She sold it two weeks ago. It was a glorious day.Nami eva sold that emblem?? Did i miss it?
She sold it two weeks ago. It was a glorious day.
Can I get one? Need chest + fragments.
Can I get one? Need chest + fragments.
My post dropped alongside Drizzay's Thunderlord post.Did you make a glorious post? Somehow i missed it.
Did you make a glorious post? Somehow i missed it.
I'm down to go all the way. Just need to go out for a bit. Thinking of starting around 8 or 9 EST. Hope you can still do that Noob. And 292 is more than ok, as I'm only 291 at present xD
Heading out to get dinner now, but will be checking the thread. Frostburn and co. feel free to round up the rest of the group, Excited to try to finish this!!!
Raiding Party fromon:Warpriest
1. WheelHoss1
2. Frostburn
3. The Gentleman
4. Nooblet?
Boolean Gemini get! That was a fairly long quest line for a gun I'll probably never really use lol.
My post dropped alongside Drizzay's Thunderlord post.
So far it's my favorite exotic primary.
I got 10 more to go, I'll do this tomorrow13 more calcium to go. ugh
I love it as well. Nothing truly unique about it, but it does the job.So far it's my favorite exotic primary.
Now to farm another bajillion Hadium flakes!
Roll a d6, d8, d12 than d20 once each in that order. Its possible to roll a 1 each time but your chances of doing so are less. That's smart loot my ass
4 loot drops on my titan
3 were shards
Does anyone want to do some CoO? I have runes.
Upgrading it. You'll need 30. Farmed those in advance. Popping motes and maxing that thing as soon as I get it tomorrowWhat are the flakes for after you get the gun?
Now to farm another bajillion Hadium flakes!
Does anyone want to do some CoO? I have runes.
Did you complete all of the Eris quests? The final one will ask you for some items which drop from Raid bosses. After that, getting each of the next steps will require having a certain amount of Calcified Fragments, with the last part actually requiring you get all 45.Still no idea how to get my ToM. Something's glitched.
So far it's my favorite exotic primary.
Does anyone want to do some CoO? I have runes.
So far it's my favorite exotic primary.
Reposting. Anyone down?Looking to raid kings fall from the beginning. If you're a veteran and want to help out that'd be appreciated. Please be at least light level 290 if at all possible.
We'll start around 7-8pm central today.
1. ShadowKayos
2. Friend.
Did you complete all of the Eris quests? The final one will ask you for some items which drop from Raid bosses. After that, getting each of the next steps will require having a certain amount of Calcified Fragments, with the last part actually requiring you get all 45.
That perk is great. Super underrated.I've been pretty much using only the Boolean as my primary in the new raid and it's served me well. The armor boost perk has saved my ass several times.
Chatterwhite remains the best out of the raid shaders. It's the only one I like. The others are fucking ugly.
Reposting. Anyone down?
Vena Cava? Yeah, not a fan of it. Only wearing it for bragging rights till Thursday. Then back to wearing the one from the TTK CE.I like the new one tbh. Looks cool on my Titan.
Raiders, ready?
Gentlemen, how many do we have?
I'm good in 5
If you did her story, Court of Oryx and Raid requirements and have all Fragments I have no idea man :/I have done all quests. I have all the raid drops and 45 calcified fragments. There is no Eris quest in my inventory and she doesn't give me the quest when I talk to her either.
So, anyone have a charged agonarch rune willing to help me fill up mine?
Or, anyone need to run the level 40 version of Undying Mind for the Hunger Pangs quest?
Anyone can help or want to finish Nightfall? I'm at the boss...
PSN: KyoKunaki
I'm light 292
Edit: I'm online right now doing some strikes
I'm down if there is room. 292
Psn: manicstreet
Raiders, ready?
Gentlemen, how many do we have?
I'm good in 5