haha did you really? im at work right now, drinking a loooooot of coffee. barely woke up in time to leave.
Yeah, there was no sleeping for me after we downed him... dat adrenalineCould NOT sleep. After our Crotas (LOL Scarlet we beat it on the first try but then whiffed on the second attempt - poor Forrest) I watched an episode of Blacklist and THEN still couldn't fall asleep.
That reminds me: Hudson, I think your kid jumped into our PSN party right at the end of our weekly run only to immediately hear Palom curse (literally) Phogoth's demise. Sorry D:
No offense intended to anyone with kids that play the game also! I'm talking to my kids with my mic on half the time i play before their bedtime.
Speaking of kids and parties, will you keep doing noob VoG runs? My little bro (he's 13) is done with midterms and will begin Destiny tomorrow. I expect him to be Raid-ready fairly soon (kid grinds like nobody on the games he plays) and I'd love to have him join one of your runs.That reminds me: Hudson, I think your kid jumped into our PSN party right at the end of our weekly run only to immediately hear Palom curse (literally) Phogoth's demise. Sorry D:
Yeah we did this last night. Just do one full clear up to Corta and then pass the checkpoint around. Next character, go kill Crota and then restart and do the first two sections. Third character, rinse repeat.Also, everyone is passing around Crota checkpoints right, skipping Ir Yut because that phase is hard AND gives no loot?
I have one on one of my Titans, so I can pass the checkpoint to my alt, kill Crota again, and then start the raid from the beginning just the first two easy phases and stop after (hopefully) grabbing the radiant material hallway chest? Someone made that suggestion here yesterday and after fighting Ir Yut for the first time last night, I see why everyone is skipping it.
Yesterday was better than every single other day in Destiny combined for me. Seems like a good one all around yesterday for most.Yesterday was a decent CE run for me acquired:
- Boots
- Universal Remote (blah)
- Gauntlets
- Fusion Rifle
- Materials
My raid gear is all focused on discipline unfortunately so might have to use another helmet. Want to work on my alt this weekend so I can run CE again before reset. Doubt I'll get the chest anytime soon, but shards are limiting me anyway.
Still WANT:
- Black Hammer
- Hunger of Crota
2 weeks in a row now Nightfall has given me an exotic I did not have. Last week it was Patience and Time and this week it was An Insurmountable Skullfort.
The Skullfort looks great but I don't think the perks on it are terribly useful. I'm not complaining but with Saint-14 and Ruin Wings on tap I don't see the Skullfort getting that much time in use.
2 weeks in a row now Nightfall has given me an exotic I did not have. Last week it was Patience and Time and this week it was An Insurmountable Skullfort.
The Skullfort looks great but I don't think the perks on it are terribly useful. I'm not complaining but with Saint-14 and Ruin Wings on tap I don't see the Skullfort getting that much time in use.
What do people think about Monte Carlo? Any reason to use it over Suros? I've gotten both in the last week, and want to level one of them once I finish Gjallarhorn.
Speaking of kids and parties, will you keep doing noob VoG runs? My little bro (he's 13) is done with midterms and will begin Destiny tomorrow. I expect him to be Raid-ready fairly soon (kid grinds like nobody on the games he plays) and I'd love to have him join one of your runs.
I'd sit next to him (I'll be home for holidays!) and explain the basics of what's happening. He understands English and can sort of speak it alright though he might get kinda shy
Kid runs are an experience haha. He asked me to run two of his buddies through Nightfall. They were tactically better than I thought - smart use of abilities and supers and weapon load outs. They just kept dying because of a strange impulse to be Rambo-type heroes.
Does wearing the emblem/shader/class item for gives more rep for Eris ?
So there is still onlyknown in the raid?2 chests
It's only for the looks. One of the few Titan helms that look good on a female.
Me too! Suros and Monte Carlo.
Monte Carlo regenerates your Melee meter while dealing damage.
So if you have a Sunsinger Lock or a Defender Titan, you can be running shooting, then melee to get over-shields, run shoot, get Melee meter full, Melle to get over-shields, repeat
so you can be doing a blitz constantly always getting over-shields
Yeah we did this last night. Just do one full clear up to Corta and then pass the checkpoint around. Next character, go kill Crota and then restart and do the first two sections. Third character, rinse repeat.
Ir Yut wouldn't even be bad (with or without loot) if not for all of the freaking adds at then end. Is there anyway to make them despawn after she dies? We tried starting Crota but they were still there. I guess we could start it and immediately wipe.
I tried the cheese and it doesn't seem to work (at least on PS4). I can give you checkpoint in a few hours if you don't have it by then.is anyone doing crota cheese later tonight or have a CP I can grab tonight whne I am off work?
yup after weeks of nothing the nightfall granted me the 4th horseman and ice breaker. got the ice breaker on my 3rd alt I was thinking about giving up on. just when you think your out. the game pulls you back in.
Oh I don't know. Helm of Inmost Light and Glasshouse don't look bad.
2 weeks in a row now Nightfall has given me an exotic I did not have. Last week it was Patience and Time and this week it was An Insurmountable Skullfort.
The Skullfort looks great but I don't think the perks on it are terribly useful. I'm not complaining but with Saint-14 and Ruin Wings on tap I don't see the Skullfort getting that much time in use.
Also, everyone is passing around Crota checkpoints right, skipping Ir Yut because that phase is hard AND gives no loot?
I have one on one of my Titans, so I can pass the checkpoint to my alt, kill Crota again, and then start the raid from the beginning just the first two easy phases and stop after (hopefully) grabbing the radiant material hallway chest? Someone made that suggestion here yesterday and after fighting Ir Yut for the first time last night, I see why everyone is skipping it.
She's really not THAT hard but it really slows the raid down. Those adds should de-spawn after she is killed. It's not like anyone is going to wipe to them. It just soaks up time.
Oh I don't know. Helm of Inmost Light and Glasshouse don't look bad.
Those are the only two I have and they don't bother me with their looks...not that I really care what I look like. I've actually gotten compliments on the Glasshouse which has never happened before with any piece of armor.
Speaking of kids, yesterday I taught my 2 year old how to play Sonic 2 on my cell phone. Brought a tear to my eye. He almost beat the first boss (with my help).
I have a 2 1/2 year old as well bro. She plays with her momma's kindle and she is genuinely very clever and figures out some of those games on there! It's awesome witnessing your kids figuring things out![]()
She did come up to me last night while I was playing Destiny and said "my turn daddy". I was like "no". Daddy had to grab those first crota raid chests real quick.
1 . Dante316
we will start as soon as we have 6 people. I have the crota check point if it wasn't clear.
Sweet mother of god.
All I got yesterday from two raids was gauntlets energy and shards.
Not a single weapon. They said the drops were better... They lied....
On a happier note, I have fully upgraded boots and need 14 shards for gauntlets.
My friends got the raid helmets and hunger of crota...