Hovering over year two suros.i have a blue 296 primary Thats going to get eaten by supercell suros if i buy or booleon when i get it.
First two points. How are these strategies? Surely everything up to probably Gcould be done with less than 6 people with enough dps?olgorothPerhaps not the door actually, that would be a close one.
5 people standing on top and the relic holder on the bottom is a strategy, but it's cheese imo. It's a strategy that was taken up because doing it legit was too hard on HM for most groups. Same for Oracles. Maybe wait until HM KF comes out.
I'm sure everybody got lost on their first Gorgon run and probably attempted the jumping puzzle properly. Too soon to judge stuff like that.
There isn't really anything to compare in KF to the portals during Atheon, so idk what to say to that.
I'll give you Gatekeepers and the Templar, but everything else just makes it seem like you wish KF had less teamwork.
Maybe we could push it back an hour, then? I wouldn't mind doing some Court of Oryx myself beforehand.Nah you're not kicking me off. I think I'm just afraid of getting frustrated if I go in and feel like I'm too underleveled. I know if I go do Court of Oryx tonight I'm guaranteed to get to 289 and probably higher. So depending on how long that takes I may still want to give it a shot.
Yeah!I think I'm a part of this? My only raid objective for the evening is to experience some of it before reset. Some casual exploring and dying a lot is expected and encouraged. Plus I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of playing with the Vita Veteran, so no excuses.
Yeah they answered on the last page. I'm mad we didn't figure this out.Yes, you have a buff x5 that lasts for 10 seconds. Every time you kill something you lose a buff and it goes back to 10 seconds. Keep doing this at the last second possible for optimal dps until you lose all your buffs. You won't die then.
I haven't raided or really PVE'd with anyone fortwonearly three months. Let's do this!Watch me not make it.
Yup. The minimum number of people you can do this Raid with is 5.Unless people figure out a way to cheese the platforms so that 4 people don't need to be standing on it
Basically, I don't think King's Fall will evolve like the Vault of Glass has because it was indeed built to force players to focus on the intended mechanics, leaving little room for creativity between the groups. That bothers me because there is never just one way to do a fight.
Uh, I have my 45 fragments. What now? There's no quest in my inventory and I've already tried talking to Eris.
Maybe we could push it back an hour, then? I wouldn't mind doing some Court of Oryx myself beforehand.
Frankly, I have spent barely any time there (a bit accidentally during my exploration of the Dreadnaught at first) and I don't really understand it that well yet.
Does anyone have a good primer on how CoO works to share? Or could you type up a quick paragraph about it? I have a reciprocal rune and just got a stolen rune. That's about all I know.
If I remember right it was LT, PuMa, you, colonel, me and Wallach. I don't think any of us are the sort to be demanding any more than that for tonight.
Whaaaat she gives out a good artifact? I have a 284 one, is it higher?Sounds good. We'll see what comes together. CoO seems pretty straightforward from what I can tell, but I've yet to try it. I just know I have to do one, go visit eris to get the quest, then do 6 more tier 1 ones to get the artifact.
While I get what you want, your main issue derives from fewer defined roles across the group which I think has been a large flaw of both prior raids. Nearly every part gives each person a very specific role in King's Fall and I think that is a great success for their raid design.
Whaaaat she gives out a good artifact? I have a 284 one, is it higher?
That's a pro tip for people leveling up for sure if so... they're impossible to come by in my experience
Whaaaat she gives out a good artifact? I have a 284 one, is it higher?
That's a pro tip for people leveling up for sure if so... they're impossible to come by in my experience
Congrats to Tears etc on the Oryx kill.
You also need 3 tier 2 completions and one tier 3.Sounds good. We'll see what comes together. CoO seems pretty straightforward from what I can tell, but I've yet to try it. I just know I have to do one, go visit eris to get the quest, then do 6 more tier 1 ones to get the artifact.
You also need 3 tier 2 completions and one tier 3.
The tier 3 one is the only one being hard to come by. Stumbled upon one at the very beginning, with randoms, but we failed clearing it. Haven't seen any new ones ever since. ^^
Whaaaat she gives out a good artifact? I have a 284 one, is it higher?
That's a pro tip for people leveling up for sure if so... they're impossible to come by in my experience
Supercell all the way.Got a level 300 blue, do I infuse it with zhalo supercell or boolean gemini?
Whaaaat she gives out a good artifact? I have a 284 one, is it higher?
That's a pro tip for people leveling up for sure if so... they're impossible to come by in my experience
Oryx is officially on farm mode. Third kill this week, smooth as a glove, went down 2nd try, we nearly dpsed him in 3 cycles.
Good job Son's of ... Mithras!![]()
So many Oryx clears. Good stuff DGAF.
Zhalo.Got a level 300 blue, do I infuse it with zhalo supercell or boolean gemini?
So what is it you need in your possession to activate a tier 3?You also need 3 tier 2 completions and one tier 3.
The tier 3 one is the only one being hard to come by. Stumbled upon one at the very beginning, with randoms, but we failed clearing it. Haven't seen any new ones ever since. ^^
Frankly, yes. This Raid is incredibly demanding and there is no room for me to plan a strategy to pick up the slack of players who are unable to meet that level of challenge. After two hours on Gatekeepers, I wasn't going to tell that group "Sorry, you guys can't do the fight legit and I'm out of time, so we'll need to continue this another day." No, I worked around that and pulled us through.
Congrats to Tears etc on the Oryx kill.
I'm still new to Destiny but just reading up on how I'll theoretically be able to get those cooler end game items later and it's incredibly confusing.
Specific question, how do you get Petra's bounties/treasure keys?
If I remember right it was LT, PuMa, you, colonel, me and Wallach. I don't think any of us are the sort to be demanding any more than that for tonight.
Does anyone have a good primer on how CoO works to share? Or could you type up a quick paragraph about it? I have a reciprocal rune and just got a stolen rune. That's about all I know.![]()
Supercell all the way.
Man, people already perfected Oryx kills?
It's 300! That's why I said it would get me to 289. My current one is a whopping 244!
You will be so happy you decided to stop neglecting it. I might be able to join you when I'm back from the dentist office. Maybe around 6pm.I'm gonna be trying to get 6 people/2 fireteams for CoO later to just run it for engrams and if anyone has any of the higher level runes we can run those too. I haven't even started Eris' quest so I'll be working on that. I've got some tier 1 runes and I've pretty much neglected CoO so far and would like to spend some time there and decompress a bit from the raid.
Antiquated rune.So what is it you need in your possession to activate a tier 3?
The Raid has less "holes" than the Vault of Glass, but I do not think the Destiny playerbase is willing to unlearn a year of digging into those holes to play the game exactly the way Bungie intended (and sometimes, the way they intended doesn't always make sense). People are going to whine about it and complain about people who don't want to help and that makes the game less accessible.
Destiny GAF is a ridiculously small fraction of the Destiny player base. People who cannot or do not want to plug themselves into here and take advantage of the limited number of "noob friendly" runs will have a very difficult time playing the best content in the game.
Man, people already perfected Oryx kills?
Each death will fill me with rage. I will blame everyone else for any and everything that goes wrong. You will know by the volume of my voice and the many expletives that follow. Ask Colonel, if you thought I was an ass on DGAF I'm really mean in party chat.
Serious time. It's pretty straightforward. The left statue closest to the Court is where the Reiprocal Runes are deposited. Next is Stolen in the middle and Antiquated (?) next to that. No idea about the other row. One player deposits a rune, the Court boots up, guardians enter and out come some enemies and a boss to defeat. Harder difficulties can throw multiple bosses your way (at the same time). Wipe out the boss and the round ends. If you have three or more people Reciprocal generally goes pretty fast. Even Stolen gets mopped up. When you finish the chest on the altar in the Court pops open and the initiator gets a guaranteed engram or engrams while the rest of the team has a random chance to get something from the chest. Sometimes you'll get nothing (as a participant who didn't place the rune) but you may also get drops from enemies, like everywhere else in the game.
I think the rounds are timed but I've yet to run into problems with that. You can join a round in progress at any point until it ends. You can even shoot a boss from outside the Court and get credit when it ends, just like Public Events, though that's a shitty thing to do if you don't intend to help. Probably a bug.
I'm no expert so someone correct all that I've misstated. I've had a lot of fun jumping in with randoms in my instance. Stolen and above seems to give a lot of loot but so does playing a few rounds on any difficulty.
Thank you!Serious time. It's pretty straightforward. The left statue closest to the Court is where the Reiprocal Runes (Tier 1) are deposited. Next is Stolen (Tier 2) in the middle and Antiquated (Tier 3) next to that. Antiquated runes need to be charged by completing three Tier 2 events before using. No idea about the other row of rune statues.
One player deposits a rune, the Court boots up, guardians enter and out come some enemies and a boss to defeat. The initiator must enter and approach the portal for it to actually start. Harder difficulties can throw multiple bosses your way (at the same time). Wipe out the boss and the round ends. If you have three or more people Reciprocal generally goes pretty fast. Even Stolen gets mopped up. When you finish the chest on the altar in the Court pops open and the initiator gets a guaranteed engram or engrams while the rest of the team has a random chance to get something from the chest. Sometimes you'll get nothing (as a participant who didn't place the rune) but you may also get drops from enemies, like everywhere else in the game.
I think the rounds are timed but I've yet to run into problems with that. You can join a round in progress at any point until it ends. You can even shoot a boss from outside the Court and get credit when it ends, just like Public Events, though that's a shitty thing to do if you don't intend to help. Probably a bug.
I'm no expert so someone correct all that I've misstated. I've had a lot of fun jumping in with randoms in my instance. Stolen and above seems to give a lot of loot but so does playing a few rounds on any difficulty.
According to the above you don't even need to have been in the fireteam that started it, let alone be the one with the rune, for quest purposes.So do you have to be the one who deposits the rune for it to count toward finishing the quest, or does participation count across the board?
Need one more for Oryx.
Titan weapons of light plz?