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Destiny |OT20| HoW Comes, No Raid?

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Finally finished my move to a new apartment (bigger, and just across the street). PS4/Xbox One and Tv are now in the bedroom.

This will be nice.
The trick supposedly doesn't work for armor, only weapons. That may be a factor in some reports.
yeah, of that i am aware, but what i was trying to unsuccessfully impart, was that for 27 rare engrams, i didn't get any legendary flips, so i essentially just gave it up. RNG gonna RNG....
Been out of the Destiny loop for a while. I've read up on How but my question in the mean time is, is it worth upgrading weapons and armor right now or are we going to erase progress again in Wolves?
grumble grumble

lol excellent. That is even worse than my recent heavy-weapon-lag moment:


It blows my mind that there are level 31 and 32 players that die on the first and second part of the confluxes in VOG. We couldn't even get to the 3rd because I'd be the only one left by the time we were half way through the 2nd wave. Just unreal. I've never wiped that many times in 15 minutes.

Two big parts of this are the light level system and the relative complexity of VoG compared to CE. Being 31-32 isn't different than being Lv30 since you do the same damage and take very close to the same damage from enemies. Lots of newer players leveled up from vendor and CE gear, so they might be high level but low experience with VoG encounters.

When HM VoG first released, there were two choke points where teams got stuck: Confluxes and Gate Keepers. Largely because there weren't (and still aren't) effective cheese strats, whereas Oracles, Templar and Atheon were super cheesy. Without cheese, the encounters require a lot of cooperation and teamwork and can quickly unravel as soon as one person dying snowballs into two deaths into a wipe. The no-revives constraint on HM can be very punishing, especially with newer players. They may not have the awareness of enemy spawn points and map geometry needed to survive.

That said, communication is always the best strat. Hopefully any struggling team is open to honest discussion about what is causing the wipes, without people getting too defensive or grumpy. Encouraging conversation is the responsibility of more experienced players if they're getting frustrated with less experienced people dying. If people are dying a lot AND they're not willing to communicate, well.... that's a different story.

More like The 4th Holyshit.

lol nice. Pocket Infinity used to be like that except you could also kill people across the map with the burst. Got a bunch of clips saved incinerating BDancers that way.

Who just got Fatebringer? This fucking guy!.

Boom baby, that's awesome. Congrats! It'll never be quite the beast it was initially due to the hand cannon nerfs, but it's still one of the best PvE guns in the game no question.

The HC range nerf isn't noticeable most times, but I was surprised by how much harder it was to FB-snipe the Hobgoblins during Oracles phase compared to back in the day.

Tell me about it, just ran 3 games where a whole fireteam sat in a bubble letting one guy get the kills.

Anytime I'm tempted to play Rumble for Grimoire score, I will remind myself of this post.

Don't play PvP with me if you are offended by cursing.

you are sure to hear my say at least "WHAT THE FUCK!?" 3 times per match.

Excellent. This means we should definitely PvP sometime to set some kind of expletives per minute world record.

Get Drizzay on your team and don't use rockets or trip mines.

I honestly don't see myself going for that trophy any time soon... I'd be so worried about not screwing up, I'd screw up because of it lol.

Any flawless group forming later or in this week? I want to get that achivement before HoW

Any DGAF memeber should feel comfortable going for CE Flawless. It's important to talk through the strat for each section and be relaxed about it, while still making sure everyone is on the same page that the team is going for the trophy. CE made the endeavor much less stressful mainly because of how short it is and the lack of an insta-death jumping section.

If everyone has a "team-first" mentality and just wants to attempt it for fun, it'll be a good time. I wouldn't want anyone to avoid doing it simply because they were worried about messing it up for others. All for one and one for all! It's tough coordinating a time to get a full team together, but I'm happy to sherpa any time I'm available. If there are enough interested people just throw up some posts, maybe we can organize a run later tonight or sometime tomorrow.


Welp, I guess it was inevitable that Bungie would ruin the one occasional fun I had with this game. The fuck at PVP. Autorifles are garbage now and green ammo is super scarce. Why. Why was this done. :|


Been out of the Destiny loop for a while. I've read up on How but my question in the mean time is, is it worth upgrading weapons and armor right now or are we going to erase progress again in Wolves?

did no one answer you? Yeah go ahead and upgrade your stuff. The new expansion wont be retarded like TDB was in that regard

TDB did such a number on me- I was afraid to upgrade my exotics all this time. Only maxed out ballerhorn. But legendaries I've been maxing those out gradually
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