If anybody is interested in doing a raid or nightfall with me, I'm PaperCamm on Xbox one. Kinda lonely on there since all my friends either got it for PS4 or stopped playing.
Still on? I'm looking to do the Nightfall
If anybody is interested in doing a raid or nightfall with me, I'm PaperCamm on Xbox one. Kinda lonely on there since all my friends either got it for PS4 or stopped playing.
Doing it wrong.It stuns Oryx easier than any other method.
Raid end-boss spoilers:
Touch of Malice breaks the the last two phases of the raid. You can fire that last bullet that does double damage without losing health within the aura. It completely destroys the daughters and it easily stuns Oryx. It almost makes those parts of the raid a joke. Crazy.
Can anyone give me some examples on how each class plays like? I've been staring at the class select screen for too long.
Doing it wrong.It stuns Oryx easier than any other method.
Best of all isusing a heavy machine gun. I think only shooting his round core within the blue light actually really stuns him. You can get more consistent damage on the core with a machine gun compared to snipers. Touch of Malice trumps all of course.
Can anyone give me some examples on how each class plays like? I've been staring at the class select screen for too long.
I give up. I admit defeat Oryx. I was hoping to kill him before reset, but looks like it's not going to happen.
There's nothing wrong aboutsniping, Nighthawking or machine gunning Oryx to stagger him, as long as he goes down any method is fine by me. Soon we'll all be 310 Light and we can stagger him with a Sidearm
Yeah, we would go two nightstalkers, two gunslingers, one with night hawk. Start with full super, get up to:
The part where you gotta stagger him, run up to the platform, shoot him with the super while the rest was firing too, stagger him, jump down, shadowshot to the minions, orb fest, supers ready, detonate the orbs, deal with the missiles or the echo, whatever it was, then rinse and repeat.
Flawless victory! *after a couple thousand wipes lol
I have gogo cp.Anyone wants to squeeze in a bit of raid before reset for dat loot?
So quick Raid question:
On Oryx, when you stagger him and detonate the Ogre Orbs, what's the minimum detonation count to damage him? I know we detonated at least two, but it didn't seem to damage him.
This is exactly what we did. Though we had two with Nighthawk just as a backup (they wouldn't BOTH shoot, only one would at any needed time) especially if we had to fight.the Echo
I have gogo cp.
Yeah, really in the end we just adapted to what we had, each team is going to add small variations to it.
For example:
We would only use three guys in the platforms instead of all four because I had enough platforms to get to the orb each and every time, the fourth guy would help with the ogres and minions as needed.
And as I said, we would run up to the platform after Oryx smashed his fist and gunsling the eff out of him, run back, detonate, keep on shooting.
Intense, I couldn't sleep well because of the adrenaline
Stupid Court of Oryx fragments. Can't seem to get 2 of the 4 you get from level 2 and I've had terrible luck finding Stolen Runes. I'm done with the ToM quest otherwise.
Yeah, I'm down.Let's try to get a group together then.
If not for before then for after the reset.
Right, it is all about adaptation and teamwork. It's just what works for the team being itsniping, golden gunning or whatever other method there is. I actually think it's fun that there are multiple methods rather than standing on a ledge firing Gjallarhorns. Personally, I like that this raid is very teamwork oriented, but I also can understand some frustration as many parts require almost perfect execution.
I understand the adrenaline rush though, did you get some good loot?
Also the raid drops are terrible. First 2 loot drops on all 3 characters have been nothing but shards![]()
I got some awesome loot. I got the best experience I could ever possibly get with Destiny and DestinyGAF, I got the:
Scout Rifle from Oryx, Cloak from Daughters, Shards from Golgoroth, the asshole dropped something from everyone except me lol, but who cares, getting him again today or tomorrow. Missing first boss as I joined late, will get him today though.
Truly incredible. I'm gonna remember this for a veeery, veeery long time indeed.
The smart loot definitely works in two ways, first off to boost you to 290 for raiding and then to hold you back so you don't shoot past 300. I had my first armour drop last night 308 gloves which never budged my light level as my boots are 285
I need to try the Court to boost my levels I have a reciprocal, stolen and 2x Antiquated Runes which I presume is enough?
Congrats that's some good loot! I was fortunate enough to do all raids blind and it's definitely the best experience in the game.
I got shards until Golgoroth. Golgoroth himself dropped a 307 chest piece, shards from the daughters. Oryx dropped the scout rifle and pulse rifle with Firefly for me, pretty much surprised about a pulse with Firefly. The double drop is probably because I had 25 shards in my inventory.
Before or after the reset?Any king falls raid groups jumping off soon?
You need to charge the stolen and antiquated runes. Basically, you need to do 3x reciprocal to charge one stole rune. To charge an antiquated rune you have to do 3 stolen runes.
So I need 3 reciprocal/stolen in my inventory or they charge on each completion
Congrats that's some good loot! I was fortunate enough to do all raids blind and it's definitely the best experience in the game.
I got shards until Golgoroth. Golgoroth himself dropped a 307 chest piece, shards from the daughters. Oryx dropped the scout rifle and pulse rifle with Firefly for me, pretty much surprised about a pulse with Firefly. The double drop is probably because I had 25 shards in my inventory.
You need to charge the stolen and antiquated runes. Basically, you need to do 3x reciprocal to charge one stole rune. To charge an antiquated rune you have to do 3 stolen runes.
Ideally you want a full fireteam of 3, because you get the Summoner's Exhaustion debuff after putting a rune in, so you can't put the next one in for one turn. Then, another fireteam member will put the next rune in etc. but it will count for the quest and rune charge as long as you clear it iirc.
Let's try to get a group together then.
If not for before then for after the reset.
Good morning Bunneh gaffers!
Still need more data to analyse that 20+ shards mechanic. Today will be a good day for that with the reset. Maybe the 20 + shards will guarantee you at least 2 drops.
If I don't find a group for raid today I will be helping ppl with their fragments. I know the location of almost all of them so we could get 2 Fireteams ( using the loading door method) and get those.
Thanks Ruth for helping me on the last quest. That one is a"bichy"
Anyone wanna clear nightfall fast before reset? My hunter still need itpsn Nightzoor
Let's try to get a group together then.
If not for before then for after the reset.
Alright, for a quick loot run before reset from Gogo.
Who wants in? If I don't see enough interest then I'll just try to get a team down for a reset raid.
Before or after the reset?