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Destiny |OT19| Raiders of the Lost

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Where's my ThunderLord Bungie?


blame milkham. Its his fault for everything!


Do not get custom plates. I have custom plates. Worst mistake of my life.

Assholes regularly take photos of my plate, they wait by my car to talk to me about my plates. It is horrid.


Only reason I have not changed them back is mine happen to be geeky enough that I am proud I got them through the system...




The Cryptarch's Bane
Then just get rid of the KTO on death and make it start at the beginning. KTO for a wipe in the NF is pointless. All you are doing is makng people go through a loading screen again...loading screens don't make something harder. Matchmaking for the nightfall would be fine, as the strike just has a few more modifiers but its content we have all run many times before. It gives people who can't do it solo but may not have friends to do it with the option to do it. Why is that bad? They could just implement a matchmaking option, but still leave the option to go solo for those that want to go that route. I can't imagine its either or.
Either/or is exactly, 100% how matchmaking was implemented for the weekly heroic strike, which sadly changes it from a solution to an imposition.

Excise that layer of reality and make it an option, and you're still altering content (even if you feel like it's an improvement) to accommodate blind matchmade teams.

Excise that issue, and pan to the bold, there's a nonzero chance that one or both of the people you are matchmade with are doing a Nightfall for the first time. If you come here maybe you can have a high level of certainty that your group will have many times' worth of experience with the content, and you can do you best to control for this with an LFG listing system, but you throw all that away with blind matchmaking.

Excise that concern as well (so now Nightfall matchmaking is entirely optional, tweaked to accommodate random groups doing it over and over, and you don't care about the possibility of first timers), and basically you hit what I'd call the dividing line for matchmaking functionality. The limit you could push matchmaking to and have it still be a reasonable experience would be found in this modified Nightfall strike. The harsh penalties for failure in a Nightfall could make it an incredibly frustrating experience especially for multiple new players who'd have no reason to be patient with one another, but groups could theoretically progress through failure by making it just slightly farther than the previous wipe and continuing. You have to imagine not the ideal matchmade team, but the average. Perhaps, composed of patient individuals, this average group would persevere through to success, possibly taking multiple hours of time... but this is the furthest one could stretch blind matchmaking effectively.

Either Raid is an order of magnitude more unrealistic. There are further aspects to address before even considering implementing it: anti-AFK/anti-grief measures (vote-kick), the latticework of weirdness that would result from people holding different raid checkpoints (would we need a queue only for start, a queue for any/all checkpoints, a queue for only specific checkpoints? If you load into your CP halfway through the raid with matchmaking enabled, can people who have never done the raid before be pulled in?), tightening/rethinking initial-entry restrictions (do we really want a matchmade group of five level 24s and a level 25 going into VoG? Three 27s, two 28s and a 29 entering CE?)... and then having solved those, even before getting to the twin problems of expectations and communication, numerous encounters would be prime real estate for a single player to ruin the experience of the other 5, either through inexperiece, inadequate skill or malice.

It would be an absolute nightmare, and what gets me about the "who cares, it's optional" aspect of all this is that you're using that argument to say it's okay because it wouldn't affect me, while at the same time considering primarily how it will affect only you. Instead of any players who are like either you or me, any potential changes to the game need to concern themselves mostly with two kinds of players: the average player, and the lowest common denominator. That may not result in the ideal game for you, but it is much more likely to result in the better game overall.

And while Bungie gets criticized, and fairly, on just about every aspect of the game... this is something that they actually do understand.
And again, I'd just like the option, don't use it if you don't want to and it has no effect on you.
I really don't get how this sentiment has persisted for so long.

An argument for the implementation of blind matchmaking should really be made from these two angles:

1) Why would matchmaking be good, on its on merits?
2) Why would matchmaking specifically be better than other proposed solutions to the same problem?

The argument that "it's optional and you don't have to use it so what do you care" is awful. Probably the worst argument you could make for implementing a system in any product. It's roughly equivalent to, "it doesn't matter if it's awful, because it won't affect you personally."

Since launch, I've spent a lot of time, maybe an embarrassing amount of time, preoccupying myself with how new players can and should experience the Raids, as they are the best content in the game and a substantial cut above the rest of it. All players should have the chance to enjoy it, but through experience (as well as prior knowledge from a lifetime of team-based multiplayer gaming), I know that the emphasis needs to be on the enjoy, not the chance. I have at this point (in the Normal mode of each at least) raided more times with players who were new to the content than with people who had all done it before. I know that a successful raid hinges on:
  • The average skill level spread across the group
  • Communication and clarified strategies for each encounter
  • An above average skill level and/or adequate foreknowledge for people slotted into certain roles (the "if you die we wipe" scenarios)
  • Perhaps most importantly, at least one player who is willing to be patient regardless of circumstance, and actively attempt to keep group morale high
You can't guarantee any of these things for any given group. But a group that takes 10 minutes or 5 minutes or 20 seconds to set up beforehand, establishing expectations for the other members- is it a newbie looking to work through it the first time? A veteran welcoming both new players and other experienced ones for a casual run? An experienced players-only run where first-timers would be kicked? A pure speed run? (Flawless? Boss only? Et cetera...)- goes a substantial way toward controlling for all four versus a blind matchmade system.

You know what would be substantially worse to me than the current situation of "you can't play until you put a group together first"? A group of six new players hitting the first checkpoint of either raid, having no idea what's expected of them, wiping for an hour and then ragequitting, condemning the entire concept as a shitty, nonsensical clusterfuck that isn't friendly to newbies and isn't worth revisiting. Now this scenario doesn't affect me. I "don't have to use it if I don't want to." But it's bad for Destiny in general.

To counteract the potential issues with such a solution, often the restriction criteria will be rolled out: you can only raid if you have a mic. You can only raid if you're [x] over the minimum requirement to enter. You can only raid if you've completed it before. You can only raid if you've completely it three times first. Or worst of all, it's advocated that the content should be altered, made more accommodating of the likelihood for failure in a matchmade group. But an in-game LFG/grouping tool suffers from none of these potential issues and solves all of the same problems, and more.

I'm not making any new arguments here. Instead of saying that Destiny needs matchmaking and it's pathetic that Bungie hasn't been implemented, I would love it if someone could argue why it would be superior to an in-game LFG tool.
hawkian always reminds me that the first game of iron banner i played with him after a two week break - which is also the first time i streamed - is when the first gjallarhorn dropped.

I remember watching this stream.... pretty sure I even made a post about it...

Memmmorriiiesss of the way we weerrreeeee....


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hi guys,I need help killing xyor in summoning pits for ps4.I'd really appreciate the help.

Psn = akafullmetal

1. Akafullmetal

Pretty sure Hawkian mentioned last night he was at the Xyor portion of the Thorn bounty. Don't want to speak for him but I will anyway: I'm sure he'd be happy to help sometime if you can't find people now.
I do need it, yup. I won't be home until about 7 EST though, would be happy to help then if you haven't found a group by then. Don't worry about waiting if you can get a group though, I'll drag somebody along with me when it's time :p
hawkian always reminds me that the first game of iron banner i played with him after a two week break - which is also the first time i streamed - is when the first gjallarhorn dropped.
Your reaction was so reserved, I thought it was really admirable, lol. I was like, "uh so did you have one already?" and you were basically like "nope... that, that just happened."
My hype level for BB has been ups and downs DGAF, and now it is at an all time high. These bosses. . I just hope there is a good community and that I can play with you cool people over there.

Also Xur better sell the MIDA this week.


Hello D-GAF!!

I got Destiny shortly after Christmas and I'm loving it so far, I hit lvl29 with my Titan last night so my progression is now going to slow, I'm looking for fellow GAFers to join me for raids and stuff.

I'm in the UK and usually on late evening\night time. I do have kids so the occasional AFK will happen.

<-----GT (XB1) Hit me up with a FR/Msg saying your from GAF please.

Happy travels fellow Guardians.


My hype level for BB has been ups and downs DGAF, and now it is at an all time high. These bosses. . I just hope there is a good community and that I can play with you cool people over there.

Also Xur better sell the MIDA this week.
Hey, if the BBGAF community isn't good, you have those of us in DGAF who will be playing the game to help out. I know that I'll be helping out. So if you ever need help, just throw the signal, we will be there.
Anybody on PS4 looking to run the nightfall? I need to run it twice. 32 Hunter and 31 Warlock. I am online now PSN name is the same as GAF. Send invite \ FR.
so I added my exotic kills across all 3 characters and VEX wins out by far. most likely becuase I always use it on the WAKING THE HIVE MISSION. so over the course of the game this is my top 10 list of death dealing exotics

  1. Vex mythoclast: 11,925
  2. Suros regime: 9,434
  3. Ice breaker: 1,012
  4. Truth: 723 (one of my 1st exotics)
  5. Mida Multi tool: 569 (I had no idea I used it this much, its not even remotley leveled)
  6. Gjallahorn: 564
  7. Patience and Time: 533
  8. The Last Word: 400
  9. Plan C: 321
  10. No Land Beyond: 123 (Balme the VOG run last weekend)

Now here is the bottom of the list.

  1. Invective: 3
  2. Super good advice: 4
  3. Thorn: 10
  4. Universal remote: 42
  5. Hard light: 55

Guess I just never used those. Thorn isnt even bad. just never used it much .


Hello D-GAF!!

I got Destiny shortly after Christmas and I'm loving it so far, I hit lvl29 with my Titan last night so my progression is now going to slow, I'm looking for fellow GAFers to join me for raids and stuff.

I'm in the UK and usually on late evening\night time. I do have kids so the occasional AFK will happen.

<-----GT (XB1) Hit me up with a FR/Msg saying your from GAF please.

Happy travels fellow Guardians.

Hey there!

After playing a few weeks back in October, I took a several month hiatus and am just now coming back around myself, so I'm in a similar boat. I'm also on XB1 and my GT is the same as my GAF name here.

When you're talking about Raids, I totally agree with you, but I just can't get on board with locking Nightfall out of matchmaking and I don't subscribe to "it's an option" being a bad argument for that. The catch is that it absolutely has to be an option, unlike what they did with the Weekly, and they need to implement more tools (like being able to vote someone out). Will there be frustration? Sure. Will you have a better experience if you take a more time to go an LFG route? Probably. But if anything has been made clear to me from the inclusion of matchmaking to Weekly, it's that these things can be done with randoms and it can be a perfectly acceptable experience. Granted, Nightfalls are harder, but they can be done with randoms.

The reality is that even with a decent amount of Destiny players on my friends list and even calling out on this board, sometimes I don't get the Nightfall done at all in a week. The same went for the Weekly before matchmaking. Now, I get all three done within 45 minutes if that regardless of who is online. Maybe this sentiment is skewed for you PS4 players, but no. It's not always easy to get a group together for specific activities here especially when your game time is limited. So when it comes down to it, the OPTION for matchmaking in Nightfalls is better than not being able to do the Nightfall at all. In a perfect world we'd have that, an LFG board, and the option to solo and I really don't think any of that is an outrageous request.


Auto Rifles - Total 44079
Suros Regime - 6532
Hard Light - 428
Monte Carlo - 5469
Necrochasm -1956

Scout Rifles - Total 32162
Mida Multi Tool - 584

Pulse Rifles - Total 3884
Bad Juju - 37
Red Death - 538

Hand Cannons - Total 24236
Hawkmoon - 7443
The Last Word - 1588
Thorn - 842

Shotguns Total 3737
Invective - 20
4th Horseman - 35
Universal Remote - 626

Fusion Rifles Total 6314
Vex Mythoclast - 4383
Plan C - 0
Pocket Infinity - 48

Sniper Rifles Total 7363
Patience and Time - 241
Ice Breaker - 2136
No Land Beyond - 178

Machine Gun Total 2731
Super Good Advice - 101
Thunderlord - 469

Rocket Launcher Total 7108
Gjallarhorn - 5015
Truth - 423
Dragon's Breath - 3
Space bus? Yuck.

How dare you sir. How dare you. It's got a hole in the middle, what's not to like??

Yes. Birth of History is still the best ship in the game though.

This is a man with factually correct opinions.

Your reaction was so reserved, I thought it was really admirable, lol. I was like, "uh so did you have one already?" and you were basically like "nope... that, that just happened."

All of Zoba's reactions are reserved. He's the polar opposite of my Destiny-Tourettes. The most reaction I've ever heard is "Man, I played terrible that round" when he finishes 25-6.

Also you knocked it out of the park with that MM post, well done.


My Exotic Kills - Didn't realize I used the Suros that much.
Mida Multi Tool - 999
No Land Beyond - 0
Red Death - 563
Bad JuJu - 305
Suros Regime - 7479
Hard Light - 233
The Last Word - 238
Universal Remote - 42
Pocket Infinity - 80
Plan C - 86
Vex Mythoclast - 6363
Ice Breaker - 1306
Patience and Time - 1180
Gjallarhorn - 1009
Thunderlord - 469
Truth - 738
Super Good Advice - 0
Dragon's Breath - 51


I'm rocking Birth of History, Ripship Pardoner, and Scorpio Miracle. My guardians hang out at the bus station.

Also, Ripship Pardoner sounds like a place where my warlock goes to do space drugs without judgment.
How dare you sir. How dare you. It's got a hole in the middle, what's not to like??

This is a man with factually correct opinions.

All of Zoba's reactions are reserved. He's the polar opposite of my Destiny-Tourettes. The most reaction I've ever heard is "Man, I played terrible that round" when he finishes 25-6.

Also you knocked it out of the park with that MM post, well done.

i think Math is the only one who's heard me '"unreserved".
every time i think about how anti social i am, i remember my destiny friend's list is 100+ players strong.

then again, since i currently have no life, i can post in the OT all day.

i'm not sure where i was going with this.
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