on if Superman ever died in the N52. Seems like it was hinted at sometimes, and other times it couldn't have happened.
If she does come back she will need another costume, preferably a decent looking one.Can we get Anna Fortune back?
She used casters like in Outlaw Star
A mini Bruce makes imagine the most miserable lil sidekick ever.
Once again Young Justice shows how far it was ahead of it's time/
Plus Tim Drake stole his girl
To make one of the dumbest most stupid origins for his evil version of an alt future version.
I couldn't believe how horrible it was and how utterly bad it was. Full train wreck.
People give new 52 superboy guff when shit like Bar Torr Kid Flash exists
To summerized, NU52 Superboy is the clone of Superman and Lois' son, but Human and Kyrptionians hybrids are genetically unstable, so his DNA is a mix of Real Superboy, Lois, and Superman. Comic science so just relax.
Quiet.If she does come back she will need another costume, preferably a decent looking one.
So good. Damage being Superman tier was greatAll the switched heroes were dope
So what happen with "real Superboy"? So 52 Superboy just took his place and he didn't make it into the New 52 at all?
I cannot believe that I had not noticed this before, but Red Robin's nu52 costume is AWFUL.
Like, legitimately awful.
YeahIt really depends on the artist.
It's true, like for example why does her goggles have two lenses for each eye? Also if she is going for a cowboy motif there are better ways of doing it that aren't terrible.Quiet.
Its awful but there are a few times I thought it looked alright.
It's true, like for example why does her goggles have two lenses for each eye? Also if she is going for a cowboy motif there are better ways of doing it that aren't terrible.
That doesn't explain much, like why didn't DC create her with four eyes?Magic.
Everything is ending soon. It's expected for sales to slow down especially when you announce new #1's coming.
Except that that's not really what's going on at all. The DC You relaunch has been a commercial failure from day one.
That doesn't explain much, like why didn't DC create her with four eyes?
Birds is looking like a lock for her at leasti wanted Harper to get her own book![]()