Thunderlord. HMG's are better for DPS with WoL.
Rockets are useless in the raid. I switched between my machine gun and sword
Thanks, Thunderlord it is...
Thunderlord. HMG's are better for DPS with WoL.
Rockets are useless in the raid. I switched between my machine gun and sword
Black hammer and Gally would destroy this raid. I understand why they nerfed them.I gotta say after playing through the raid it feels really weird not having gjallahorn with you at all times. Changes how you play the game a lot.
Rockets are useless in the raid. I switched between my machine gun and sword
Ocean my friend, help me destroy oryx ={
I gotta say after playing through the raid it feels really weird not having gjallahorn with you at all times. Changes how you play the game a lot.
Shaxx just Mercy Rule'd me out of the last relic capture i needed for this quest by 1 second
I'm trying to get Eris to give me the quest, I'd love to get that done with you if possible! I think I'll have the quest in like 15mAnyone need tier 3?
I almost never used my heavy in the raid. Just used my sword for theand some ads at some point probably.Knight during the Oryx fight
Special is the real MVP now.
Thinking of buying Y2 version of Truth or Thunderlord for the raid. Any advice from people that have raided on which would be better?
Buy? How?
I almost never used my heavy in the raid. Just used my sword for theand some ads at some point probably.Knight during the Oryx fight
Special is the real MVP now.
Thunderlord viable? I only have Year One version
Buy? How?
Sniper all day everyday.For the Raid, passed the WP, would it be better to have a Sniper with my light level at 292, or a Fusion with my light level at 294?
For the Raid, passed the WP, would it be better to have a Sniper with my light level at 292, or a Fusion with my light level at 294?
Does anyone want to do a semi blind King's Fall raid tonight around 9:30 EST? 2 friends and I would like to at least get into the raid and try and get a few boss kills for loot. I have spots for 3 and really don't want to have to go to LFG. PSN is ichabod00, I'll start a PSN chat for whoever is interested so we can coordinate.
1. Ichabod00
2. Friend
3. Friend
4. You
5. Anyone?
6. Someone else?
My 295 special is a shotgun :/. Should I try to infuse Stillpiercer? I don't have enough marks to buy anything yet.
My 295 special is a shotgun :/. Should I try to infuse Stillpiercer? I don't have enough marks to buy anything yet.
Sniper all day everyday.
Primary: AR/Scout
Special: Sniper
Heavy: Sword
I get what you mean but let's face it, if you've been at it for five hours and then someone drops out because its late, you don't want to be looking for a new guy who will take another hour to get up to speed, you want it over with.
By all means, new raid runs asking for 'pro's' only at this stage is a bit unfair but I think it's perfectly fine to want someone who knows what they're doing (probably from a disbanded raid group) to finish a run.
what are the general methods for earning marks? you guys seem to earn them quick.
<3 Amazing stuff Lnkn! Let us know how we could get this paid off and hopefully be able send one or two to each member. Would be awesome.This past Friday, I was privileged to actually raid with what I call my clan now. I feel like I found a home inside a home (DGAF). Even though we didn't complete the raid, I feel with this tight, fun group; we will accomplish many things. It might not be World's First but it will be World's First to Fun.
So I hope to see how to get this printed on some T-Shirts.
Well all the bosses will I guess?Everyone keeps saying sniper for the raid but you're gonna have to pry the Susanoo from my cold, dead hands lol.
Anyone here knows how to speak German? I ordered a 20th Anniversary PS4 controller from
It works beautifully, sticks and triggers are crisp...but my microphone just won't work. Still works perfect on my launch DS4. Looks like I need a replacement.
Can anyone help me say this in German?or do you think I could get away with a google translated message
what are the general methods for earning marks? you guys seem to earn them quick.
just do daily crucible, daily story, the quests that give them, heroic strike 3x(a week). It's not that bad to get some and currently there aren't many must have things other than a 280 ghost and maybe an exotic you want to upgrade.
Anyone here knows how to speak German? I ordered a 20th Anniversary PS4 controller from
It works beautifully, sticks and triggers are crisp...but my microphone just won't work. Still works perfect on my launch DS4. Looks like I need a replacement.
Can anyone help me say this in German?or do you think I could get away with a google translated message
Anyone here knows how to speak German? I ordered a 20th Anniversary PS4 controller from
It works beautifully, sticks and triggers are crisp...but my microphone just won't work. Still works perfect on my launch DS4. Looks like I need a replacement.
Can anyone help me say this in German?or do you think I could get away with a google translated message
Daily Story anybody?
I think GlamFM is from Germany.![]()
I think GlamFM is from Germany.![]()
My 295 special is a shotgun :/. Should I try to infuse Stillpiercer? I don't have enough marks to buy anything yet.
Well all the bosses will I guess?
One sprint locks and the other won't let me talk.So you just bought a new controller to replace the one with a busted stick and you get a faulty new controller? You really amaze me Sony.
Sorry, I can barely speak my language.