Rollo Tomasi
I really hate that shaders don't work on exotic armor. It bugs me so bad.
Is this true? I didn't realize that.
I really hate that shaders don't work on exotic armor. It bugs me so bad.
Haha it seems we need some exact information about how much a weapon needs to be upgraded to get 2 instead of 1 exotic shard.
Xur having HoPF upgrade is such a boner crusher. Good for those with it but damn that sucks to see for those waiting. And waiting.Damn just saw that upgrade list.... Sorry Todd
It'll be a sad day when Gjallhorn upgrade is listed and those of us who don't own it are forced to just watch.Xur having HoPF upgrade is such a boner crusher. Good for those with it but damn that sucks to see for those waiting. And waiting.
I just realized Monte Carlo is on the list so that means Hawkmoon is inevitable.
Maybe Xur will have Ghorn as an Xmas surprise next week? Wishful thinking I know.
I'm not convinced by the raid machine gun. It's too unstable for my taste. My Swarm has double the stability.
It's random. Just like everything else in the game.
Maybe Xur will have Ghorn as an Xmas surprise next week? Wishful thinking I know.
Amazing. I would totally do this though.Christmas surprise will be a grind.
Farm lumps of coal until you raise your Santa rep to level 3 which is "good boys and girls" status. Then you can purchase a stocking which you need to fill with stuffers you can buy from Xur for 11,000 glimmer each. You will need 10 of them. After that you need to kill Vex and get their eye cores to charge the Christmas lights for your Sparrow.
no your kidding right?
Seeing folks get Gjallarhorn this week and last only adds to the pain.It'll be a sad day when Gjallhorn upgrade is listed and those of us who don't own it are forced to just watch.
But those hive shields. It made Nightfall go by quicker not having to deal with regenerating health major Knights.I'm not convinced by the raid machine gun. It's too unstable for my taste. My Swarm has double the stability.
The Vex mythoclast and Suros Regime are both super annoying and OP in the crucible, it's all I see people use.
Weapon diversity seems pretty great in crucible to me. Might be different if everyone had access to all weapons, but right now I hardly ever see the same weapons in the majority.
Those two guns aren't OP either. Plenty of weapons are on par.
Why oh why is the glasshouse such a horrible colour. Doesn't go with any of the shaders I've got.
Nah. Gotten two shards from a halfway leveled exotic weapon and one shard from a fully upgraded one.
Those two guns aren't OP either. Plenty of weapons are on par.
horrible if this is bungie.
My mate got Gjallarhorn and Hawkmoon yesterday, one in a nightfall and the other in VoG raid. Lucky dude.
So now its me and him that has the Gjallarhorn in our Clan.
That was a crap ton of fun. Upgraded HoPF this am and bought a 2nd P&T and heavy packs!!!! Oh yeahUpgraded my truth, Monte Carlo, and Mida. Wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the awesome glimmer farming train last night. I had so much fun playing around with the Monte Carlo before the DLC that I'm looking forward to actually using it. Truth needed an upgrade because I'm tired of using my Hazen. It'll have to do for Crota until my Gjallerhorn shows up.
I need Strange Coins. Anyone up for 2x Weekly Heroic in 20-30 mins?
I need Strange Coins. Anyone up for 2x Weekly Heroic in 20-30 mins?
Think Plan C is worth upgrading?
How much many heavies is everyone stocking up on? I'm doing 3 full stacks - don't use that many either way, but nice to have.
Nothing better to do with your glimmer?
Is this true? I didn't realize that.
Happy Xur Day!
Just pop some blue polyphase and kill all the yellow vex. Then die and repeat.Anyone got a video of this gatekeeper farming method? We Xbox Bros need to unite and farm.
Can't find anyone to do the weekly heroic with(24). Destinylfg is all level 29+. That new fireteams site isn't helping either. Not too sure what to do now. Grind the strike playlist I guess.
The Vex mythoclast and Suros Regime are both super annoying and OP in the crucible, it's all I see people use.
If you are on ps4 I can help you if you get on now. Psn: iRAWRasaurusCan't find anyone to do the weekly heroic with(24). Destinylfg is all level 29+. That new fireteams site isn't helping either. Not too sure what to do now. Grind the strike playlist I guess.
Are you in Australia?
I can help you after work today, so around 7PM EST...