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Destiny |OT20| HoW Comes, No Raid?

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We got some great gear out of that hot damn.

I got the Glasshouse Titan Helmet! But it puts me back at 28, so I'll just keep my exotic gauntlets instead.
Nice on the helmet. Ruin Wings are pretty great so you're good on with those. Nice to have another exotic. Xbone Destiny GAF doing work.

Destiny has been so good to me, I got a second No Backup Plans, 4 new ships, No Land Beyond, Jolder's Hammer and a Gjallarhorn all in the past 48 hours!

If this is how Bungie convinces me to stay they done good.

The fuck is an NYC ID Gjallarhorn?
That is the text of a man who has autocorrect and lost his shit simultaneously.
Nice on the helmet. Ruin Wings are pretty great so you're good on with those. Nice to have another exotic. Xbone Destiny GAF doing work.

I actually got my Ruin wings today. however unless you're wearing a Thunderdevil shader, they don' tmatch with any armor at all, especially not with the crota armor set.

So...thank god for thunderdevil.
Well my phD application got rejected, despite the supervisor telling me my application was a strong one in the rejection email.

I want to drown myself in Destiny today before I get back to other stuff this weekend. Anyone wants to run DS+Crota Normal and then Crota Hard ? Also need Atheon HM.

If not then I'd just like to hop onto an IB train.
aw, dude, that sucks! well, i'm sure you'll find another institution that will make the right decision.

If I were a DestinyGAFfer who was also unfortunate enough to be on Xbone I definitely would've bought a PS4 by now just from reading this thread

I can't tell if this is sympathetic, or trolling.

Well played either way...

Even if this is trolling...

It's what I did.

Best decision I ever made.


Anyone up for relic hunting today for the trophy?

I played that last night, what a shit storm. Anytime we started loosing, someone would back out. Same for the other team, if you pulled ahead too much they would just quit, and I would feel bad for the two guys that were left and would just get wrecked. It's a shame, since I like the idea of a small team control type of thing. Not sure why people don't want to see it through...especially when the score isn't too lopsided and there is still a chance.

I'm 90% sure that the trophy popped up, but I'm not seeing it right now when I check PSN from my work PC. I may have to play a bit more if it tonight...yuck.
I actually got my Ruin wings today. however unless you're wearing a Thunderdevil shader, they don' tmatch with any armor at all, especially not with the crota armor set.

So...thank god for thunderdevil.
I think I'm going to pick them up on my Titan for PvE, my titan is my main. I just don't have a cheat piece to replace my armamentarium , should I snag the iron banner chest while I can for ruin wings? Or just get ruin wings and worry about that with the expansion..


Nice on the helmet. Ruin Wings are pretty great so you're good on with those. Nice to have another exotic. Xbone Destiny GAF doing work.

Destiny has been so good to me, I got a second No Backup Plans, 4 new ships, No Land Beyond, Jolder's Hammer and a Gjallarhorn all in the past 48 hours!

If this is how Bungie convinces me to stay they done good.

Now that's some good gear. Glad to see XboxGAF getting farther on Destiny.

This game is an addiction now.
I have to thank 343 Studios for going completely the opposite way from what I wanted in Halo, made the next-gen decision really, really easy. So glad I made it, Destiny is pretty much all I have time to play and I've met some really outstanding people through PS DGAF.

Hear, Hear!
Get up this morning. Check Xur - Hard Light. Pure garbage but I'm feeling good about my chances in the Roc.

Play a strike. Walking Tall gets me a MIDA. I love the gun but I already have one. I hate when the exotic finally drops and it's a duplicate.

Why doesn't the Nine bring the Gjallarhorn? Why won't RNG?
I think I'm going to pick them up on my Titan for PvE, my titan is my main. I just don't have a cheat piece to replace my armamentarium , should I snag the iron banner chest while I can for ruin wings? Or just get ruin wings and worry about that with the expansion..

Hm. Do you raid alot? Getting a chest piece form crota shouldn't be too hard. Or you can go for the vanguard chest piece that has fur on it~
Anyone around who still needs a NF, doing the Pocket Infinity bounty or just wants to torture him/herself.

Join on EJRobinson90 or Deep_Chord (PS4)


All three of my Speers done. One of each flavor and all with the perfect roll for PvE.

Ambush Scope
Field Scout

Feels good man.
Hm. Do you raid alot? Getting a chest piece form crota shouldn't be too hard. Or you can go for the vanguard chest piece that has fur on it~
I just got back into Destiny a week or two ago, but I do try to raid consistently when I play funnily, I've never gotten the chest. Hm... if I max out now next week I can get that and my Three Little Words I'm thirsty for. And then with HoW I could just ascend the vanguard chest. Don't need to worry about 32 once IB is over.


Didn't even realize Xur was up today. Looking online, it looks like the only thing he has that I might want is Don't Touch Me. Which is good because I'm light on Strange Coins this week.
Didn't even realize Xur was up today. Looking online, it looks like the only thing he has that I might want is Don't Touch Me. Which is good because I'm light on Strange Coins this week.

Yeah... pick those up... they are stupid fun. My invisibility Hunter is easily my favorite character to play. I'm deleting my warlock, at some point, and creating a second hunter just because of those gauntlets.


How does that even work? I would have been shotgunned, meleed, fist of havoked, and rocketed all at once if I stood in front of three people that long. It was like everything was moving in slow motion while you were normal speed and had your way with them. Is this the Matrix?
I guess they were distracted. People always seem to panic in that little area.


Yeah... pick those up... they are stupid fun. My invisibility Hunter is easily my favorite character to play. I'm deleting my warlock, at some point, and creating a second hunter just because of those gauntlets.

Don't know if I'd go that far, but I do love my alt Hunter and she's primarily a Bladedancer, so it'd be a natural fit.
Xur breakdown from /r/destinythegame's aWrySharK

Special Note: If 300 Exotic Armor can be "Ascended" identically, do not buy an upgrade that has a lower roll than your current Exotic - you'd be damning yourself to a worse roll.

Exotic Engram: Gauntlet. My advice now is two-pronged on whether you should buy these. Supporting advice: You can trade in Ascendant/Radiant mats for Motes of Light very soon, which potentially means some of you have hundreds banked. Advice against: We've yet to know what Xûr's ultimate function will be, and rolling on old gear might be a bit of a waste at this point. Also, Motes will be in high demand for Reforge Ready weapons.

Exotic Guides

Warlock: Here[1]

Hunter: Here[2]

Titan: Here[3]

Planet Destiny's Analysis[4]

Notable Rolls: Where's My Megathread? Edition

For Sale

Nothing doing here. HotPF comes somewhat close but my new bar for Chest Armor is slightly higher.

Honorable Mentions

Heart of the Praxic Fire: 145 Discipline. This is a fairly solid roll, right around the middle of the pack as far as estimates for min/max go. It's shy of the Pre-DLC max by 12 and the working maximum of 170 by 25 - but taking a look at the "Upgrade" available today, it can clearly be much worse. This is the second rather favorable upgrade he's offered since he first sold HotPF a month or so back. If you didn't upgrade then (on roll), I would now. The Heart of the Praxic Fire is a very potent Sunsinger Exotic that earned an S in my Exotic Review. It excels in PvE and PvP alike and may be a huge help to yourself and your fireteam in House of Wolves.

Ruin Wings: 101 Strength. Just enough points to earn an honorable mention, I'd be remiss if I didn't point these out to you. The heavy ammo perk alone is enough to earn the Ruin Wings an A in my Exotic Review, despite the dubious synergy between pure Strength (bleh) and Impact Induction. The roll is 13 under the Gauntlet max, and only 3 below what they could do prior to TDB. If you're someone who can't get out of bed without reflexively reaching for your Gjallarhorn, and the thought of having to switch from it when out of Ammo gives you heart palpitations, then look no further.

For Upgrade

Crest of Alpha Lupi (T): 161 Intellect. It's a good time for a roll like this to show up. With the ToO reveal, we saw how crucial a fast revive speed will be in excelling in that game mode. While I haven't officially published any "Exotic PvP" guide, you can bet you're gonna love a piece like this for it. It earned a B in PvE too, for its Intellect stat but ultimately limited niche for both Striker and Defender. The roll is 9 below the working maximum of 170, and 4 above the Pre-DLC max of 157.

Honorable Mentions

Voidfang Vestments: 146 Strength. Another PvP favorite, the Voidfang Vestments are pretty much right even with the Heart of the Praxic Fire insofar as this week's rolls are concerned. My assessment of the roll quality is the same - it's a hefty 24 below the working maximum but only 11 under the Pre-DLC max. 146 is nothing to sneeze at. In PvE, the Voidfang Vestments earned a C in my Exotic Review, for their frustrating combo of Strength, a PvP specific buff, and having no real niche. Stepping outside of PvE, these will be extremely scary in ToO; two grenades following a respawn/revive after death is great for both Sunsingers and Voidwalkers.

Good Guy Xûr: Offers us crap before HoW so we can save our Strange Coins

Don't Touch Me For Sale at 81 Discipline is a special kind of poor. Thank you, Xûr, for trotting out one of the best Exotics a Hunter can use, only to slap yourself on your Cthulhuian (new adjective) forehead for not bothering to check its Discipline. Send it back to the Nine, cuz we don't want it. You've never sold it at a worse roll, and it can't physically roll much worse anyway. This is a fantastic Exotic, but 81 is not a fantastic number.

Heart of the Praxic Fire For Upgrade at 127 Discipline. I just...no words. I don't know what it is about this guy, but ever since he first sold the Praxic Fire at a disappointing low 130s, he's loved rubbing below average upgrade rolls in our face too. 127 is a dumbfoundingly (another new adjective) 43 points below what like three freaking people I've run Nightfalls with have gotten in a drop I mean seriously you get a 170 HotPF from Omnigul when I get a Valedictorian with 3rd Eye and Unflinching not fair the towering 170 working maximum, and even 30 under the Pre-DLC max. The more respectable 145 is just one subtle eye movement away For Sale, so you'd be silly to choose this over that just to save yourself 6 Strange Coins. Dying in Dark Souls is a more appealing prospect than living in this poorly-rolled Solaire knockoff. Don't bother.
I guess they were distracted. People always seem to panic in that little area.

I'm sure you made your own luck. You probably have that PvP spider sense that let's you know when it's a good time to engage. Maybe you keep a mental note of who should have a super up, and who has heavy left. I'm just jealous.
Good lord I hate the loot drops in this game sometimes. Spent the entire match pulling this guy's ass out of the fire and this is my thanks


Anyhow ill be back in a few hours if anyone is up for salvage. Gotta get dat trophy :)


On second thought, I might go for that Heart of Praxic Fire. I'm rocking Starfire Protocol for my Sunsinging Warlock right now, but I can get my extra fusion grenade from perks and then all I lose is the burning effect on my fusion grenades, which doesn't matter all that much since most everything dies a horrible death when I stick them with fusions anyway.

Plus, Praxic Fire looks rad.

I dunno...what do you think, GAF? Praxic Fire for my Warlock main or Don't Touch me for my Hunter alt? Probably can't raise the coins for both and do IB.
Also, whenever anyone is ready to start farming glimmer at GK, I just hit Rank 4 IB and need a lot!!!

Edit: Top of Page! Hawkmoons for everyone!!!
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