Twilight Gap
Can you imagine what PVP will be like once the Iron Banner rolls around. So many rage quits.
if the iron banner rewards are the same as they were in the beta, it wont be worth it IMO.
Can you imagine what PVP will be like once the Iron Banner rolls around. So many rage quits.
Yep. The one I'm referring to anyways. Not sure about the other guy.Is the glimmer farming spot that moon mission cause if so, I got nearly 20k from it in an hour.
I'm two motes of light away from a dream cloak. Decisions decisions.
The maps and everything don't bother me that much except for that huge Mars map with the pikes. I meant all the one shot kills. I'm emptying a clip in a guys head he just runs up and stand me, or rubs up and shoots me with a shotgun, or one shots me with a purple grenade. It doesn't help that my shotgun and rocket launcher only work on at best every 1/4 direct hits.
lol it's been mentioned many times in this thread... the moon farm w/ black wax idol Shrine of Oryx. Do level 12.
This area:
I got about 10k after 2 runs (10 min ea) with the wax idol drops.
Sunsinger. Honestly, Titan's bubble shield is only good in pvp for turning capture points into a killzone, in pve the use is minimal. Sunsinger turns your guy into a walking tank and buffs everyone around you.
True dat. Might as well post it in the thread. Put it in spoilers if you have to!
Unless it's an exploit.
Is it just me or are the Story Missions a ghost town. I haven't seen a random player in the last 6 or 7 missions I've played. I realize a large chunk of the player base is at endgame content since I am slow going here, but I would expect to see at least a few others. I know folks have proposed Bungie add public matchmaking for Story Missions, and I agree, but it's almost as if there is no one to do it with regardless.
The game after 20 has been significantly less enjoyable for me than it was beforehand. Getting to 24 was kind of a pain, since a lot of the blue drops I got were duplicate armor slots or weapons, but it took about two days of solid playing to reach 24. I've barely reached 25 since then, thanks to the single legendary item I bought from faction reputation. I'll be able to get one more legendary today from Vanguard reputation, which hopefully will be enough to push me to 26 after some upgrades.
The raid is the thing I was most excited to try out in this game, but it seems unlikely now that I'll get to do it when it opens thanks to the terrible drop rates of legendary items. I have over 45 hours played, spent several hours every day playing crucible, ran dozens of strikes at 24, with not a single legendary drop to show for it. My Cryptarch is almost rank 9, I've given him probably 20 legendary engrams by now, again without a single legendary item received from them.
Meanwhile people with 1/5 the number of kills in a strike or the bottom of the PVP scoreboard get legendary items left and right it seems. I'm going to keep playing until the raid opens in the hope that my luck will change and I'll get a drop that gets me to 26 if the second reputation item doesn't. But if the raid opens and I'm still stuck at 25, I might be done with the game until they do something about the drop rates. Since I can't even earn marks anymore this week, it's just not worth my time to play with nothing to show for it.
Could I get the PM for the 11k glimmer spot too please?
There is a youtube link on this page...
Got a legendary engram only to get a rare glove worse than the one I already had. FML.
I'm two motes of light away from a dream cloak. Decisions decisions.
Even if you did see people, they probably wouldn't group with you.
The social tools in this game just aren't quite up to par yet.
I can't wait for that, haha. I'm still 6+ motes away.I'm two motes of light away from a dream cloak. Decisions decisions.
Where did the coin vendor go anyway?
Save mote of light for the Coin vendor. Speaker has useless shit.
Where did the coin vendor go anyway? He's not there now.
Isn't he only around on Fridays and Saturdays?
Is the glimmer farming spot that moon mission cause if so, I got nearly 20k from it in an hour.
I am looking up guides on the Exotic bounty I had gotten earlier today for the Thorn Hand Cannon, and bah gawd, the shit I need to go through to get this one weapon is ridiculous.
How to the get Thorn Hand Cannon
Where did the coin vendor go anyway? He's not there now.
They'll probably move the checkpoint so you can't exploit it by the time I can take a crack at it.![]()
So I joined up with the Future War's, was that a good idea? Or should I remain untethered to a group until I get my Vanguard and Crucible rank up higher?
Whoa, your Cryptarch has blues?
He sells Exotic Engrams, right? How many motes?
Isn't he only around on Fridays and Saturdays?
It'll be okay if you can't play the raid the second it comes out.
It will be okay.
It will be okay.
I am wondering if they have a whole lot more planned for the story that has yet to be released.
We have areas that are "inaccessible" in game that when you glitch to are populated with enemies and seem fairly finished.
You also have. That is a cutscene in a game that only had like 5 that I can remember, so I am really hoping it is important, especially when you look at ominous quotes like whenThe queen telling you that she will be caling on you for special tasksthe stranger tells you that you should always take a side, even if it is the wrong side. There is also that fact that the Queen of the reef is definitely not clearly with the light or the dark.
On top of all that on the bungie web site.there is a special Queen of the reef event coming up. Bungie also said that there would be big new Community events coming that we have not seen. maybe they are related, maybe not.
Additionally when you go tothe reef area, it apears as though that map has a spot for something to select that you never get too. the only thing that you see is one icon off to the side that you only select twice. that is a whole lot of work for just two cutscenes
Here is hoping that bungie has story elements that have been held back, not for an expansion, but because they did not want the community blowing through them all in the first week. There are signs that it is possible that there is more to come, though none of them are definite.
Hey it could be worsegot my first legendary engram (weapon type). was so nervous to decrypt ha.
Got 2 motes of light. not sure how to feel about it :I
Save mote of light for the Coin vendor. Speaker has useless shit.
Here's a decent legendary farming method as well.
Gets you 25000 glimmer in about an hour. You constantly buy the engrams from the Cryptarch. Each run gets you about half way on your cryptarch level. That's provided you also collect the codexes that the enemies drop so you can trade them in for more glimmer to continue purchasing engrams. Every time you level up your cryptarch you get a legendary engram from the post master.