Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I saved it, have to cut it in share factory if it did save, might take a few minutes
It didn't save, FML!, ; ;
I saved it, have to cut it in share factory if it did save, might take a few minutes
Is it really? I got it and thought the range was so terrible that I shouldn't waste my time.goddamn, four horseman is like the last word in shotgun form
It didn't save, FML!, ; ;
.Got 2 spots for an fast (hopefully) Crota kill, anyone? PS4 btw.
Just finished Crota with the Raid Team of the Forever:
1) Clutchmaster GraveRobberX
2) Greenymac the OG
3) ptr "no room for vowels only asskicking" 19
4) west "weapons of light" trade
5) Arbalest, Sniper extraordinaire
6) Yours truly, the sharkiest of them all
There really should've been a "YOU DEFEATED" after all that crap, though.
I am willing to back out and make sure you guys finish it. Seems like some people are getting tired and wanna make sure you guys finish it atleast.Any of you guys able to help us out?
Any expert sword users want to help us out?
Any expert sword users want to help us out?
In the end, Titans >> Hunters >>>>>> Warlocks in Crota's End.
Got 2 spots for an fast (hopefully) Crota kill, anyone? PS4 btw.
Hey guys. I ran with Destiny hard at release then fell way off. I'm trying to get back into it. Got the DLC pack but I haven't beaten the first raid...haven't even attempted it. I'm a lvl 27 Hunter. If anyone needs ab extra man or wants help me do the VoG raid or nightfalls or anything in up for it. I play on PS4. PSN is Japanmanx3. PM me or just add with a message.
Need one more for Crota at the final boss. Psn fadeddream
also i forgot to mention this to my group, but you don't stand in the totems or the center once 3 people are across during the bridge part. the center ring is what activates the totems, but only one is needed to construct the bridge. so as long as the center and the totems are being held on the away side, the guys on the home side can rest easy. group i went with earlier hopped up to "hobgoblin" platforms until the sword bearer spawned. part of the reason we spent so much time here was because our home guys were getting swarmed by knights
we did good for a blind run though.
I'm in the middle of the Nightfall right now if anyone wants to join. Warlock LV30
PS4 PSN: CloudOne
You guys still on? We got this.
If you still need some people, give me a shout. Think I'm already friends with BMO, but my PSN is CornDogg86.
Any 30s wnna help me and another gaffer get through Atheon?
I got Corrective Measure from the Gatekeeper, but from Atheon himself I just get Timebreaker and the Warlock Raid Helmet >_< I DO need a Legendary Helmet if I ever want to wear some Exotic Robes, but I'd have preferred to wait for the Vanguard Mark reset Tuesday and get an expansion helmet with 33 Light...
goddamn, four horseman is like the last word in shotgun form
Another Vex-less raid for me. Tho i got vision of Confluence,so makes it less painful.
I haven't been following this glimmer method, all I know its vault of glass, where exactly is it and can 1 person do it?
I pulled off the fucking clutchiest kill of Crota possible
Have that recorded?
But that terrible range though...
I wouldn't mind if you still have space.2 spots open for a fresh Crota's End raid, anybody on PS4 looking to do it now?
2 spots open for a fresh Crota's End raid, anybody on PS4 looking to do it now?
Normal VoG Gate Keeper checkpoint. Basically run a straight loop around and kill all 16 yellow bar enemies. A full run chaining supers should take ~30 seconds and net 592 (plus XP + beads). It's ridiculous.
I ran the sword for one group recently and ended up killing him during enrage, here's the highlight of the last sword approach and kill. Very fun.
That's probably what I wanted most besides a Gjallerhorn D:
tough last-minute calls at xur man, dang.
yeah, I'm there too. my TLW has no XP in it so it's a 42 Attack buff...I know, should I upgrade The Last Word?! I just unlocked it Thursday helping my friend in Vault of Glass. So I haven't had much time with it!
Edit: Actually looks like there is one spot open for a fresh PS4 Crota raid, if there are any takers?
We just lost our 6thAnyone need one more for Crota? I have helped complete it twice. I also have a checkpoint before him if anyone wants to finish it off.
We need one for Crota. Anybody wants in?
Edit: Actually looks like there is one spot open for a fresh PS4 Crota raid, if there are any takers?
still need?