What exactly is it? Get the final blow on each bro with a shotgun? Do only shotgun damage? I swear this questfinally done after 3 wipes
this quest can suck a deacon
Also, a 2 hour power nap might do you good before raiding man
What exactly is it? Get the final blow on each bro with a shotgun? Do only shotgun damage? I swear this questfinally done after 3 wipes
this quest can suck a deacon
Gorgons is brilliant, Deku!I like you. You're a thinking man.
Gate Lord requires to orbit in a hurry post kill then loading back. I have no idea why people are going there.
Darknis (boss at the end of Scourge of Winter), weaken him, then get up close and kill him/commit suicide with a rocket
7 coins for a random exotic. They come in a bundle of 5
what's the timer on 3s of Coins? how long does it last?
What's the fastest way to get strange coins to buy 3oC with? I'm new here.![]()
I doubt anyone is blowing enough Strange Coins to spend more than an hour on Darksis. Time isn't even the issue. Assuming 1/5 holds steady in aggregate, you're basically paying 35 Strange Coins for a random Exotic (pray you don't get dupes)
3 5 coin runs : 2 engrams.
10 3 coin runs: 3 engrams.
20 2 coin runs : 5 engrams.
63 1 coin runs : 12 engrams.
The buff always says IX. It stands for the Nine (the guys noodle-face works for). The buff should go away the instant you kill an Ultra capable of dropping loot.
First exotic for year 2 is the Knuckle Head Radar.
I need to use the coins before the Strike boss?
Which strike?
I don't know man. Also, 1/5 might not be accurate. Two engrams can drop from 1 3oC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK__A2UX440&feature=youtu.be
Also, this sample from Reddit leads me to believe the effect does stack, despite Bungie's description:
5 coins stacked = 66%
3 coins stacked = 33%
2 coins stacked = 25%
1 coin = 12.6%
Small sample size and self reported and all, but that seems pretty linear. I'm stuck at work for 9 hours and will no doubt miss out on this entirely, but it seems extremely broken and, were I home, I would do it until it gets patched.
normal and yes, kill yourself so it dont finish the mission
Dude I just found out its 5 of those things for 7 Coins. I thought it was 1 for 7 coins.I don't know man. Also, 1/5 might not be accurate. Two engrams can drop from 1 3oC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK__A2UX440&feature=youtu.be
Also, this sample from Reddit leads me to believe the effect does stack, despite Bungie's description:
5 coins stacked = 66%
3 coins stacked = 33%
2 coins stacked = 25%
1 coin = 12.6%
Small sample size and self reported and all, but that seems pretty linear. I'm stuck at work for 9 hours and will no doubt miss out on this entirely, but it seems extremely broken and, were I home, I would do it until it gets patched.
Lnkn, Deku, Colonel. Willing to PayPal funds for farming a few min for me this morning. Stuck at family outing.
Lnkn, Deku, Colonel. Willing to PayPal funds for farming a few min for me this morning. Stuck at family outing.
Yup normal.Thanks. Did it a couple of times, nothing seems to drop and the coin buff vanishes. Normal?
Yup normal.
Try it 2 more times, you have my blessings.
Thanks. Did it a couple of times, nothing seems to drop and the coin buff vanishes. Normal?
So what's the quickest way to use three of coins? Seen something about a tactic requiring 2 specific exotic weapons, which I do not have
What exactly is it? Get the final blow on each bro with a shotgun? Do only shotgun damage? I swear this quest
Also, a 2 hour power nap might do you good before raiding man
Telesto get.
Wait why are people talking about Draksis so much
Shit! Lost my CP! Someone has one for me!?!?
It's called a "Legacy" Engram, they're guaranteed to be Year 1 stuff with the old attack stats. The Helm Engram on sale is Year 2 with guaranteed 290 Light engrams from it.Wow, my two heavy exotic engrams were a complete bust. Year 1 Thuderlord, which I already have, and Gjallarhorn, which is like my 5th one at this point. Huge waste of strange coins. Fucking hell. I didn't think they would decrypt into year 1 exotics. Smart loot my ass. Never buying those again. Going with the coins to boost drop rates. Maybe then smart loot will apply.
Telesto get.
Dont pick up engrams, coin buff does go away yes, but it keeps stacking in the background until you pick the engram so dont do that.
Any sniper/any gun on Draksis until he's low, then finish him point blank with rocket. Suicide, engrams drop, repeat.
Telesto get.