How did you get 7 guys in there? ( or do you mean randoms?)7 Person Court of Oryx has to be one of the most fun times I've had in Destiny. lol
It's amazing how good the combo of Nightstalker and Titans are in the raid. It's like a match made in heaven.
Fuck yeah. I know Vanish in Smoke is in bogue but I'm loving double Envenom grenades with Sealed Ahamkara/Monte Carlo. CREATURES OF THE DARKNESS WHILE YOU TRY MERELY TO FIND ME YOU WILL BURN AND DIEIv fallen in love with the Nightstalker subclass. Not sure if I can go back to the others.
It's an awesome feeling that I actually contribute to everyone else. The buffs, the orbs. The utility belt that you get with the grenades.
It's just a complete subclass.
Iv fallen in love with the Nightstalker subclass. Not sure if I can go back to the others.
It's an awesome feeling that I actually contribute to everyone else. The buffs, the orbs. The utility belt that you get with the grenades.
It's just a complete subclass.
Ok add me on psn blunoise1 will be ready soonOh ok well if you need another im down.
I cri evry tiem when a warlock is in the Court fighting the three witches and isn't a stormcaller.
Seriously, bum rushing the bosses with Stormtrance is insanely satisfying. The DPS is ridiculous. 3 stormcaller warlocks doing Tier 3 is probably the most fun I had with randoms.
That was me. I cleared Fear's Embrace on my first try, it was easy.I don't know because I haven't done the mission yet, but someone in this thread told earlier how you could camp and snipe your way through Fear's Embrace with a nightstalker and the stillpiercer... ^^
I literally got to level 40, exotic gear and some blue gears bump to 240ish light level, and grind heroic strikes for 4-5 hours to reach 288ish light level. Started the raid as a 288ish light level and got the lucky drops to reach 291light level. It's possible just mind numbing grinding those strikes..Just hit 270. Starting to get some good drops and just completed all the HoW quests. Hoping to grin tonight and reach 290 so I can squeeze in a Raid tomorrow.
Hey! You can revive yourself remember. You're the one person that can help save a raid. While everyone else just dies.That last encounter does make the Hunters and Titans shine, Warlocks are just giving a second chance when they die with Sunsingers.
Do any quest you can and do Court of Oryx all day every day.
as a solo stormcaller I poop on every reciprocal rune boss except that jackass with the shield that only goes away when adds are dead. Because there's always one hiding somewhere and they come back fast. It seemed a pretty good way to get a lot of random blues but they were all low level so I stopped.
Also funny that I have an easier time solo against the ogre and knight twins than I ever did with a group. Mechanics are hard!
Finally got good boots. Instantly went up to 297. Lol.
lol! My boots are holding me back right now too.
I think it's epic!
Best is in pvp when people try to hide around the corner.Fuck yeah. I know Vanish in Smoke is in bogue but I'm loving double Envenom grenades with Sealed Ahamkara/Monte Carlo. CREATURES OF THE DARKNESS WHILE YOU TRY MERELY TO FIND ME YOU WILL BURN AND DIE
#deadHoly cannoli, Robin! I really am the Roc-Man!
Anyone need undying mind strike for eris' quest? At the boss.
How did you get 7 guys in there? ( or do you mean randoms?)
Just to make sure I'm on track.
I'm sitting at 289 right now.
I've just been doing quests and heroic strikes to grab engrams. I then make sure I'm at my highest level at all times to get the best ones.
Haven't done the court of oryx yet.
Anything else I should do to keep upgrading so I can try the raid?
You sir are ready to try the raid
Anyone else getting smart loot drops that are eerily close to "perfect" armor drops? My chest, boots, and gloves that I now use for infusion are all Intellect/Discipline, all favor pulse rifles and fusion rifles, and have solar based perks; all the gear and builds that I favor. Is it giving me these on purpose, or am I just reaaaaaly lucky?
Good to know. Took a nap after getting home from camping and now I'm ready to grind the night away to make up for the list time this weekend.I literally got to level 40, exotic gear and some blue gears bump to 240ish light level, and grind heroic strikes for 4-5 hours to reach 288ish light level. Started the raid as a 288ish light level and got the lucky drops to reach 291light level. It's possible just mind numbing grinding those strikes..
Keep in mind for the raid. Having a +295 sniper is a must imo. Will make your time easier for dpsing. It's essential forOh man oh man oh man.
I shall wait until tomorrow.
t(-_-)tFirst Raid yielded me the Scout Rifle, the Sniper Rifle, Gauntlets and an Exotic Quest.
I wanna go back.
Anyone else getting smart loot drops that are eerily close to "perfect" armor drops? My chest, boots, and gloves that I now use for infusion are all Intellect/Discipline, all favor pulse rifles and fusion rifles, and have solar based perks; all the gear and builds that I favor. Is it giving me these on purpose, or am I just reaaaaaly lucky?
I have the Companion app. I still don't see how to check which Calcified Fragments I have.
I love the strike playlist until undying mind shows up.
I'm still pissed I only got two drops out ofbosses in the raid.4
It's in the grimoire under Book of Sorrow
Wait, really? Is that normal or just shitty RNG?
Wish you luck! I wouldn't recommend grinding strikes for that long by yourself. It's a lot better with peopleGood to know. Took a nap after getting home from camping and now I'm ready to grind the night away to make up for the list time this weekend.
Actually haven't had that much of a bad time with that quest. Fun boss too.The new Vex strike is worse with randoms.
Actually haven't had that much of a bad time with that quest. Fun boss too.
Don't see any Book of Sorrow stuff in the app.
Best is in pvp when people try to hide around the corner.
It's under the enemies section.
Also anyone interested in running the raid for the first shard?
Join up on me.