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Destiny |OT31| The Courted Oryx (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)


What are these unique and varied strategies for VoG? I can't think of anything that stands out as making a real difference except maybe doing both Gatekeepers at the same time.

I don't really count cheese as a strategy.
Block the templar's teleports or not.
I think this is why the Templar is my favourite fight in the game: you can choose to take more risks trying to beat him for an added (crappy) chest.
We need more of this, I feel, make some bosses a bit more easy to beat, but offer a harder option for a better reward.
290 - 299. I can't remember and I'm at work. Like I said I don't have a problem with dps checks as that an inherent part of the game, but I do have a problem
when a oryx relies more on how much damage you do over how well you play
. I'm done complaining though. I'll continue to be disappointed with that one part of the raid and the world will go round.

So, the same as my group that I beat it with. Sounds like being underleveled wasn't the problem.


aka Mannny
I don't know, if everyone is in the 295ish range then it really does come down to how well you're playing. You better have everyone firing at
oryx if you don't have weapons of light up in order to stun him.
I don't see how that isn't an execution/skill thing.
It's more so that
i haven't been using my nighthawk on oryx which is basically another dps gate key like gjally. Another thing is that some people have been having trouble with ogre so it may be a skill barrier yes. I'll try it one last time tonight. I may change my opinion but for now I feel like it could've been designed better. I feel like an oversoul type mechanic would've been much more intuitive and clever than an instant wipe dps check.

So, the same as my group that I beat it with. Sounds like being underleveled wasn't the problem.
Yea I'll try it again tonight and make sure everyone is pulling their weight.
Anyone up for a raid run in about an hour? Not done it before so will be going in a newb. Have about 3 hours free so hoping to get at least the first boss done.
I think this was missed when i posted it last, but could someone explain to me how the gunsmith stuff works?

I'm seeing people talk about his quests and whatnot. Right now my rank with him is only rank 1. Do I need to stop doing quests and make sure i'm rank 3 with him?

rank three at the least. when you get to rank 2 you will get a quest for each class. for example im a titan and had to kill 75 enemies with a telemtry active. I used LoW. soo good. you will then need to dismantle weapons of that type. year ones wor for this. youll only need 2 old legionaries to dismantle.
you will get a class specific legendary weapon. then when you hit rank 3 get the same quest again for a primary gun. doing that will net you a class specific exotic.


I think this was missed when i posted it last, but could someone explain to me how the gunsmith stuff works?

I'm seeing people talk about his quests and whatnot. Right now my rank with him is only rank 1. Do I need to stop doing quests and make sure i'm rank 3 with him?

There are only 2 ways to currently rank up with the gunsmith.

Each week he has new guns for you to "rent/have' , take those guns and do the correlating quest that come with them (should be in the description of the gun). That will earn you rep.

The second way to is to find fusion rifle-like items in the wild that aren't actually guns, but quest items. You can turn those into the gunsmith for more rep.

Basically aside from the for sure gun quests every week (resets on Wednesday) you're at the mercy of RNG. Rank 1/2 respectively give you new legendary guns while rank 3 gives you an exotic specific to your class. It's rumored that rank 5 gives you an exotic as well.

A handcannon that becomes unerfed.
What are these unique and varied strategies for VoG? I can't think of anything that stands out as making a real difference except maybe doing both Gatekeepers at the same time.

I don't really count cheese as a strategy.

  • Opening the gate can be done with less than 6 people and you don't need to stand in a specific spot after initial activation (i.e. I don't need to stay near the sync plate; i just need to keep enemies away from it).
  • Confluxes can be done with less than 6 people and the player doesn't have to stand in a specific spot (there's plenty of platforms to stand on). There's also legion deathpit vs spirit bloom cave.
  • Oracles can be done from just about anywhere - some legitimate and some cheesy but it stands that there is variation nonetheless.
  • Templar can be done with one person on the bottom, all 6, or any variation of that, and you can choose to ignore the oracles and huddle together or get the oracles and spread out. You can also block him from teleporting.
  • The jumping puzzle and Gorgons have multiple routes and you can kill Gorgons
  • Gatekeeper can be done at least 5 different ways. I once solo'd both portals and passed the relic off to people outside because they couldn't stay alive outside when we did them the "normal way"
  • Atheon can be DPS'd in any number of ways and the portal can be cleared as a Relic holder.

I'll stress that most of this can be done with one or two people. Crota's End is still being solo'd to this day and people are running out of ways to make it look impressive.

Again, I'm not asking for an "easy, cheesy" Raid and I have even mentioned that I don't think King's Fall is hard enough. But as for replayability, I don't think it'll come anywhere close to the Vault of Glass.
It's good!

Gotta say I turned around pretty quick on legendary marks too. I've been playing a lot but not nearly as much as some other people here. Got enough to get the FWC handcannon, and then I got another 140 marks pretty quickly from all of the quests, dailies and dismantling legendaries. This was after using some marks to infuse weapons and armor too. I made the very foolish decision to buy a primary legendary engram from Rahool, in a last ditch effort to get Zhalo. Of course that didn't happen, and I got a terrrible vendor AR instead!
But aside from maybe buying a ghost (which I don't want to) and having marks for infusion... I think buying the engrams might be what I spend the most of my marks on. A year later and decrypting a legendary engram is still exciting to me every time.

I gotta put a plug in for that Legendary Ghost. I get Wormspore with every single engram that drops on the Dreadnaught

It's frigging AMAZING

I wish there were more legendary ghosts...


I think this was missed when i posted it last, but could someone explain to me how the gunsmith stuff works?

I'm seeing people talk about his quests and whatnot. Right now my rank with him is only rank 1. Do I need to stop doing quests and make sure i'm rank 3 with him?

Just do all his test weapon stuff each week to keep gaining rank with him and if you come by special items return them to him [game tells you clearly that you have business with him]. Higher ranks unlock stuff like quests for class specific guns.
There are only 2 ways to currently rank up with the gunsmith.

Each week he has new guns for you to "rent/have' , take those guns and do the correlating quest that come with them (should be in the description of the gun). That will earn you rep.

The second way to is to fund fusion rifle-like items in the wild that aren't actually guns, but quest items. You can turn those into the gunsmith for more rep.

Basically aside from the for sure gun quests every week (resets on Wednesday) you're at the mercy of RNG. Rank 1/2 respectively give you new legendary guns while rank 3 gives you an exotic specific to your class. It's rumored that rank 5 gives you an exotic as well.

A handcannon that becomes unerfed.
Also he has some quests.


aka Mannny
  • Opening the gate can be done with less than 6 people and you don't need to stand in a specific spot after initial activation (i.e. I don't need to stay near the sync plate; i just need to keep enemies away from it).
  • Confluxes can be done with less than 6 people and the player doesn't have to stand in a specific spot. There's also legion deathpit vs spirit bloom cave.
  • Oracles can be done from just about anywhere - some legitimate and some cheesy but it stands that there is variation nonetheless.
  • Templar can be done with one person on the bottom, all 6, or any variation of that, and you can choose to ignore the oracles and huddle together or get the oracles and spread out. You can also block him from teleporting.
  • The jumping puzzle and Gorgons have multiple routes and you can kill Gorgons
  • Gatekeeper can be done at least 5 different ways. I once solo'd both portals and passed the relic off to people outside because they couldn't stay alive outside when we did them the "normal way"
  • Atheon can be DPS'd in any number of ways and the portal can be cleared as a Relic holder.

And most of this can be done with one or two people. Crota's End is still being solo'd to this day and people are running out of ways to make it look impressive.
i think that there's a lot of emphasis in this raid on "fuck you soloing gjallerhorn fuckers"


Is there any way to find out what is causing the purple quest triangle to always be on the tower for me in the navigator? I looked through my quests and have walked around the tower...I don't see anything I'm supposed to do.
How are you suppose to get Super Good Advice now? I don't know how but that's the only Year 1 exotic I never got. Missing that grimore card is annoying.
i think that there's a lot of emphasis in this raid on "fuck you soloing gjallerhorn fuckers"

Yup. The minimum number of people you can do this Raid with is 5.
Unless people figure out a way to cheese the platforms so that 4 people don't need to be standing on it

Basically, I don't think King's Fall will evolve like the Vault of Glass has because it was indeed built to force players to focus on the intended mechanics, leaving little room for creativity between the groups. That bothers me because there is never just one way to do a fight.

How are you suppose to get Super Good Advice now? I don't know how but that's the only Year 1 exotic I never got. Missing that grimore card is annoying.

I got it from Xur's heavy weapon engram.
Is there any way to find out what is causing the purple quest triangle to always be on the tower for me in the navigator? I looked through my quests and have walked around the tower...I don't see anything I'm supposed to do.

I've had this for a while now too and it's driving me nuts lol.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I guess at this point you guys should get a sub for me. I just don't feel good about jumping in at 284. I want to actually be able to contribute my first time. Hate to miss running w/ such a fun crew but there are countless raid sessions in my future I'm sure.
man I'm at 286. I have no idea if i'm getting any higher by that time tonight or not, I got a bunch of stuff to do before I'll get to play. I don't think I could in anywhere need good conscience kick you off this run when I'd barely be contributing any more myself. :p

I just figured we'd take it easy and get as far as we could, you know?

So, legendary marks.

I expected the throttle on their distribution to bother me more than it does. This is probably due to where my light level is at - after this morning's inaugural romp through a couple of strikes in the Heroic playlist, I am at 260 (I did the strikes as 256). I'm saving up for that Vanguard scout rifle, and am one daily and a heroic strike away from getting it. When I do, it will be far and away the best weapon I have (which are all in the 250-ish range) and will also propel my overall light level up several notches.

Because I've been lagging behind a lot of you guys, with less time to play each day and no power leveling (wasn't going for the raid at launch, didn't bank XP for TTK's release, not farming engrams, etc.) my climb up the light level ladder has been more gradual, and so I have not been held back by not missing any of the vendor gear. Each day, I nudge upward 4-7 light levels running a mix of different kinds of activities (and with a mix of new gear and ascending my old). I think the vendor gear serves a different function than it did during year 1 - it's the tipping point for when you are getting ready for the endgame. At my point in the curve, at least, that gear looks extremely valuable, so I don't mind having to chip away at saving for them.

It might bug me more once I have three characters to support, each with their own faction, though. In that context making the daily mission an account clear, and thus only one marks drop per day, seems much more nefarious. But I need to get to that point to find out. Right now it's been fun spending the week working toward that scout rifle. That will be when I start my graduation toward endgame content.
Great post, very interesting.

When you have a character past around the 280 mark, being able to transfer alts guns and ghost to equip and blue stuff to infuse for a kickstart, they go much quicker than that the initial process.


Wait, needing to have a team is a negative? What?

And you can't move in the new raid? Spoilers!
I kinda liked being able to solo CE if I wanted to.
But I can see why it would make for a lesser "impressive" raid in the end, so I don't have much problem with KF (should we start using an acronym for this new raid? ^^) asking for a real team.


So it looks like we have 2 open spots for Guardians looking to complete King's Fall tonight. We will be starting from G

Estimated start time 9pm EST on PS4.

If you're interested, feel free to quote with your PSN name in the list and I'll add you.

1. Me
2. Deku
3. Miidsoss
4. Clanmate
Reposting :)
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