The week after that.Next week kill boxes all over those areas.
Still lose ammo after death or transition when you have ammo boosting armor.
The week after that.Next week kill boxes all over those areas.
The prodigal son returns!
And he's gone. Probably still searching for the ever elusive Heart of Praxic Fire.
I can't believe that still hasn't dropped for you.I'm at work on break dreaming about praxic fires.
Wait, you're locked out? How? Have you not done the regular mission yet? Or are you too low a level?
I can't believe that still hasn't dropped for you.
I'm level 27. I can technically access it, but I couldn't clear the first hallway. The high level (yellow bar) thralls overwhelmed me. If I can't clear that when being meticulous, the rest of the level is untouchable. So not locked out literally, just effectively. This is the first time the option to set difficulty settings was removed. I hope it's not a trend.
I was doing the level 28 missions as level 27 and was fine, until they removed them.![]()
One day. Just one day.I'm at work on break dreaming about praxic fires.
I can't believe that still hasn't dropped for you.
I was busy withI couldn't just turn around and kill some ads on the other side.building the bridge and dodging gatekeepers.
I'm at work on break dreaming about praxic fires.
Suremath wanna play on the new maps?
I don't know what I did, but I'm very sorry fig. Pls don't be mad.
Got my second yesterday from a nightfall. New defense values too.
Sharded my maxed first one.
It's because the new story missions only have two "real" settings, 25 (Normal), and 30 (Hard). When a story mission is the Daily Heroic, you have the option of picking any of the Hard options, but for this mission it's the only one.This is the first time the option to set difficulty settings was removed. I hope it's not a trend.
Bladehunters what stats should I be concerned more with Str and Int? Or Str and Disc
I think I just got the 1. Weapons supposedly give 2 if maxed.Did you get one exotic shard when dismantling a maxed exotic?
I'll hit you up late STB I still need the nightfall but we need a generous level 30 to assist so it doesn't get too tedious.
Just got an auto rifle called For The People. Looks similar to the Grim Citizen III I think. Gonna test it out.
For The People (Crucible AR) actually has a larger mag than advertised - 34, or 56 (!) with field scout. Field Scout is great in PVE but in PVP, perfect balance is the way to go. Good weapon.
Sorry for the slow response. Meetings getting in the way of my forum reading.
I'm on PS4. My PSN is Berried_treasurE. Feel free to add me, and we'll run them at some point tonight.
Depends on what you want out of the character.
Just got an auto rifle called For The People. Looks similar to the Grim Citizen III I think. Gonna test it out.
Quoting myself, I like it (I have the vendor one)
Im actually dreaming about kicking crotas rear end tonight. I'm hyped.
The No tomorrow gear from the FWC usually has hand cannon and scout rifle perks that's what I use and I think new Monarchy's hunter gear has shotty and assualt rifle stuff if I'm not mistaken. As for what I focus on I find the ARC grenade to the the most useful thing in the kit so I go for Discipline and secondly Intellect.I was going str and Int up to 29 so far with lucky raspberry chest. I just don't use the guns with the new type of gear that often tho. Pulse rifle etc
Got secret handshake from an engram
where is da range
Yes. Right now. I have you added alreadyAnybody doing the Nightfall soon?
Yes. Right now. I have you added already
You doing any runs tonight? Would love to see your strategy in practice.
Hey that sounds great. Is it exactly the same strategy? Or are there any little differences? Thanks!
We've got the strat we were using down really really well now.We got within one tiny pixel of a health bar from killing him after 3 less-than-perfect rounds... but then wiped. The time we killed him was 4 rounds but with lots of leeway for little mistakes.
If anybody wants to join onto our team we are runningagain right now as soon as we find a 6th.CrotaI'm running the sword again and we've got another 31 as well as 4 GHorns so the only requirement is a Lv30 with a maxed IBreaker.
Theres very few DLC story missions. They shouldn't come up often.
It's because the new story missions only have two "real" settings, 25 (Normal), and 30 (Hard). When a story mission is the Daily Heroic, you have the option of picking any of the Hard options, but for this mission it's the only one.
I am looking for 2 other level 31 or 32 players to finish off Crota tonight.
Post here and I will add you as a friend.
Time 6:30 eastern
1.westtrade (LVL 31 Titan)
2.pinz123456789 (LVL 31 warlock)
3.Rubenov25 (LVL 31 warlock)
4.thanuggetman (LVL 31 hunter)
Are there any experienced Crota fighters up for trying to beat him this evening at around 8:30pm gmt?
I have the checkpoint and understand the strats, but RNG hasn't blessed me with 31 (4marks off vendor).
Ideally need a 31 who's confident with the sword to take down Crota.
1. Zakalwe (astropoff) - level 31 Titan
I'd like to join but I'm only level 30. I've tried the fight numerous times and know the strategy perfectly. The only issue we've had is the sword bearer not being able to get the timing down.
Maxed Ghorn, IB, etc...
Level 30 Titan