I'm sure if you had a check pointthen you could solo thatafter the bridge but before the Deathsingereasily.hallway
I'll have to ask but I'm guessing he meant no checkpoint like the first chest.
I'm sure if you had a check pointthen you could solo thatafter the bridge but before the Deathsingereasily.hallway
anyone hit up VoG to see if old drops got an increase in damage?
anyone hit up VoG to see if old drops got an increase in damage?
My man. I don't remember anyone mentioning this (though these threads move fast as hell), but it was one of the first things I noticed a few weeks ago. That shit bugged the hell out of me.
They didn't. Not even the exotics.
It doesn't. And someone got a Suros from the chest and it was the old version.
I'm up for it
Psn is toasty_T
I still have it locked, can you access it?
Not hard at all. The gun is still a beast.
How do I do this Blades of Crota bounty? Where are the Knights who serve as Blades of Crota?
Old Russia. Wait for a message saying that the minions of Crota are preparing for a ritual. Look around for hive kneeling before a green orb. Kill them and kill the Blade ofCrota that spawns.
Yea, was tough even with 3 guys.
it came back for me. dont know whats triggering it, but i see those little pluses on a few guns i bring out the vault.
So this new strike is pretty much impossible to solo on Nightfall or level 30, yeah?
Are purples from cryptarch package guaranteed to be new level light gear?
Today is a good day. Too bad it's not a "new" one.
Anybody want to join on abut one of our teammates hit the girlfriend enrage timer.Crota team? We've got 2 Lv31s and got him down to ~5%
I'm sure if you had a check pointthen you could solo thatafter the bridge but before the Deathsingereasily.hallway
Got it on my Titan. I'll start it up then switch.
My holidays are confirmed!
December 19th-January 14th I will be off work! Woohoo!
Anyone want to form a daytime multi character Crotas End Weekly raidathon?
First #ForeverNoVex of back to back Atheon kills with th Gaf group in 10 minutes! If you're interested I'll repost if there are any alts needed.
Got a post patch thunderlord in nightfall. yaaay.
Our first run for our Vexless Gafers, we will be doing it every week to help get the Vex. Back to back Atheon runs for multiple characters.
We will likely need an alt week to week so I will repost and make a list to help get the elusive gun. I will put up a formal post soon.
Shout out to Greenymac for getting us the checkpoint!
Vex Results:
1 Player got the Vex
My Results:
Run 1 - Hunter
-Hunter Helmet
-Atheon's Epilogue
-Aspect of Glass
Run 2 - Titan
-6 Energy
-Aspect of Glass
Run 3 - Warlock
Will update with final results soon!!
Enjoy, I got one from the raid chest. Check it out in Nightfall/Heroic. Even unupgraded it absolutely annihilates everything.
Our first run for our Vexless Gafers, we will be doing it every week to help get the Vex. Back to back Atheon runs for multiple characters.
We will likely need an alt week to week so I will repost and make a list to help get the elusive gun. I will put up a formal post soon.
Shout out to Greenymac for getting us the checkpoint!
Vex Results:
1 Player got the Vex
My Results:
Run 1 - Hunter
-Hunter Helmet
-Atheon's Epilogue
-Aspect of Glass
Run 2 - Titan
-6 Energy
-Aspect of Glass
Run 3 - Warlock
Will update with final results soon!!
Im off from Dec 24-Jan 5th..... Its gonna be ON!
Did Invigorate beat Crota with a lvl 31 on their team? Some of my teammate think so but Bungie's tweet says otherwise...
Did Invigorate beat Crota with a lvl 31 on their team? Some of my teammate think so but Bungie's tweet says otherwise...
you need one more? i wanna see if i get FateBringer.
We are just doing back to back Atheon, on the last round of 3.
If you have Templar checkpoint? Isn't that where it drops?
Did you get the Wave 2 Amiiibos today???
Did Bungie patch the first chest in Crota's End? It's not spawning for me even after dying numerous times.
Did Bungie patch the first chest in Crota's End? It's not spawning for me even after dying numerous times.
Need one for Crota's end on ps4, had a disconnect.
PSN: ShinigamiFrost
Just saw a gaffer get the hawkmoon (gorgon chest) AND ballerhorn (atheon) from a normal raid, best normal raid haul ive ever seen lol, congrats!