Anyone want to do the weekly heroic? I need the coins for Xurday.
PSN: Khorgano
PSN: Khorgano
I am looking to do a Crota run either tonight (GMT) or tomorrow with a few others but we might need some GAF bros to jump in!
I have the Deathsinger check point and we WILL be cheesing Crota for 2 or 3 alts.
If anyone is interested to join, let me know.
Level 30 or 31 for Deathsinger but then I have no issue if anyone wishes to swap to an under-leveled alt at Crota since we will be cheesing.
PSN: MandrakeUK
I don´t mind the grind. I do mind the quality though.
I completely disagree with you. No aspect of this DLC reaches the Quality of the base game.
You don't mind the grind, I don't mind, but most regular gamers probably do (It's why most of my friends quit too). I don't think the quality of storymissions in the basegame is that high either. They definitely did not add anything new storywise like they said they would. I enjoyed my first time through Crota's End a lot. It's different than VoG for sure, but that's fine in my book. Wouldn't have wanted the same shit twice. The Omnigul strike is an absolute atrocity though, but Black Garden is pretty fun. Would have liked more new (exotic) loot though. Instead of just reskins of old stuff.
Anyone want to do the weekly heroic? I need the coins for Xurday.
PSN: Khorgano
Still don't understand why there is no proper introduction in-game to her. On the day DLC dropped, you just loaded into the tower and there goes Eris lol.
This especially is still mind boggling to me.
20 bucks couldn't buy me a fucking cutscene?
What the hell?
At Phogoth, free coins.
PSN: Khorgano, 1 slot open.
This game is going to be dead in like one month. Bungie, so disappointed.
It feels like a combination of corporate sellout (the reason the original game shipped the way it did with zero narrative and cut content) and inexperience maintaining the type of game they made.
Destiny really had so much potential and when I began comparing it one night to what I thought it would be pre launch, I had zero desire to play anymore.
So much wasted potential. Bungie may as well give up and just start Destiny 2. There's no fixing this wreck with another worthless expansion pack.
This week's Nightfalls seemed to drop just shit, ass shards and a legendary SR.
However, upon closer inspection I think I might have been lucky with the SR. I got a Badger CCL with Zen Moment and Firefly. The impact and range are higher than VoC and it's 331 damage once fully upgraded.
Now the real question, which do you guys think is the better option, High Caliber Rounds or Explosive Rounds?
Holidays. Most games will see an influx of new players.Yeah let's not talk about the dlc, pretty sure everyone is on the same pages. Anyways is it me or are there a lot of new players around.
At Phogoth, free coins.
PSN: Khorgano, 1 slot open.
well i might as well add my "review" of the DLC.
LOL, talk about an easy weekly. Thanks for the coins and the chest engram for my 1 second of work. I didn't even see Phogoth, he was already dead when I loaded in!
They are already working on destiny 2.
True, wonder how many new players will Xmas bring in.Holidays. Most games will see an influx of new players.
I am aware. They should quit making worthless, insulting, rushed content for this game and just shift their entire team over to the second game.
Omg I have played Destiny 100 hours more than any other game in my entire life.
More than Guild Wars and PSO over a decade.
they can keep giving us stuff for this game so long as it doesn't exceed $5
The time you waste posting is time not invested into leveling up your second Jesushorn, you lucky bastard.Jk of course, <3
Explosive Rounds decrease critical damage I believe, and the AoE radius is not very big. I'd use Explosive Rounds when dealing with lots of bunched up enemies, and High Caliber otherwise.
Btw, we are still missing the weekly for our warlock alts if you are up for it sometime this weekend.
The time you waste posting is time not invested into leveling up your second Jesushorn, you lucky bastard.Jk of course, <3
Explosive Rounds decrease critical damage I believe, and the AoE radius is not very big. I'd use Explosive Rounds when dealing with lots of bunched up enemies, and High Caliber otherwise.
Btw, we are still missing the weekly for our warlock alts if you are up for it sometime this weekend.
- cauldron is one of the better crucible maps in the game, with a simple yet balanced and coehsive layout and a pleasing aesthetic. destiny's poor spawn system is the only thing holding it back.
- pantheon is the first true symmetric map and has some interesting areas that make it feel like it's trying to be a classic. however, its endless hallways and oversegmentation break its flow and stretch it needlessly, creating gameplay with no rhyme or reason.
- skyshock is a vehicle map and that says it all. it's another failed attempt at catering to gameplay that doesn't suit destiny, only it manages to exacerbate the problems of its predecessors by being larger, flatter, and more visually cluttered. if you like roaming around in an interceptor until someone snipes you, or running around sniping the guys in interceptors, then enjoy.
I know I got bullshit from the Nightfalls this week also, but I always do.
I'm stuck at work for most of the day... And I hate having 2 Horns, so much pressure. Why couldn't it give me a Hawkmoon, or an upgraded Praxic Fire?
We can do the weekly whenever we're both on, shouldn't be too much trouble.
Yay Thorn bounty done, almost completely solo'd killling Xyor, but couldn't get her to appear, and thanks to knights having shields behind shields it made more of a meal out of it than I would have liked, thanks for being the sacrficial scout Boguester!
Also protip, when doing the dismantle rare or above fusion rifle part of the Pocket infinity exotic bounty, exotic fusion rifles don't count as above rare. ¬_¬
well i might as well add my "review" of the DLC.
Yay Thorn bounty done, almost completely solo'd killling Xyor, but couldn't get her to appear, and thanks to knights having shields behind shields it made more of a meal out of it than I would have liked, thanks for being the sacrficial scout Boguester!
Anyone with a Gorgonn CP? Would like to grab on two characters if possible.
Cool. FR sent. Will be on vita so no voice chat but THANKS!PS4? I do, for normal VoG. Can join now if you want. Edit: PSN is DrDrizzay101.
Come'on Xur... bring me Praxis tomorrow. Or Starfire Protocol. Pls.
Also, I need my Saint14 upgrade pls.
Cool. FR sent. Will be on vita so no voice chat but THANKS!