Is there anyone planning a fresh/full King's Fall run this evening? I would like to join one, and would be going in blind on my 291 hunter.
:/ Me, ruth, ocean and fali are ready to go. If we find someone sooner we will depart. If not I will take upon your offer.
When you have a character past around the 280 mark, being able to transfer alts guns and ghost to equip and blue stuff to infuse for a kickstart, they go much quicker than that the initial process.
Great! I'll put you down.Count me in, ShikiAoi
So, legendary marks.
I expected the throttle on their distribution to bother me more than it does. This is probably due to where my light level is at - after this morning's inaugural romp through a couple of strikes in the Heroic playlist, I am at 260 (I did the strikes as 256). I'm saving up for that Vanguard scout rifle, and am one daily and a heroic strike away from getting it. When I do, it will be far and away the best weapon I have (which are all in the 250-ish range) and will also propel my overall light level up several notches.
Because I've been lagging behind a lot of you guys, with less time to play each day and no power leveling (wasn't going for the raid at launch, didn't bank XP for TTK's release, not farming engrams, etc.) my climb up the light level ladder has been more gradual, and so I have not been held back by not missing any of the vendor gear. Each day, I nudge upward 4-7 light levels running a mix of different kinds of activities (and with a mix of new gear and ascending my old). I think the vendor gear serves a different function than it did during year 1 - it's the tipping point for when you are getting ready for the endgame. At my point in the curve, at least, that gear looks extremely valuable, so I don't mind having to chip away at saving for them.
It might bug me more once I have three characters to support, each with their own faction, though. In that context making the daily mission an account clear, and thus only one marks drop per day, seems much more nefarious. But I need to get to that point to find out. Right now it's been fun spending the week working toward that scout rifle. That will be when I start my graduation toward endgame content.
man I'm at 286. I have no idea if i'm getting any higher by that time tonight or not, I got a bunch of stuff to do before I'll get to play. I don't think I could in anywhere need good conscience kick you off this run when I'd barely be contributing any more myself.![]()
I just figured we'd take it easy and get as far as we could, you know?
Taken Psions are both amazing and sucky at the same time.Can someone help me with the quest/mission on Mars Fear Embrace where youfinally kill that echo
God Bungie employed major cheese on some of their levels. Poison, random fire, mass mobs, mass mobs that can multiply. .
The Taken Psions feel poorly added. It doesn't seem like it is balanced at all. Psions can keep multiplying if left alone.
Can someone help me with the quest/mission on Mars Fear Embrace where youfinally kill that echo
God Bungie employed major cheese on some of their levels. Poison, random fire, mass mobs, mass mobs that can multiply. .
The Taken Psions feel poorly added. It doesn't seem like it is balanced at all. Psions can keep multiplying if left alone.
The Taken Psions feel poorly added. It doesn't seem like it is balanced at all. Psions can keep multiplying if left alone.
- Opening the gate can be done with less than 6 people and you don't need to stand in a specific spot after initial activation (i.e. I don't need to stay near the sync plate; i just need to keep enemies away from it).
- Confluxes can be done with less than 6 people and the player doesn't have to stand in a specific spot. There's also legion deathpit vs spirit bloom cave.
- Oracles can be done from just about anywhere - some legitimate and some cheesy but it stands that there is variation nonetheless.
- Templar can be done with one person on the bottom, all 6, or any variation of that, and you can choose to ignore the oracles and huddle together or get the oracles and spread out. You can also block him from teleporting.
- The jumping puzzle and Gorgons have multiple routes and you can kill Gorgons
- Gatekeeper can be done at least 5 different ways. I once solo'd both portals and passed the relic off to people outside because they couldn't stay alive outside when we did them the "normal way"
- Atheon can be DPS'd in any number of ways and the portal can be cleared as a Relic holder.
And most of this can be done with one or two people. Crota's End is still being solo'd to this day and people are running out of ways to make it look impressive.
Im at 293 and feel like ive hit a wall. every engram I decypt is around the 270 mark.
is it better to run the regular vanguard or heroic for better loots or does it matter?
Its part of the old hunger quest.I think I saw drop a famine sword but it didnt added to my inventory or postmaster
I wonder if there's a limit. wouldn't it start to slow down if they keep multiplying?
I wonder if there's a limit. wouldn't it start to slow down if they keep multiplying?
Its part of the old hunger quest.
it a quest item that shows up in your mission stuff
If you miss it that much, we can arrange somethingBig plays big plays
Bigger plays bigger plays
RAWR I couldn't hear if your detector was beeping in the stream - I was teasing in the chat.![]()
it a quest item that shows up in your mission stuff
I'm there too on two characters and I'm just gonna run the raid... seems like enough. Not gonna grind strikes etc desparate for a very rare higher powered drop. I'll just skip the groups that say I need to be 295+.
The crypartch is a piece of shit again
As a 297 I bought a heavy engram from him, it decrypted into a 264 rocket launcher
Need 1 more for Oryx.
They need to create artifact engrams.I bought a helmet engram and used up nearly all my marks hoping for something decent to run when not using exotics, get a legendary artifact.
I guess at this point you guys should get a sub for me. I just don't feel good about jumping in at 284. I want to actually be able to contribute my first time. Hate to miss running w/ such a fun crew but there are countless raid sessions in my future I'm sure.
man I'm at 286. I have no idea if i'm getting any higher by that time tonight or not, I got a bunch of stuff to do before I'll get to play. I don't think I could in anywhere need good conscience kick you off this run when I'd barely be contributing any more myself.![]()
I just figured we'd take it easy and get as far as we could, you know?
Regarding?war priest. Is there a way to keep the buff from killing you
Regarding?war priest. Is there a way to keep the buff from killing you
I think I'm a part of this? My only raid objective for the evening is to experience some of it before reset. Some casual exploring and dying a lot is expected and encouraged. Plus I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of playing with the Vita Veteran, so no excuses.
Regarding?war priest. Is there a way to keep the buff from killing you
Shoot adds to refresh the buff timer, but wait until the last few seconds to refresh the buff time since can only do this up to 5 times to prolong it as long as possible for maximum DPS.
Kill adds
yeah I just looked it upYes, kill any of his adds. Killing add removes one stack from buff and resets time. To get maximum out of buff kill add very close to 00:00.
lol i forgot how easy the year 1 story content is. The daily is so easy.
VoG Conflux is done in pretty much one way (2 mid 2 left 2 right)I felt the same way about Crota's End and not much changed from its release to hard mode.
People went from running lanterns to cheesing lanterns to running it again.
People went from doing bridge legit to cheesing bridge
People went from doing deathsingers one at a time to doing them simultaneously
People went from doing Crota and Ogres from the bottom room to the left side, and then to the window/throne room
The Crota fight is more interesting now than it was at first, but not much realy changed for that Raid. King's Fall is in many ways a larger Crota's End in that I don't see Bungie enabling player choice to the extent that they did in Vault of Glass. What we might see as a strategy they might see as an exploit, so I imagine that this Raid was built with less flexibility in mind. After all, most of the mechanics require at least 5 players.
We will obviously develop more efficient strategies over time, especially when hard mode comes out, just as we always have. I just don't see much changing with this Raid.
Aw you guys...
New page:
2 spots for the Raid 2 first bosses ( fragment hunt)
Regarding?war priest. Is there a way to keep the buff from killing you