well i have the revenant shader from dead orbit and the black camo pattern kills it. switched back to thunderdevil.

well i have the revenant shader from dead orbit and the black camo pattern kills it. switched back to thunderdevil.
Yeah don't know if it really was increased but anecdotally I've been getting more legendary engram drops as well. About 5 in the last 2 days.
i know i'm just messin since she blames everyone at least once lol
our group is fun. just wish we had more time to play.
Productive morning in Destiny lol.
Got helm of saint 14 from exotic engram and maxed out, nearly finished with upgraded Icebreaker, started upgrading Ruin Wings and upgraded Thorn. Now I need to grind some glimmer because I'm broke as fuck.
Okay, this would be my preference also, You would make 3 and would need 3 more.
No burden, it does help to have a 31 or two but 30's are perfectly acceptable. Going to try to put preference on the entire raid first, then clean up the checkpoints after. Really hoping to knock them out sequentially. Yesterday we ran a fresh run with 3 people who had no exposure to the new raid and reached Crota very quickly.
Bahahaha my new explanation by section: Run. Stand there and Shoot. Run. Stand there and Shoot.
Except no way I have enough coins for this. I WILL be looking to do the weekly and NIghtfall on all 3 characters tonight before making any decisions...
hoo boy
What time did you want to start? I can ask some of the guys I regularly play with. They hopped on last night just as we were starting, unfortunately.
You can get the unabridged version, cliff's notes version or raid for dummies. Whatever flips your pancakeJust let me know when. And I havent touch the new raid yethope someone is good at explaining things.
damn man you've been busy since this morning! how many hour's did it take to max? hoping I can max one in a few hours with today's bounties and yesterdays saved up.
jesus christ.... i want
the most broken weapon in the game
valus ta'aurc will be my bitch after i get this gun, payback for all the times hes annoyed me
haha, very true. whenever I die, I fear figs' ire.
well, we better be able to play on the damn weekend or I might just join another group. I wanna move on, lol
PSN is in my profile. Not at home otherwise I'd send you a FR. Have you ran the CE raid before btw?
I'm sure everyone is free tomorrow.
Let's farm for old time's sake,
Where do I do the kill hive using blade sword on earth? Do I have to wait for random sword spawns?
Where do I do the kill hive using blade sword on earth? Do I have to wait for random sword spawns?
Where do I do the kill hive using blade sword on earth? Do I have to wait for random sword spawns?
Where do I do the kill hive using blade sword on earth? Do I have to wait for random sword spawns?
Would like to know too. Searched all over :\
Rocketyard is my perferred killing spot since a bunch of people camp out Skywatch. Wait for the Blade to spawn then go to town on the local Hive.
Anywhere in the Cosmodrome. There's usually 2 spots in each section that are spawn points for the ritual, but I prefer either The Steppes (because of the 3 Hive Majors/Ultras underground) or Skywatch (for all the constantly-spawning Thralls and Acolytes.)Where do I do the kill hive using blade sword on earth? Do I have to wait for random sword spawns?
Given how shallow the game is, I wonder how Bungie and Activision intend to support the franchise for 10 goddamn years.
Where do I do the kill hive using blade sword on earth? Do I have to wait for random sword spawns?
Well depending on what time you're doing this, I'd be happy to join as I haven't done nightfall or the weekly.Except no way I have enough coins for this. I WILL be looking to do the weekly and NIghtfall on all 3 characters tonight before making any decisions...
hoo boy
I'll join you for nightfall and weekly if you'd like. I need them as well for one character.
i'm glad i don't need to worry about titan or warlock mats because there's no room now.
inventory is so mismanaged. why aren't the eris quests in the mission section?
Excellent, what time are you available?I'll join you for nightfall and weekly if you'd like. I need them as well for one character.
Upgrading Ice Breaker (so are you, right? Right?!)
Not considered an event I supposei'm glad i don't need to worry about titan or warlock mats because there's no room now.
inventory is so mismanaged. why aren't the eris quests in the mission section?
Would like to know too. Searched all over :\
Anyone want to do the weekly? Need one. Add me: iRAWRasaurus
jesus christ.... i want
the most broken weapon in the game
valus ta'aurc will be my bitch after i get this gun, payback for all the times hes annoyed me
Bladedancing for the first part.
This is going to be great, I have 3 hunters. Going to be able to get both of the chest and 2 raid loot drops easily and then just wait until people need help with crota at the end of the raid and jump in for people.
Hunter master race until they patch it out. But by then hopefully I will have all my raid armor and weapon drop I will want.
So, Combined Arms is up. But where is my motherfucking Salvage???
Heading to Skywatch now to kill Urzok the Hated.
Anyone need it, or could anyone give me a hand please?
So, Combined Arms is up. But where is my motherfucking Salvage???
thanks. we eventually figured this outbut we weren't getting up to crota fast enough and he'd just pop right back up. will try the pillar stuff too to see if that helps.
i know i'm just messin since she blames everyone at least once lol
our group is fun. just wish we had more time to play.
What is Combined Arms? I know it's a crucible playlist but what's the deal?