That sucks, my game was still downloading when The Farm was available. I hope they bring it back for a bit later on.
The game itself looks and runs great. No problems with 4K locked at 60 fps on my 1080 Ti. AA set down to SMAA since MSAA is broken, and DoF knocked down a notch to High. Everything else left on Highest. Went through the intro mission and no problems maintaining 60 fps, even during that short part where you spawn with other players and fight waves of mobs in the shared quest area.
Frame pacing is no problemo on my 5820K running at 4.3. Smooth as butter the entire story mission. Gameplay felt great with M/KB, locked 60 fps, and very even frame pacing. Just me, my gun, and some bullet sponge guys with really long yellow health bars.
Damn, I'm getting close to doing a purchase of this for PC. I have GCU and it qualifies for that $10 gift certificate offer too.