Anyone interested in doing the VoG Hard Raid from the Gatekeepers CP?
PSN: RogueLedrX
PSN: RogueLedrX
For solo PVE I would actually put Hunters a good last.Yup.
Glide doesn't offer the height of lift or the mobility of double/triple jump. It's an in-between and the in-between isn't appealing. I've used all three classes and Hunter is my favorite. Great mobility and great perks for solo play.
i didn't mean anything asking that by the way. it's only been a week so i don't expect players without alts or a lot of free time to have leveled so quickly. was just wondering how the gear was distributed since some of my 33 light armor is labeled "expansion" and some isn't.
the cap definitely sucks. i foolishly spent my marks as soon as the expansion dropped and if i didn't have an alt i wouldn't have been able to hit 31 either. i can't buy anything with vanguard until next week even if i hit the cap.
i'm not in need of mats but i'd like to try for VoC again tomorrow afternoon. Will make a post to get a raid going. The vault of glass is definitely not short on ass.
9 might be doable! I will do what I can to be there!Bummer!
I do weekly newbie raids, with explanations and lore, 8:15PM thursday if you can ever make it![]()
If 9 would work, I can delay tomorrow no problem. Haven't done signups yet.
Ehh, Titans are PvE gods for sure, but Sunsinger doesn't beat Hunter's subclasses for me. Sunsinger feels like "Let me save my super for when I fuck up" as opposed to actual contribution. Voidwalker can be nice, at times.For solo PVE I would actually put Hunters a good last.
Sunsinger and Defender supers are lifesavers in a lot of tight situations.
Ehh, Titans are PvE gods for sure, but Sunsinger doesn't beat Hunter's subclasses for me. Sunsinger feels like "Let me save my super for when I fuck up" as opposed to actual contribution. Voidwalker can be nice, at times.
Ehh, Titans are PvE gods for sure, but Sunsinger doesn't beat Hunter's subclasses for me. Sunsinger feels like "Let me save my super for when I fuck up" as opposed to actual contribution. Voidwalker can be nice, at times.
Ya until you use ressurect to negate the bridge and chalice completely, and a sunbro with light beyond nemesis revives your entire crew in 10 seconds flat. But ya other than that, totally useless. oh and the Templar cheese and the Atheon cheese and the double grenade for lamps runs... Just off the top of my head you know
You're not making that great of a case if we're resorting to talking about Sunbros being the most glitchiest game breaking class in the game.
You're not making that great of a case if we're resorting to talking about Sunbros being the most glitchiest game breaking class in the game.
Why say "ouch"? Yes it sounds like a bad deal to spend 16.5K glimmer on green helmets and then dismantle them for class mats. But if I get a glimmer farming crew together we can make 25K glimmer in 40 minutes or so. I think it's much faster to farm class mats this way vs. doing a bunch of roc strikes and destroying your drops.
Anyway I need another 48 of those Hunter class mats to level up my 29 Hunter. Four light away from 30. The grind is real.
What's wrong with glitches? Atheon didn't get patched for long enough for people to boost through people. Now in the next Raid they can do a similar thing, that makes them awesome.
I'm not saying Warlocks are useless, just saying that they're not head and shoulders above other classes as some try to make it seem.It can be that, but you can also rise above that base mentality and decide when it's worth giving up a last ditch save in exchange for either some grenade bombing or a risky maneuver like a dangerous rez
Saying that a class is responsible for cheeses isn't exactly an adequate defense. So they play the game it wasn't meant to be played? Congrats, I guess? And every class has an improved revive exotic armor piece.Ya until you use ressurect to negate the bridge and chalice completely, and a sunbro with light beyond nemesis revives your entire crew in 10 seconds flat. But ya other than that, totally useless. oh and the Templar cheese and the Atheon cheese and the double grenade for lamps runs... Just off the top of my head you know
The best thing about Sunbros is that I can cheat, is basically what is said, of which they'll probably get patched out down the line, then what are you left with?
Wow. I presume you're doing the Gatekeeper method? Are you going to do this again before Xur arrives tomorrow? I could need some glimmer, but I'm going to be out all day. I'm going to be back at about 6pm CET. That's nine hours from now.
I'd definitely agree that a self-revive can help solo runs, but I don't think game-breaking exactly makes the class the best. It's just an oversight by QA.I am failing to think of any difficult part of Destiny besides getting accidentally killed in a Nightfall, so self revive gets it for me. Otherwise I guess Bladedancer's Invis is the only actual super useful special, everything else is just time dependant.
Spamming rockets without reloading sounds homemade Valus Ta`aurc solution.
I'm in. I'll add you. I'm drunk, hope that doesn't prove to be an issue.Anyone up for some Roc Strikes? I'm bored until Bounty resets, plus I need a ton for my Bad Juju and Invective bounties.
PSN: drassill
Ehh, Titans are PvE gods for sure, but Sunsinger doesn't beat Hunter's subclasses for me. Sunsinger feels like "Let me save my super for when I fuck up" as opposed to actual contribution. Voidwalker can be nice, at times.
I'd definitely agree that a self-revive can help solo runs, but I don't think game-breaking exactly makes the class the best. It's just an oversight by QA.
The best thing about Sunbros is that I can cheat, is basically what is said, of which they'll probably get patched out down the line, then what are you left with?
In the same way that hacking is the best way to pkay, though. The system isn't designed to fix unintended exploits, so I guess you could say the unintended exploits make the class the best, but that's illegitimate, at best.An oversight that made it the best.
There is no "playing as intended". If the game allows for easy methods, it's the best way to play.
Î'd be down for this glimmer farming crew too. Will be at home at the same time. Gotta get ready for Xur in case he stocks Gjallarhorn for upgrade. Gotta upgrade three of them lol.
So you never do any cheese then, ever? OK then each to their own I don't feel bad at all so say what you will.
Same old story " only noobs use x class/gun/perk"
In the same way that hacking is the best way to pkay, though. The system isn't designed to fix unintended exploits, so I guess you could say the unintended exploits make the class the best, but that's illegitimate, at best.
I'm in. I'll add you. I'm drunk, hope that doesn't prove to be an issue.
Lol, I'm not totally destroyed. I can still contribute.Could be, but oh well. Currently in a strike right now, almost done. I'll add and invite when it's over.
And I'd totally agree with this.Hacking will get you banned.
Illegitimate haha. In which case is tethering considered cheating too? Or is anything that eventually gets patched not something that counts on a tier list?
At the moment, you want an SS on your Raid team. It's easier to find better teams like so. That's important. In VoG it was really hard to find a group as a Hunter because no one wanted one for some reason. So in that case, Hunters were a bad class to be.
If we were to look at everything with a criteria, then the real answer would be that class makes almost no difference at all because the whole game is easy.
Whether it is to be patched or not, Warlocks are the most useful right now. Unless you want to say that the Vex was never good because they were going to nerf it.
Left with? Lol Sunbros were the most desired class in VoG right up until the end. There's always a use for res and unlimited grenade spawning... It's asinine that anyone would argue otherwise.
I love the argument "oh its only good if you fuck up" like a sunbro never picked your ass up after a res in nightfall while you thanked your lucky stars.
Notwithstanding the indisputable fact that I stand there in the sheer face of fire against every boss and rain down fire with no regard to life and limb just hoping an enemy can take me down just so I can res and rain grenades everywhere
Such a useless argument, a good team shits on a good player every time and every class is mega useful to have
This is the point I was making (or at least trying to make), as evidenced by my edit above.Not saying sunbros are useless as you say, the self res lets you go more rambo than any other class, I'm just saying, saying sunbros are awesome because they break the game to not work as intended is a poor representation of sunbros.
Anyone running VoG on hard for ps4 soon?
Got my Titan to level 10. Figure that's a good level to stop at.
Log in before, but otherwise, you're correct.Can anyone explain how the bounty trick works for Eris?
- Log in at 4AM EST
- Head to Eris and pick up the new bounties for the day
- Complete them and turn them in
- Later in the day they'll be available again
Is that correct or am I missing something?
Do I stay logged in at the tower or do I stay in orbit until it hits 4AM?Log in before, but otherwise, you're correct.
We are doing the Gatekeepers and Aetheon if you are interested,
PSN: RogueLedrX
Do I stay logged in at the tower or do I stay in orbit until it hits 4AM?