TLW + HB from 28 poe chest.
Don't need no thorn now.
Lol that's pretty great. I bet when the chest opened the sound of a thousand Xbox players screaming was heard
TLW + HB from 28 poe chest.
Don't need no thorn now.
Got The Last Word and Her Benevolence from a level 28 PoE.
On Xbox.
Lol that's pretty great. I bet when the chest opened the sound of a thousand Xbox players screaming was heard![]()
so XBOX's Ultimate Game sale... Destiny is $19.80 on XB360 w/Gold, $26.24 for the Expansion pass, worth it?
I plan to get a PS4 in April next year with my tax money, to play with my PS4 buddies, I know i cant transfer my 360 character to PS4, but anything else I should know about the 360 version to know what it lacks over the PS4 versions?
Holy shit. And you've already had a Gjallarhorn drop as well... You're getting the luckiest drops I've ever seen.Got The Last Word and Her Benevolence from a level 28 PoE.
On Xbox.
Holy shit. And you've already had a Gjallarhorn drop as well... You're getting the luckiest drops I've ever seen.
Yeah, you should...Is there a equivalent helmet for blade dancers like celestial nighthawk?
I love love love celestial but it's not practical for POE level 34 and 35 and I say that because invisibility is king when dismantling mines or for health recovery.
Any advice?
Also, you can totally switch gear and subclass between rounds. I usually run BD / Don't Touch Me for the regular rounds, and switch to Gunslinger / Celestial for bosses.Use Don't Touch Me instead.
Anyone for trials i have been at it for four hours with randoms and let me say the so called "flawless" royalty has been performing worse then me and im mediocre on my best days.
Just want the helm really.
I'm up for some trials. I'm probably a little above average. Not gone to Mercury yet but come close. I will be happy with an armour run.
Well if you guys are still around I'm down for a few matches!
Got The Last Word and Her Benevolence from a level 28 PoE.
On Xbox.
Damn man, only exotic I ever got out of a PoE chest was NLB... twice.
I now regret having sharded 2 extra The Last Words I had so much. I've been using the first one I got (all purchased from Xur, hasn't dropped for me yet) and it's so damn good. It was sitting in my vault all this time, but now that it's starting to click I can't believe I've been missing this all this time. I'm still average though...
I have a question for PvP experts. What stats do you consider most important in PvP?
I'm currently trying 2 builds focused on using TLW, HB and AF. The problem is that I'm somewhat limited in the stat distribution. One setup has 209 Int, 156 Dis and 177 Str, while the other has 128 Int, 232 Dis and 177 Str. The perks are the same in both builds. Which one would you consider best?
What class? Strength for example is near useless for Titans in PvP
I have a question for PvP experts. What stats do you consider most important in PvP?
I'm currently trying 2 builds focused on using TLW, HB and AF. The problem is that I'm somewhat limited in the stat distribution. One setup has 209 Int, 156 Dis and 177 Str, while the other has 128 Int, 232 Dis and 177 Str. The perks are the same in both builds. Which one would you consider best?
Xbox master race confirmed. Yesterday I got Hopscotch Pilgrim as a reward from my first PoE 28. And Thunderlord from the chest. Thunderlord took me an AGE to get on PS4 and Hopscotch is nowhere to be found on those Dragon strikesGot The Last Word and Her Benevolence from a level 28 PoE.
On Xbox.
Any DGAF on my local time zone GMT +8 Kuala Lumpur?
You are the closest to me.I'm close @ GMT+10, and there are few more in the same TZ.
Started with Xbox One but kind of want to play this on PS4 but I'd have to start all over, unless Bungie finds a way to allow us to place stuff in the vault, swap consoles, and take items out. (save for the exclusive stuff) I understand our characters are attached to gamertag/PSNid so it'd be impossible to swap chars so I had the idea for the vault thing since that app can be very handy for transferring gear over in a flash.
Sure I could level from scratch to 20, but having gear ready will save some time. Even willing to double dip if I have to.
You are the closest to was cool last night for you to bring the raiders on VoG. Good work!
I may need to find new friends. I've played 600+ hours and yet I've never played with a GAFfer before. What's wrong with me.
You still up for Trials?Need one more for trials. Anyone?
Actually easy, Counts as soon as you capture it don't need to hold it all the way through.
Just got the Salvage, Just need the Clan Strike for Platinum!
I've had two Gjallarhorns drop.
I don't use a final round Sniper (I'm an average sniper at best) but after going 0-3 to a team with 2 final rounders who unloaded as soon as they spawned I decided to fight fire with fire and get the spear out.
We won.
They need to remove that crap.
Got The Last Word and Her Benevolence from a level 28 PoE.
On Xbox.
Awesome thanks, send me a PSN message whenever, I'll get it on my phone.
If you guys are still playing salvage in a half hour and need a 3rd, I will run with you.
Salvage is dreadful with randoms... disgusted.
Tears and me just rushed them and took all the special on the map, never heard from them again.
And yet it's tons of fun with a good group! Thanks for the very fun matches guys, GG!
I'm in Singapore, I've never played in a group, never raided, always solo-ed the nightfalls. Add me? PSN: feetiemaomaoAny DGAF on my local time zone GMT +8 Kuala Lumpur?
Discipline and Str for locks. The second build is better. Higher intellect does not really matter much in pvp.
Good morning DGAF!
Twas the day before reset![]()
I'll run a 34. Haven't got anything else to doI am up for some PoE 34s send party invite if you want.
Any DGAF on my local time zone GMT +8 Kuala Lumpur?
I'll run a 34. Haven't got anything else to do![]()
This ain't no good morning man.![]()
Nice, 1 Spot open for PoE 34!