I can go but is ok if it's my first time? 34 with all the good weapons. PSN: androo2300
Same here
I can go but is ok if it's my first time? 34 with all the good weapons. PSN: androo2300
Need 2 for skolas kill, i am at final round. HELP
PSN: Narasingh
Skolas is almost a complete waste of time lol. Such bad reward distribution.
What happened, lfg deserted you?
i was playing with gaf (inco), but he have to go in between.
i was playing with gaf (inco), but he have to go in between.
Ruffles, do you have Gorgon CP?
edit: nvm, got it. :d
Anyone streaming some Trials? Little bit too tired to play myself but always love to watch.
Me right now after spending 80 motes rerolling a second Matador:
Shot Package - I like where this is going...
Luck in the Chamber - Oh god, is it happening?!
Reinforced Barrel - someone fucking hold me!
Nothing good on first column - GODDAMMIT SO CLOSE! SO FUCKING CLOSE!
No aggressive ballistics
So, basically..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFR4jdYsfCI
E92 what is your GT
(I got an Xbone)
though I don't have one, I'm only level 10
You just need to join in and then wipe.Very basic question, but I've never logged into a fireteam for the sole purpose of getting a checkpoint. Do I just join the fireteam and that's it or do I need to kill enemies and wipe?
Can we adopt this kid to be the official "My reaction to Skolas loot drops" spokesperson?
(from gaming side)
You just need to join in and then wipe.
Yeah, put me in a match already 15000 to 4500 and on the losing team no less.
Yeah, put me in a match already 15000 to 4500 and on the losing team no less.
1. Anyone know a good way to get weapon parts?
2. Anyone want to do a hard mode Vault of Glass or Crotas End?
I'm in for CE
1. Anyone know a good way to get weapon parts?
2. Anyone want to do a hard mode Vault of Glass or Crotas End?
Need 1 for trials
Oh thank god! A new map!
Just another day in snipesville..
Skolas is almost a complete waste of time lol. Such bad reward distribution.
So how badly were auto rifles nerfed? I just got my first post DLC purple primary, and it's an auto rifle. Would I be better off using it, or using my weaker vanilla Destiny purple pulse rifle?
Mercury with okayrene and myopic! I got a summonerand then one from the gold package too. Woof!
The best way to get weapon parts is to make it so 7 wins on a trials card, buy the ToO weapon to dismantle, and then farm glimmer. That's easier said than done though, so I think dragon strikes are a pretty good alternative.
I may join later for whatever is going on, but I still need a loot of training to be effective at PoE (I still lack strategies and reflexes for complex situations) and my weapons / armor won't be well leveled yet in case we try something hard such as Nightfall (still pending) or a higher level of PoE. I'm not grinding and I don't have a plan save for the newbie raid, so later in the day I will be available if somebody needs a warlock for PvE.