Got my husk of the pit last night by killing a blade of crota on the moon. Looks cool.
It appears so.
250 points missing for Eris rank 3. Tried to do the double-bounties trick, but a Weasel said no.
Holy moly. How can people playing IB and high levels still not know how to play control zones :/
So to get the Eidolon Ally to transform into the Nechrochasm it requires a Crux of Crota exotic item for the last bubble - is this likely to be a Crota drop in the raid? To effectively make the Necrochasm a normal or hard Crota drop?
i still hate it to have the App in german ... and yes ... i didn't kill Crota yesterday :'(
Materials / Material
Their god is now our power.
Obtained only by defeating the son of Oryx and heir to the Osmium Throne in the Raid's most difficult mode.
I have 2 bounties (Thorn & BJuju), not sure if I want to pvp them or just discard. Before yesterday I didnt have good Hand Cannon (except Lord High Fixer).Aside from us (and we're are clearly mad), I can't see why anyone would want to put themselves through crucible.
there was some sort of stealth update for the Destiny Companion App (iOS). Missing Grimoire-Cards are there now and loot-drop indicators for Crota's End ... so it seems it really is only 3 drops on the moon (why the hell did they put the Deathsinger in there?) and the hard morde indeed will be lvl 33 ...
Oh, hard will be level 33... hmmm... getting this nechrochasm might be quite a challenge then.
Apparently, you need an item called Crux of Crota to upgrade it to the exotic. Which is only obtainable in the hard mode raid.
It also seems like you need radiant energy, rather than ascendant to fully upgrade Eidolon Ally.
Mine asys ass energy for 1 and 2 bubles, crux for 3rd
psn: legoman-D
there was some sort of stealth update for the Destiny Companion App (iOS). Missing Grimoire-Cards are there now and loot-drop indicators for Crota's End ... so it seems it really is only 3 drops on the moon (why the hell did they put the Deathsinger in there?) and the hard mode indeed will be lvl 33 ...
Is it possible to repeat the fist of crota? Because i did it the first day the dlc came out.
How? I don't see it on the map.
Added a replayable node to the Director for the Fist of Crota' mission
I think it'll require spamming blind grenades and blind bubbles to calm those Thrall down. At 31, even two of them hanging up can melee you to death real quick and with no'll be interesting.Yeah, it won't be easy. I will get nightmares thinking about the first part at level 33.
My friend just spent over 2 hours doing earth story to get the husk drop... he' s now got to go kill 500 hive for the XP to level it and wait for tomorrow to rank Eris to 3.
Hang on... you have to collect those kills before you get that orb from Eris?
I thought it was the other way around?
Yeah, it won't be easy. I will get nightmares thinking about the first part at level 33.
I think it'll require spamming blind grenades and blind bubbles to calm those Thrall down. At 31, even two of them hanging up can melee you to death real quick and with no'll be interesting.
I'd be down to try again. Our first run was ultra smooth. Fresh or Crota, my Warlock hasn't cleared any stagePretty frustrating experience with Crota last night, after having a smooth raid with fellow gaffer, I tried reddit and destinylfg to find a group for my alt. Man... so hard to find good players
Gaf, I hate raiding without you.
Just need to down Crota on my alt, if anyone is interested, I'll be on later in the day.
Fatebringer is the Exploder of Thralls. But 300 attack would be a bigger handicap against level 33s, so I guess either Mythoclast or a primary with Firefly. Secondary I guess a really fast charging Fusion Rifle. Heavy the baddest machine gun I have by that point.I've been wondering about the best weapons loadout for that part. LMGs > Rocket launchers obviously. Shotties could serve as a "panic button", but with that reload time? Probably better of packing a FR.
Primaries... I personally like the Vex for that part, but what else?
Fatebringer's head-explosion trick is nice when a group's coming at you, but is it still a usefull gun if things start getting hectic in close quarters?
Other handcannons or scout rifles you'd want to use? i can't think of any - their rate of fire seems too low IMHO and will result in getting swarmed...
Atheon's Epilogue & co have a high rof and nice big magazines to keep up a continuous damage output, but is that really important when damage is minimal and there's no staggering-effect?
I've been wondering about the best weapons loadout for that part. LMGs > Rocket launchers obviously. Shotties could serve as a "panic button", but with that reload time? Probably better of packing a FR.
Primaries... I personally like the Vex for that part, but what else?
Fatebringer's head-explosion trick is nice when a group's coming at you, but is it still a usefull gun if things start getting hectic in close quarters?
Other handcannons or scout rifles you'd want to use? i can't think of any - their rate of fire seems too low IMHO and will result in getting swarmed...
Atheon's Epilogue & co have a high rof and nice big magazines to keep up a continuous damage output, but is that really important when damage is minimal and there's no staggering-effect?
Wait, Eris' rank needs to be at level 4 in order to swap radiant energy for shards? That's some bullshit.
Fatebringer is the Exploder of Thralls. But 300 attack would be a bigger handicap against level 33s, so I guess either Mythoclast or a primary with Firefly. Secondary I guess a really fast charging Fusion Rifle. Heavy the baddest machine gun I have by that point.
But yeah I think it'll be a way different encounter when those enemies are all stronger than we are at 33.
Iam down bigmanny287 might have two more alsoNeed 4 for Crota raid. We want to do the first two parts of the raid twice. We will not be doing crota
PSN: ck716
Iam down bigmanny287 might have two more also
Did they boost raid weapon attack? Pretty sure my Crota launcher was at 306, now it's at 318.
Oh okay, thanks. Also, can I do Fist of Crota mission on normal 24 for the husk?They all start at 300 now.