Wait what?!so after joining Nami's Path of the Hawk clan I was able to buy the Hawk emblem and the hawk hunter cloak from the speaker. its no longer a clan. its a cult!
I don't wanna boot up my PS4.
Too busy trying to woo Bastila in KOTOR.
Wait what?!so after joining Nami's Path of the Hawk clan I was able to buy the Hawk emblem and the hawk hunter cloak from the speaker. its no longer a clan. its a cult!
Thanks for looking! It will make his day when I tell him tomorrow. He did the abyss too, but I didn't save that.
The best part was when he beat the first ogre, he looks at me and starts telling me about how his heart is racing. It was a totally new sensation for him, and to watch him experience that was awesome.
Still need the checkpoint? I have it but will only be able to get on for another 10-15 minsDoes anyone have the hard Templar checkpoint?
I've received quite a few faction/Crucible weapons as Vanguard drops, so at least there's that.
- Red Hand IX
- Venation III
- The Calling
- Broken Truth-LR1 (x2)
- Prestige IV
- TFWPKY 1969
- Valedictorian 9-44
Haven't touched PvP in a long time, and I never got a weapon drop from playing it.
I don't have enough motes for the cloak!
I ain't no Hawk! I'm a Duck! Quack quack quack!hawks dont cry!
now get that damn cloak!
also looks good with chatterwhite or beowulf shaders
What? At 165 Marks for a weapon, and an average of 2.5 Marks per match, that's 66 matches.
What? At 165 Marks for a weapon, and an average of 2.5 Marks per match, that's 66 matches.
Rewards for crucible matches are hilariously bad. When a roc strike can take 1/3 the time and yield guaranteed blues and sometimes legendaries and exotics, to play an entire pvp match, which is bad enough, and not get a single reward... it's just. Not good.But there should be more of an INCENTIVE to play Crucible in the first place.
is there any other way to earn crucible marks other than
3 for win 2 for loss. seems low especially being there are tons of ways to get vangaurd marks in the game
Rewards for crucible matches are hilariously bad. When a roc strike can take 1/3 the time and yield guaranteed blues and sometimes legendaries and exotics, to play an entire pvp match, which is bad enough, and not get a single reward... it's just. Not good.
Should give a guaranteed 1-2 blues EVERY match. Throw in coins, motes, random legendary and exotic guns and gear, glimmer packages, consumables.. whatever. But Jesus it's so terrible right now. Definitely, definitely not worth playing it... even if it was fun.
I ain't no Hawk! I'm a Duck! Quack quack quack!
Your 6 year old is as good at Destiny as I am...possibly better.
is there any other way to earn crucible marks other than
3 for win 2 for loss. seems low especially being there are tons of ways to get vangaurd marks in the game
Thanks! I kind of feel weird that I let him play, but since I decided that our 9 year old was old enough, there was no way I could stop the younger one. Luckily he's killing aliens to protect the solar system, so that makes it better.
Bounties probably help, but until recently, most of them were out of my league. 10 headshot streaks and what-not. Plus my inventory is almost always bursting with Vanguard bounties for the XP, and Exotic bounties that I'm trying to complete naturally without grinding.
hudson, I suck at this too. The most kills I have ever gotten in any game was about 15. with a k/d ratio about .73. if it wasnt for assists I would never have completed the invective bounty. Im just not quick enuogh or know the tricks to be good at it. in crucivble I feel like the translator in Saving private ryan. I am just running. and If I come around the corner and here is someone there I panic and I am dead before I can ready my gun lol
I too suck at PVP and I cannot blame my weapons as I have The Last Word, Red Death, Mida. It's just me. 😊I am horrible at PvP. A lot of it is weapons though. At least how I have experienced PvP this past week.
hudson, I suck at this too. The most kills I have ever gotten in any game was about 15. with a k/d ratio about .73. if it wasnt for assists I would never have completed the invective bounty. Im just not quick enuogh or know the tricks to be good at it. in crucivble I feel like the translator in Saving private ryan. I am just running. and If I come around the corner and here is someone there I panic and I am dead before I can ready my gun lol
I think the crucible RNG is unfair and crap.
I had a K/D of less than 1 and I had 14 deaths and I was given a legendary engram... someone else had 25 kills and was given nothing.
To top it off my engram ends up being the Knucklehead Radar. So I get an exotic for being shitty and I will take it without complaint but its unfair to my team members who did much better.
Anyone want to team up and run a Roc train for the next 1-2 hours?
This sounds good actually, let me know if you want help
PSN: CthulhuSars
You want to start? I'm on now.
Anyone still need to Nightfall or raid? Just need to get my Warlock through it.
PSN - rolyreyes
Does cryptarch ever sell common class items. where is everyone getting the makeshift scarf?
anyone on xbone have gorgon cp. want to snag it before the reset
Thanks for carrying me. Unfortunately, I'm a dummy so I neglected to switch over to my warlock that still needed the run. 😩Yeah I still need a NF, adding you now
I was just thinking, if Bungie was Epic, they would have patched out the shotguns from Gears to be only a support weapon. Yes, Epic did not want the shotguns to be so prominent in the beginning but they went with the flow. Bungie would have just nerfed until nobody uses them.
Epic noticed how the game was played and went with the community while still adding their own touches, but Bungie always does how they want without thinking what the community wants. The prime example was the much unneeded nerf to ARs recently. Now the weapon class is nearly nonexistent. All they did was switch ARs and Pulse Rifles around.
It just comes down to where Bungie doesn't like when we have "unauthorized fun." I really hope that mentality changes completely for the next big expansion. We'll how much grinding they cut out of HoW.
Scorpio Miracle looks really awesome in game. There's a texture overlay on it that isn't easily seen in screen shots, but makes it sparkle on-screen. Been rocking it on my Titan for a few weeks:
also get this
yes I know its an eagle, but know one has to know the differnce
And their reasoning behind said nerf was beyond ridiculous.
Bungie: Hey our data shows most of the crucible players are using only auto rifles, show a data screen with the majority of kill by auto rifle... from the week of the Iron Banner!?!
Egad, IB had the same damned auto rifle head shot bounty from the 1st IB! no shit your data is showing that, sheesh.
Face palmed so hard at this. I only used auto rifles for PvP during iron banner. I expect it was the same for alot of other players. If not for that stupid bounty I would've still been using HCs and/or my Vex Mythoclast.
And their reasoning behind said nerf was beyond ridiculous.
Bungie: Hey our data shows most of the crucible players are using only auto rifles, show a data screen with the majority of kill by auto rifle... from the week of the Iron Banner!?!
Egad, IB had the same damned auto rifle head shot bounty from the 1st IB! no shit your data is showing that, sheesh.
Yeah, vendor stock needs to be rotated for sure. 3-4 weeks seems totally appropriate and a reasonable amount of time for someone to be able to purchase what is being sold.What I think is strange is how the only way to obtain certain guns is from random drops. I have 4 Prudence IIs, all of which were Nightfall drops. Why don't the faction vendors cycle through these things on a longer timer? If you make the cycle too short, then by the time players see the new item, they might not have enough currency to buy it before it is gone(guns cost 150 marks with a 100 mark/week cap means 2 grindy weeks to get it). With the current situation, it is too long and there's no incentive to revisit them after you've obtained what you need.
If I had it the way I want it, Faction vendors would change their supply every 3-4 weeks. This change in supply would also change what rolls the guns and armor have. You can go for a gamble with the rank-up package for something that isn't in stock. They would also take either Crucible or Vanguard Marks, but you'd have to pay all in one currency. Vanguard and Crucible Quartermasters would have an exchange for their marks, so if I have 10 Crucible Marks I can go to the Vanguard Quartermaster and trade those 10 Crucible Marks in for 10 Vanguard Marks. The transition wouldn't count towards the weekly Vanguard Mark limit.
And their reasoning behind said nerf was beyond ridiculous.
Bungie: Hey our data shows most of the crucible players are using only auto rifles, show a data screen with the majority of kill by auto rifle... from the week of the Iron Banner!?!
Egad, IB had the same damned auto rifle head shot bounty from the 1st IB! no shit your data is showing that, sheesh.
And it have funtional lights compared to the other Box ship models
I thought that was a vulture
edit: thanks sofa king!
Achlyophage Symbiote for extra GG shotSo what Exotic do you Hunters out there like using in the Crucible?
So what Exotic do you Hunters out there like using in the Crucible?
So what Exotic do you Hunters out there like using in the Crucible?