Well what would you expect besides
These bonuses when over soul is up suck dick
That site is godlike! :OYet another useful Destiny site: destinyghosthunter.net
Shows you which Dead Ghosts you haven't collected yet, including descriptions on how to find them.
Are you chances of finding Husk of the Pit or whatever higher if you're using a low level character? Seeing as it's a 'common' weapon?
It's not an engram drop. More like a raid reward. You just get it.
So it just appears on your screen after killing those Blades of Crota guys? Hmms. I've been at this two hours now and nothing
destiny ghost hunter website
husk of the something
hunter raid helmet
just as I thought I was out, they pull me back in
Well what would you expect besides#huntermasterrace
My word, that Ghost website is brilliant! I might actually get the Achievment now.
Yet another useful Destiny site: destinyghosthunter.net
Shows you which Dead Ghosts you haven't collected yet, including descriptions on how to find them.
Agh, I swear, the Nightfall screws me over every week.
Last week, 5 coins.
This week, 9 Ascendant Energy.
I'm probably in the minority, but I really don't like that raid helmet for hunters...
The only piece of raid gear I like so far is the Titan legs. The chest and arms are gross imo, it's annoying I'll be forced to use them to hit 32.
This game desperately needs a transmog/glamour system.
Yet another useful Destiny site: destinyghosthunter.net
Shows you which Dead Ghosts you haven't collected yet, including descriptions on how to find them.
That site is godlike! :O
Just a bit higher up on the page here lol.
Iam poor ghost finder :/![]()
You have revived 2 out of 4 dead ghosts.
Agh, I swear, the Nightfall screws me over every week.
Last week, 5 coins.
This week, 9 Ascendant Energy.
Have not found a pic of the complete Titan set yet - do you have a link somewhere?
I really hate the 31 vendor gear and was hoping for the Raid gear to look better.
Unlucky mate! I did feel bad for you when the rest of us got exotics. Take heart none where godhorn!
Iam poor ghost finder :/.I havent searched them tho
At with IB happening, you can grab the one at the back in the special events area.
2000 rep i think? Not sure.How many rep points do you need to reach rank 3 and how are you leveling it up so fast![]()
What we've been raving over the last 5 or so pages; an Auto Rifle drop from killing Blades of Crota, that upgrades from a common to a Legendary to an Exotic.
Finally got Husk, took me 35 times on Fist of Crota.
Finally got Husk, took me 35 times on Fist of Crota.
Holy fuck, I thought that would be a hard raid drop like the vex Mythoclast.
I haven't kept count, but I've been doing this for over an hour now.
Think maybe Bungie finally decided to do something about being able to get 2 sets of bounties if you're on when they reset?
P.S. What's the most efficient way to do the "Out of Sight" Crota's Bane bounty without being a Hunter?
To get the HUSK OF PIT you need to just kill those blades of crota guys that spawn during patrol missions on moon or cosmodrone?
Rank 3 with Eris is too far.
Guide for both Out of Sight bounty and Husk of Pit... although if you only wanted Husk of Pit you can stay in the Sparrow...