Any official word on whether the campaign really does have to be played single player first before you can do it in co-op?
That was debunked
Any official word on whether the campaign really does have to be played single player first before you can do it in co-op?
Any official word on whether the campaign really does have to be played single player first before you can do it in co-op?
After beating Destiny's too-short campaign back in 2014, I found myself dissatisfied with the lack of post-campaign content. The worlds felt tiny. The AI wasn't up to par. The game didn't deliver any long-term "economic" systems like crafting or trading, and its mix of confusing currencies never paid off. Destiny's time-tested, Halo-styled shooting mechanics made a good first impression, but nothing about its characters, missions, or worlds made me want to hang around and keep shooting its guns.
Destiny 2 immediately wipes away [the philosophy that maxing out gear and loot levels is all that matters] by all-but-killing the notion that only higher-level weapons will get you through higher-level content. Instead, your weapons and gear will work equally well against the game's range of monstersmeaning, bosses will always require more shots and effort than simpler grunt enemies. Your high-leveled weaponry will instead deliver specialized perks against certain enemy factions and their various elemental shields.
I'm content with the time I got to spend in the other three regions. With each, I enjoyed both riveting campaign missions and opportunities to revisit the worlds, uncover new paths, rediscover existing terrain, and see that each planet appears to be much larger than each D1 equivalent. Confirming exactly how much bigger each planet is will require true scouring. Bungie representatives insist that each zone "really opens up" in terms of size and content after completing the campaign as well, but without a metric of size or scale, I can only guess what that assurance means for now.
A bungie employee tweeted that the tumor was absurd. I forget his name, but the tweet was posted in that thread that was worried about that.
That was debunked
Great news, thanks!You can play it co-op.
The rumor was false.
Destiny 2 immediately wipes away [the philosophy that maxing out gear and loot levels is all that matters] by all-but-killing the notion that only higher-level weapons will get you through higher-level content. Instead, your weapons and gear will work equally well against the game's range of monstersmeaning, bosses will always require more shots and effort than simpler grunt enemies. Your high-leveled weaponry will instead deliver specialized perks against certain enemy factions and their various elemental shields.
Now that Ive spent too many words kind of trashing it, let me tell you: Destiny 2 is better than D1, which I loved, and so I love Destiny 2 even more; I absolutely cannot wait to get back to playing it. I dont actually care about any of the things Ive complained about. Im going to put hundreds of hours into this stupid game, shooting things and watching my numbers go up.
This is what's wrong with gamers.
Fucking Hurricane Irma is going to ruin my Destiny 2 playing plans this weekend.![]()
Stay safe! =(Fucking Hurricane Irma is going to ruin my Destiny 2 playing plans this weekend.![]()
Any official word on whether the campaign really does have to be played single player first before you can do it in co-op?
It's Destiny without all the bullshit.
Wait, what? This is a new one to me. Weapon damage is all the same now? Why would they do that?
Any official word on whether the campaign really does have to be played single player first before you can do it in co-op?
A bungie employee tweeted that the tumor was absurd. I forget his name, but the tweet was posted in that thread that was worried about that.
I don't think that's what he meant. He doesn't go into detail but I think he basically means firefights don't live or die on the merits of your gear. I.e. it's just balanced so that you can play through all of campaign/PvE no matter your gear. You won't get gated by gear.
Any outlet willing to give a score at this point shouldn't be taken seriously, pro or against.
It's not a tumor!A bungie employee tweeted that the tumor was absurd. I forget his name, but the tweet was posted in that thread that was worried about that.
"WIthout all the bullshit" meaning without the overly complex Light system?
I really don't need scores, or really dozens of paragraphs to tell me about this game. Polygon's quote of "It's Destiny without the bullshit", is enough for anyone to make an informed purchasing decision.
It's not a tumor!
It's not a tumor!
Looks like these are all impressions from the same pre launch event EZA mentioned in their preview. Just most labeled as reviews in progress. I'm hearing they didn't send out advance review copies for the game and used this as a workaround
Does the PC version still have a different release date? If so, what is it?
Is it easier to party up with randoms to do raids this time round?
Still pretty weird though. The entire point of MMO/loot games is to level up your gear so you can get to the next tier of content. Really surprising they are moving away from that model. Not sure how I feel about it.
Is it easier to party up with randoms to do raids this time round?
edit: For raids yeah, there's Guided Games feature to find players.
Polygon's quote of "It's Destiny without the bullshit", is enough for anyone to make an informed purchasing decision.
There will be complaints and backlash. People will claim there will be not enough content from individuals that power level up to the end game as quickly as possible. There will be a grind as it's inherent in the MMO genre^ Yep - I'll wait until people get a chance to play it normally instead of in a perfectly controlled/guided experience in a location where they probably serve free alcohol, free food, etc.
It still all sounds very good and I am looking forward to GAF reactions this week!
Boy, our definitions of the word 'informed' are very different
Tonight really needs to hurry the fuck up
oct 24
It's not a tumor!