2x Mercury trips with Rubenov. Didn't even break a sweat.

We got to seven wins and got wiped out again. Then teabagged.
I might give you a run for the money..probably explains my less than stellar reaction time :/
2x Mercury trips with Rubenov. Didn't even break a sweat.
Agreed, though I did get my first (and only) Gjallarhorn from it when ruthles hosted it a few weeks back, so it has a special place in my heart.What a shit chest
Okay I'll log on..
I'm at hard gorgons now..
I'm at hard gorgons now..
Need one more for trials. Psn:reaperchad
Thanks again for the chance at magic though none came this evening.I'm at hard gorgons now..
I got Thunderlord #14No worries, gorgons were not in a good mood today :/
No worries, gorgons were not in a good mood today :/
I'm up for it.
Do you mind dying so I can grab the checkpoint?
Do you mind dying so I can grab the checkpoint?
Do you mind dying so I can grab the checkpoint?
It was only Rubenov, I see...2x Mercury trips with Rubenov. Didn't even break a sweat.
lol this is such a polite way to ask someone to kill themselves.
It is you who must protect me. I am a deadly sniper but once the enemy reaches me ah fuck game over.
Of course it is a practice/fun run. It is only serious when the General or his buddies answer my call.
First person to join gets the last spot.
Stream will be up shortly.
I'm up for it.
You left without wiping, you wont have the checkpoint.
lol this is such a polite way to ask someone to kill themselves.
I got it somehow, thanks. Nothing but energy but I mostly needed it to farm glimmer.
I can't help but be polite haha. It would read even weirder otherwise probably.
4-manned Atheon on NM without sweating. I got another VoC tho. No exotics at all. lol
Sharded my 5th Hawkmoon
Narmer's group is entertaining
If anyone wants to hop in and farm glimmer with me at gatekeepers feel free. Psn is Slammin_hammon.
If anyone wants to hop in and farm glimmer with me at gatekeepers feel free. Psn is Slammin_hammon.
Lol he should be numb to it by now.Umm LiK what is that?! Yes that right there! Look!
Now while he is distracted please delete this post D:
Haha. That was my first thought about myself!I might give you a run for the money..probably explains my less than stellar reaction time :/
Lik, be ready for trials sometime tomorrow. I'm not going unless your on the team.