Ruin wings the new Sunbreaker, knucklehead radar and claws of ahamakara, patience and time, helmet exotic Engram again.
No ballarhorn upgrade, fuck at least there's heavy ammo synth.
Ruin wings the new Sunbreaker, knucklehead radar and claws of ahamakara, patience and time, helmet exotic Engram again.
No ballarhorn upgrade, fuck at least there's heavy ammo synth.
They didn't have the Gjallahorn upgrade last week either did they? I wonder if they'll hold out on it and, you know, be Bungie. Wouldn't make much sense since you can get the upgraded version from drops but still...
Xur's wares tomorrow:
Voidfangs Vestmants
Mask of the Third Man
The Armamentarium
SUROS Regime
Bad Juju
Pocket Infinity
Hard Light
Plan C
Helm of Saint 14
Ahamkara Spine
Heart of Praxic Fire (Bungie be trollin', todd!)
Gonna come back to this post tomorrow to see how many I got right.
Bungie needs to have Heart of Praxic Fire in the upgrade section tomorrow! I need to see Todd's reaction!
Sorry, Todd, but Bungie is going to troll you. They'll have it up for upgrading before putting it on sale.
Ruin wings the new Sunbreaker, knucklehead radar and claws of ahamakara, patience and time, helmet exotic Engram again.
No ballarhorn upgrade, fuck at least there's heavy ammo synth.
Actually I don't ever expect them to be have a Gjallarhorn upgrade.
It makes perfect sense really. They know it's broken and OP and sort of just breaks every hard encounter because of its ridiculous DPS and they probably want to keep it limited. Only way you'll ever see a 331 Gjallarhorn is from a drop.
But...but... What about my three babyhorns? They gotta grow up sometime.Not gonna upgrade anything this week. Maybe MIDA and Plan C if I have glimmer to spare. Will buy new Patience & Time and shard the old one + Ahamkara Claws. Gambling another helmet engram.
I don't even have a Titan but feel tempted to get the Ruin Wings.
Meh week, Guess I will get P&T and Mida is good enough to upgrade. Everything else is a disappointment, like always.
I don't even have a Titan but feel tempted to get the Ruin Wings.
Meh week, Guess I will get P&T and Mida is good enough to upgrade. Everything else is a disappointment, like always.
Praxic Fire upgrade.... YES!!! Thank you based Xur.
Level 31 with my favorite exotic here I come.
Look at all them ass shards! Lend me about 45 man!MUAHAHAHA
I'm not running out of synth for a while.
I can use my heavy as a primary with ruins wings, there's just too much ammo.
They'll never grow up. They'll forever be in Neverland.
Between ruin wings and a maxed (old) ghallahorn my titan will be a force to reckon with.
Shit... Really? I'm buying em
I would upgrade MIDA if I didn't limit myself to "only upgrade one thing a week, so to keep your sanity". I think it's one of those weapons that are worth upgrading.Terrible selection of upgrades weapon-wise, but nice to know the PS exclusive exotics can be a part of it and the Claws of Ahamkara sound like they're my jam.
I'm not running out of synth for a while.
I would upgrade MIDA if I didn't limit myself to "only upgrade one thing a week, so to keep your sanity". I think it's one of those weapons that are worth upgrading.
Remember if your consumables are full they won't work friend.
Xur is fairly useless today, I might get the upgraded P&T but to be honest there isn't anything for me. I want them dance machinessssssss.......
Definitely! Who even needs heavy ammo synth? Not us Titans lol. Gjallarhorn for bosses, Thunderlord for mobs. You can use your heavy just as much as your special.
I had enough for one exotic engram. Was hoping for Obsidian Mind but I got Skull of Dire Ahamkara. All good. Better than that piece of crap Light Beyond Nemesis I was using.