It's an evening. Maybe in a month it'll be a couple hour thing. But this raid is huge. Hopefully no one says otherwise right now. Ill have to call massive bullshit.
Second, that's correct on the gunsmith exotics.
The raid has 9 different sections, VoG had's big but not enough to say it won't be possible to do it in a handful of hours soon. People are already getting to the Golgoroth in 40 mins or so and that's half of the raid. I think by next week or so people will be finishing it in under 2 hours easily. People who played the raid by figuring out the mechanics especially will have no trouble repeating it and doing it with great execution.
The reason for that being they learned the strategy by trial and error and hence they know what could go wrong and as such would avoid it, compared to someone who was told what to do.