I had a feeling Bungie was going to do this. I tried to warn him.Todd must be hard at work the poor sod.
I had a feeling Bungie was going to do this. I tried to warn him.Todd must be hard at work the poor sod.
here's a comparison
the only reason i'm not going crazy over the LDR is because it only has 4 rounds and doesn't have a high rate of fire.
the one that dropped for me from an engram would be amazing with unflinching, but i'd miss the RoF in PvP.
Eris: "We are bonded forever, Guardian."
Man looking back through some of my PvP videos I've never really realized just how goddamn OP the Vex was.
The Swarm, a heavy MG does 49 per body shot and 61 head shot. The old Vex did 45 per body and 56 head shot. It was essentially like carrying a heavy MG the whole match. Good times.
How ? first mission on Mars ?
I did and I am.Wasn't expecting Ballerhorn so I wasn't disappointed.
Why oh why is the glasshouse such a horrible colour. Doesn't go with any of the shaders I've got.
Man looking back through some of my PvP videos I've never really realized just how goddamn OP the Vex was.
The Swarm, a heavy MG does 49 per body shot and 61 head shot. The old Vex did 45 per body and 56 head shot. It was essentially like carrying a heavy MG the whole match. Good times.
I miss my old vex too. it was so OP that I once had 2 guys shooting me in the back while I was killing the dude infront of me, after he was dead, I turned around and killed both of the guys.
35-40 kills a match was something I could get every match, and I SUCK at PVP![]()
have thorn, plan c, sga and monte carlo...will never upgrade or use them. where's gjallarhorn
P&T again? I already got a new one from nightfall...
You should try Thorn. It's incredible since the buff.
The Monte Carlo is hands down the best PvE Auto Rifle. It's perfect for raiding and after the buff it only got better.have thorn, plan c, sga and monte carlo...will never upgrade or use them. where's gjallarhorn
I got 2 energies for killing Crota this week, you shouldn't complainTitan got boots again and Hunter got gloves again. Dat intelligent raid loot design at work.
it's all over crucible but i wonder if it's worth using anywhere in PvE.
Anyone up for an all-thorn crota's end? lol
The Monte Carlo is hands down the best PvE Auto Rifle. It's perfect for raiding and after the buff it only got better.
Plan C is a pretty good PvP weapon, it's not the best Fusion Rifle and the perks kinda suck though.
I got 2 energies for killing Crota this week, you shouldn't complain![]()
I got 2 energies for killing Crota this week, you shouldn't complain![]()
Really need to get her to level 4 now so I can get radiant shards and level 32 faster. All I need now is a chest drop.
lol I also got 2 shards, 2 energies and a dupe Black Hammer on 3 chars. I swear they made it so that the game actively is trying to give you what you already have.
Should I bother with upgrading the exotic chest pieces that revive faster? Questioning how useful they will be going forward.
Edit: Yeah once you put him down and he kneels you have ~3 seconds to hit him with the sword and then he stands back up with full shields no matter what you do. Save your ammo for a second run at him. ^^
Remember if your consumables are full they won't work friend.
If you plan on running any hard mode raids I would just scrap it. Plenty of other good options.
Should I bother with upgrading the exotic chest pieces that revive faster? Questioning how useful they will be going forward.
Edit: Yeah once you put him down and he kneels you have ~3 seconds to hit him with the sword and then he stands back up with full shields no matter what you do. Save your ammo for a second run at him. ^^
Wow. Someone on my friends list actually joined on me during the daily and went afk. Fuck you. Deleted.
Question about Dismantling Exotic weapons.
If I want to dismantle an exotic weapon. How many Exotic shards will I get?
Will I get more Exotic Shards if the weapon is fully maxed out?
I mean he's not even kneeling. He's just instantly regenerating his shields.
Question about Dismantling Exotic weapons.
If I want to dismantle an exotic weapon. How many Exotic shards will I get?
Will I get more Exotic Shards if the weapon is fully maxed out?
1 exotic shard for dismantling, 2 if it's maxed, does not apply to armour.
1 exotic shard for dismantling, 2 if it's maxed, does not apply to armour.
the new Legendary Raid weapons work the same way ? Will I be getting Exotic shards from them or will I get ascendant energy?
Question about Dismantling Exotic weapons.
If I want to dismantle an exotic weapon. How many Exotic shards will I get?
Will I get more Exotic Shards if the weapon is fully maxed out?