Sorry to say, but don't get your hopes up. The data miner said Thunderlord was originally scheduled for 5/8 but that could very well change now.
I dunno, he sent me an invite, but looks like he's full now, so we could start a group up!Are you still looking? I'm down if you need people. PSN: RetroMG
I dunno, he sent me an invite, but looks like he's full now, so we could start a group up!
Let me know what you find, because you're the first and only person I've ever heard say they saw an exotic drop on Templar. No VoG loot sites have it listed, no videos exist, no articles or anywhere else mention it ever happening anywhere and I've of course never seen it either, and we ran a LOT of VoG. RNG gunna RNG but still, no records of it happening anywhere else other than by you today as far as I can find anywhere online.I'm looking for one. never thought that people didn't believe there was a drop after templar. Both of the drops i witnessed happened before the templar patch. and i haven't done the templar fight in a very long time. usually just pick up at gorgon maze. I've seen some charts that have exotic chance marked down, and i've seen charts without it. It's obviously very rare and/or they removed it from the loot table. I'm not trying to troll. I distinctly remember 2 instances of where an exotic dropped after the templar fight. I never got them and it was only ever 1 person out of the group. If i'm wrong then i worry for the sake of my memory. Can we get Luke or someone in here to answer this please?
I dunno, he sent me an invite, but looks like he's full now, so we could start a group up!
come on be a new bee
better than an old bee
2 spots left for the newbie raid. All (patient) guardians are welcome remember!
I've thought it over. It would be nice to practice Enrage-on-Cue and whatever else I have to just describe versus show. The main thing here is that, by design, Sword school restarts the fight a bunch of times. Like, a lot. But there's still a decent sense of momentum because the initial escape is just killing a bunch of normal enemies in like 5 seconds. The process of clearing everything out and whittling down the knights each time would seriously extend the length of time between sword attempts as well as the total run. Because the purpose of the team includes intentionally failing quite a few times before even attempting the real fight, I feel like I'm kind of asking a lot of each attendee already (wait 5 sword attempts until your next turn, thanks!) and it could be sort of a slog.
However, if there was demand for it I'd still consider it. Especially if it was all experienced swordbearers (people who'd successfully killed him on Normal a few times at least), I could skip the whole intro phase which is usually about 15 minutes and just offer tips and tricks per attempt.
Let's do this!
Sure. I'm not doing anything. Let's fire it up!
Fresh? I would like to join if you still have roomLet's do this!
Ok, so we have (sorry for impatience):
1. WheelHoss1
2. Gala
3. Deaf
4. Retro
Also, I have a question: Just unlocked the armor at all costs perk on my Sunsinger. I tend to die a lot on the thrall maze. If I use this perk plus a +2 Agility weapon, will I have the best of both worlds, or will I be too slow? I just hate being the dude that can't get away from the thralls.
And we're full!Fresh? I would like to join if you still have room
I'm in.
Let me know what you find, because you're the first and only person I've ever heard say they saw an exotic drop on Templar. No VoG loot sites have it listed, no videos exist, no articles or anywhere else mention it ever happening anywhere and I've of course never seen it either, and we ran a LOT of VoG. RNG gunna RNG but still, no records of it happening anywhere else other than by you today as far as I can find anywhere online.
I hear that. Honestly I'd be happy to do an HM run with you on sword just for your own practice, and I bet we could find others that would be willing to help with that. But I'll keep an HM class idea in mind. I wouldn't mind practicing some more advanced stuff outside of the pressure to get the run complete, too.For the record, I'm showing interest. I'm totally thinking of something where everyone is experienced, and they aren't even necessarily looking to finish him if glitches make things go south. I agree that the breakout phase would suck on repeated attempts, and at this point we're probably so close to HoW that I may never even get to put the practice into a live run.
I'm just really feeling comfortable with NM slicing and dicing, and want to step it up without ruining someone's run who just wanted to get through it,
im concerned for my sanity at the moment because the memory is so vivid to me, yet like you say, i also cant find anything. and this is from back in the day of using the sniper platforms to do the templar fight so many many months ago.
Simple answer: the Wikia is wrong.
- if you do the first gorgon chest on normal you can get an exotic
- if you do the first gorgon chest on hard you can get an exotic
- If you do Atheon on normal you can get an exotic
- If you do Atheon on hard you can get an exotic
- If you do Atheon on hard you can get a Vex Mythocast (this doesn't count as the "exotic" drop)
This said, if you do hard first, you'll never, ever get:
- 2 exotics from the first Gorgon chest (at the same time)
- 2 exotics (and Vex) from Atheon (at the same time)
I *think* the other reason to do normal first is not wasting drop "slots" on stuff you can only get on hard. E.g. if you specifically don't want the helmet, but need VoC orCMAE, it might be worth running NM Atheon first. I've seen 2 helmets and no weapons drop from atheon on hard, because he can only drop 2 "legendary gear" items (again, I *think*) on hard. In Normal mode he can only drop one legendary gear, but you're guaranteed it wont be the helmet.
Sorry to say, but don't get your hopes up. The data miner said Thunderlord was originally scheduled for 5/8 but that could very well change now.
Nightfall #2 (solo)
Nightfall #3 (with friend)
I'm not. Gonna try to solo the NF tonight cause I know Xur isn't going to have anything I WANT tomorrow.
Correct.Okay, thanks for the input. To be clear, if you run Hard VoG FIRST you would then get absolutely nothing/nada/zippo/zilch for then doing a normal clear?
I was told they had finally patched sound/music volume control. I guess that person lied to me!
Anyway, I load the game after three months of inactivity and I encounter pretty much the same ol' thing. I guess you guys have just been running the dailies, the weeklies and the raids every day/week nonstop, just doing the same thing in a nonstop cycle of destining.
I'm not. Gonna try to solo the NF tonight cause I know Xur isn't going to have anything I WANT tomorrow.
I hear that. Honestly I'd be happy to do an HM run with you on sword just for your own practice, and I bet we could find others that would be willing to help with that. But I'll keep an HM class idea in mind. I wouldn't mind practicing some more advanced stuff outside of the pressure to get the run complete, too.
I was told they had finally patched sound/music volume control. I guess that person lied to me!
Anyway, I load the game after three months of inactivity and I encounter pretty much the same ol' thing. I guess you guys have just been running the dailies, the weeklies and the raids every day/week nonstop, just doing the same thing in a nonstop cycle of destining.
Let me make it easier for you; It never happened.
I have, by my self, over 120 full VoG clears, and around 400~600 partial clears in VoG.
I know many with similar stats as myself. We all can tell you that Templar gives you no exotic drops.
Never might be a strong word, but extremely unlikely none the less. I am reminded that human testimony is the least trustworthy form of evidence. That means there is a chance that everyone else is wrong, and you are right. But really, what's more likely?
Nothing new except an announcement that they have an update coming to fix audio/volume controls, vault space increase, and a color blind mode.
None of that is in the game yet though.
But at least they fixed the damn ammo synth glitch.
A lot of features have been added, with more about to drop. You are asking about content - we're all very much ready for The House of Wolves, which is where the next set of new things to do will come from.
Stuff like fireteam voice communication, matchmaking in weekly heroic strikes, UI improvements, a major weapon rebalance, new ways to get materials, etc. have been added, and made the game better. But it's still the same game, for now.
I'll be playing Bloodborne tonight but feel free to msg me if you want some help with the NF.
You're all good on Gjallarhorn's then?
If it's The Last Word, I'm going to freak out.
Low levels. I will take on CE once again later tonight. Spectator passes are available.
The most recent rebalance was pretty substantial. Of note, pulse rifles were boosted ~10% across the board, and shotguns were boosted 100% (2x prior damage) in non-Crucible activities. They end worlds now in PvE.I think I stopped playing around the last "major" weapon rebalance along with being able to buy materials, I guess, around the time the DLC hit. So I guess not much new at all since then?
Played some Crucible... Is Thorn the new broken-tier weapon?
Ok, if I see you online I may message you. I still want to try that solo method at least once.
Yeah I've got two, that's enough I think.
If it's The Last Word, I'm going to freak out.
Also, I have a question: Just unlocked the armor at all costs perk on my Sunsinger. I tend to die a lot on the thrall maze. If I use this perk plus a +2 Agility weapon, will I have the best of both worlds, or will I be too slow? I just hate being the dude that can't get away from the thralls.
Dave I'd be down for a nightfall or two if you want to group up.
But at least they fixed the damn ammo synth glitch.
For someone most notably lacking in the VoG goods, would you recommend running it on both difficulties with as many characters as possible, or should Hard by itself be sufficient?
Thus far, my VoG haul is Atheon's Epilogue, Praedyth's Revenge, Kabr's Greaves, the VoG Titan Mark and (of course) Chatterwhite.
Awesome. It may be around 7 CST before I can log on if that's an issue.
For someone most notably lacking in the VoG goods, would you recommend running it on both difficulties with as many characters as possible, or should Hard by itself be sufficient?
Thus far, my VoG haul is Atheon's Epilogue, Praedyth's Revenge, Kabr's Greaves, the VoG Titan Mark and (of course) Chatterwhite.
You can run both normal and hard if you want to maximize Exotic chances, but I believe both Normal and Hard VoG loot rolls happen on hard so I don't think there are any drops you would miss out on. Unlike CE where certain drops are tied to Normal only.
This weekly update must be big...
This weekly update must be big...
I forgot today was Thursday. Update is either big or DeeJ is consulting a Thesaurus to add some padding. Probably both.