OK, boys; you had your BloodBorne fling, get back to work:
8:30 PM Eastern: (note a slightly earlier start time)
- Gorgon's chest (I see captscience already has HM, but can anyone snag NM?)
- 1x full NM CE (note that we're going to use CENTER strategy going forward to train ourselves for HM)
- 2x NM Deathsinger and Crota kill
- 1x Gorgons -> Atheon HM
- 2x Atheon kill
1) stb (PSN Berried_treasurE)
2) stb's pal (PSN Capt_Verde)
3) captscience (PSN captscience)
4) Dave_6 (PSN DaveS78)
5) GRIP (PSN GriP17-)
6) schwagger15 (PSN spyder_ur)
6a) LTWood12 (PSN LTWOOD12)
6b) captscience's brother (PSN GeneralTsui)
We rounded up Dave_6 and GRIP from their stint AWOL, but couldn't manage to dig schwagger up. Thanks LTWood12 for filling in.
Gorgon's chest NM & HM
I didn't pull anything, but it seemed like there was a handful of exotics doled out. I don't think anyone got anything NEW, but at least it produced this week. thanks for grabbing both this week, captscience!
1x full NM CE (note that we're going to use CENTER strategy going forward to train ourselves for HM)
I don't THINK we had any wipes once we started in earnest, so I guess that disproves my theory that it was GRIP weighing us down.
I pulled a slightly better pair of boots than I had for my Warlock, and I think LTWood12 got the chest he was after.
3x NM Deathsinger and Crota kill
captscience did the sword for the first kill and managed to engineer his trademark "ignore the Oversoul! finish him!" kill again. Way to keep it interesting, science. LTWood12 did the next 2 despite the best efforts of the group and swordbear. science killed himself with a rocket off the back of someone-other-than-GRIP's head in the ogre room. There were a LOT of Oversouls.
I think it's been really useful to run normal mode using the hard mode "center" strategy. It's coming naturally to the group now.
I *DO* think we need to buckle down a little tighter on who is running what classes so we don't end up in Titan-less situations or those where the one titan doesn't have a bubble. We can work around it in NM, but that won't fly in HM, even with the level gap closed.
A few exotics dropped. Dave_6 got one he needed (can't remeber which) and I got my 3rd suros (shard). I also pulled the warlock helmet I needed, and it even had the infusion perk. The cherry on top was getting the NM ship which I hadn't gotten. At this point, all I need from the raid is the HM ship and Crux. I got 2 LotA (shards), but I'm not sure what other raid weapons folks got. It didn't sound like anyone got the HoC or BH they'd been waiting for.
1x Gorgons -> Atheon HM
LTWood12 had to bail at this point, so captscience's brother filled in. Thanks, GeneralTsui!
Gorgons took us a few tries, including a strange instance where the gorgons spotted us even though we were up on rocks. Go figure. Everyone but science's brother cleared the jumping puzzle first shot, I think. The brothers tag-teamed the gatekeepers, and we cleared it without incident.
3x Atheon kill
The Atheon kills seemed to go pretty smoothly. We did have a few wipes, includingthe glitch where you "succumb to the Oracles" even though they were all dead (happened last week, too).
The drops mostly really hot or really cold. After one kill, Dave_6 got a Vex and two VoCs. Another kill, captscience got his second Hawkmoon (you sonofabitch) and a Vex. I got another warlock helmet.
A great time as always; thanks for sticking with this week after week, guys. I think everyone got at least one really good drop: a weapon they didnt have, piece of armor they needed, or something they had but don't mind having more of--like a second Hawkmoon (you sonofabitch), except maybe Verde.
Please let me know what drops or good stories I missed!
EDIT: I DID have some packages at the post office; I was psched when I switched to my titan and went to the director and saw 2 packages. Unfortunately, it wasn't the 2 Hawkmoons I was sure were there. Instead, I got my 4,312th Aspect of Glass and yet another Praedyth's Timepiece (energy). =\
a) StereoType (PSN Haybro_)
a) ich00 (PSN ichabod00)
a) Lnkn52
a) ich00
a) Hung Wei Lo
a) Frostburn (PSN US-Frostburn) ?
Did you guys end up grouping up to raid?