Anyone want to give Crucible a go? My buddy and I are going to play.
I will
Need just ONE more for NM Crota. PSN:
Back in the Beta, if you didn't have a Shingen-C, you were toast.
Great NM Raid Guys! Virtually flawless.
Alright, because I'm a masocist, need FOUR people for the HM Crota Raid. A lvl 32 Hunter swordbeaer is highly neeeded/
1.) El_Bombastico
2.) Nonoriri-ko
3.) Milkypooz
i've got Another NITC and a Badger CCL with the exact same perk roll. i love them.Pretty cool, just had a blue Engram turn into a Badger CCL with outlaw, firefly and explosive rounds.
Fucking lol.
I just won a match of Rumble where a team of 3 were camping together. Fucking assholes.
Nope. It was all about that Cydonia-AR3.
boosting that thorn bounty
Great NM Raid Guys! Virtually flawless.
Alright, because I'm a masocist, need FOUR people for the HM Crota Raid. A lvl 32 Hunter swordbeaer is highly neeeded/
1.) El_Bombastico
2.) Nonoriri-ko
OT20: It's been a Bloody trip getting here
Lol that's perfectOpening this thread like
is it just me, or is the weekly update late? perhaps they're trying to jazz it up a little bit more than they had initially intended?
BloodBorne Effect is in full bloom
is it just me, or is the weekly update late? perhaps they're trying to jazz it up a little bit more than they had initially intended?
BloodBorne Effect is in full bloom
Today, the dimensions of your Vault provides for the storage of twenty (20) ARMOR pieces, twenty (20) WEAPONS, and twenty (20) GENERAL items – you know, things like materials, shaders, emblems, ships, vehicles, etc.
Update 1.1.2 will push the boundaries of your secure repository. The new dimensions will let you store twenty-four (24) ARMOR pieces, thirty-six (36) WEAPONS, and twenty-four (24) GENERAL items.
Stand by, because Update 1.1.2 arrives in April. As for what the future holds for Vaults, only a time traveler would know for sure.
lol at that pic
str8 trollin
Nope. It was all about that Cydonia-AR3.
get on my galahad
Seriously. Allow for more than 200 mats per stack, and 20 ammo packs per stack and were good.First of all, they could have gotten rid of the stupid 200 items per stack for destination materials. Secondly, yet again no mention of weapon buffs or anything. They are are drip-feeding us info.
Other than that, the space upgrade is paltry, but I do like the extra 16 slots.
lol at that pic
str8 trollin
I would be so salty if I didn't have a Horn.
Glad we get more space, but this feels underwhelming.
Today, the dimensions of your Vault provides for the storage of twenty (20) ARMOR pieces, twenty (20) WEAPONS, and twenty (20) GENERAL items you know, things like materials, shaders, emblems, ships, vehicles, etc.
Update 1.1.2 will push the boundaries of your secure repository. The new dimensions will let you store twenty-four (24) ARMOR pieces, thirty-six (36) WEAPONS, and twenty-four (24) GENERAL items.
Stand by, because Update 1.1.2 arrives in April. As for what the future holds for Vaults, only a time traveler would know for sure.
Huh. I was REALLY hoping we'd get more extra space than that. Any relief helps though. He kind of makes it sound like we'll get more in HoW:
lol at that pic
str8 trollin
Wow. I'm not sure I could be more underwhelmed. At least the weapon expansion is significant. But four? FOUR?! Thanks for the breadcrumbs.
I honestly expected a "page" system to go through like tabs in the Friends menu. Could have huge space then.
Whatevs, nothing could touch the Shingen, it was game over.
OT 20: Hungry like the wolf.
Thanks Zoba.
Templar checkpoint. One spot. Fatebringer awaits...
This is so at that pic
str8 trollin
Expected that too but it seems that even the solution they will implement now is pushing the 360/PS3 memory.