I'll do 34 if you end up with a open spot.
Ok I am ready. Join us.
I'll do 34 if you end up with a open spot.
Great Aim Assist (the highest hand cannon at 90!), great RoF, great recoil and handling. I love the Revelator. Have two.Ooo just got me a Revelator with Triple Tap and Outlaw. Is this a good HC? Finally had a good match too so it felt good![]()
GT: deafmedal1So i set up the Bone.
Tried to add a few of the people it suggested to me. (Narmer, Trance, WipedOut, Venus)
Most likely will be my son's box, but anyway...
GT: phen0m24
back to backlog
Anyone doing POE 35? I need to do it on my Titan
The amount of IB games I'm getting into where I'm already down 3,000 points is ridiculous. A bunch of big babies who leave when they're immediately down ...
Wow the lag is so real.
Cool. Need 3 more to make a full Iron Banner train.
Whats your PSN? I'm getting ready to start one now.
Why do people insist on making full IB trains? If it's your friends I get it, but searching for randoms to make a 6-man team hurts connections and isn't enjoyable to the people who get matched against them. Wins aren't even valuable. People need to just play it like they play normal Crucible and it would be way better.
Why do people insist on making full IB trains? If it's your friends I get it, but searching for randoms to make a 6-man team hurts connections and isn't enjoyable to the people who get matched against them. Wins aren't even valuable. People need to just play it like they play normal Crucible and it would be way better.
Fuck randoms, half the time people don't even use team chat. Any time you have a full group and everyone communicating it makes the wins soooooo much easier.
Why do people insist on making full IB trains? If it's your friends I get it, but searching for randoms to make a 6-man team hurts connections and isn't enjoyable to the people who get matched against them. Wins aren't even valuable. People need to just play it like they play normal Crucible and it would be way better.
I need to do PoE32 once or twice. Any takers?
Need one for PoE 34. Start as soon as full.
Need one for PoE 34. Start as soon as full.
Still need one?
Psn: thenal84
Cool -- need one more for multiple PoE32 runs!
1. Border199x
2. Moridhin
Anyone want to play trials?
Has Felwinters been dropping during this IB? I haven't seen anyone get it this time around.
Havent seen it either. Matador is dropping though.
Matador is a regular crucible drop. I thought IB only drops the guns for purchase from the previous banner?
Need 1 more for ToO
Matador is a regular crucible drop. I thought IB only drops the guns for purchase from the previous banner?
Just started my 2 weeks holiday - non stop drink, food and relaxation. Left my ps4 on standby to see how remote play might fare, mostly I left it in case xur sells bones of eao![]()
Psa: if any posts from now on seem odd or out of place it means I'm drunk, just ignore me or laugh at me , your choicesee you around dgaf!!!
So i set up the Bone.
Tried to add a few of the people it suggested to me. (Narmer, Trance, WipedOut, Venus)
Most likely will be my son's box, but anyway...
GT: phen0m24
back to backlog
IB has been a lag shitfest since the beta. Nothing has been done to fix it, NOTHING.
Bungie should rename iron banner. Iron thorn is more suiting.
I'm not doing any more trials, crucible, or IB until a weapon balance happens. This meta is awful.
Anyone want to run PoE? Starting with 32.
Does anyone have the shotgun re-roll guide with each perk explained in a table? Can't find it and want to send it to someone newer to the game trying to re-roll a shotgun.
I'll run a 32 and 34. PSN is Hoffelcopter.