That quest made me miss NLB sooo much.
One quest is truly crushing me is the sword one, my spirit dies collecting filaments
Dude Hadium is nothing. Wait for the Exotic steps so you learn the true meaning of bullshit grind.
Abandon WHAT? Whaa What? What is wronnnnng with youuuu? Ill Malice your french accent if you do.
Being serious now, as soon as you are available we can farm those relics together I got 1 each 5-7 mins. Got 3 already in a flash. For the void quest use the old armamentarium ( if titan) for double grenades and go to the Dark Beyond or Warsat and it will be done so fast.
Lol don't Malice my accent wait

I'll join your party as soon as I get home, we'll work on stuff
Guys I got the vanilla Destiny preordered day 1. Got to level 8-9 and got really dissapointed and never touched it again. But seeing all these posts about new expansion and how great GAF players are even for dads with limited time to play reignited my interest again.
So what is the cheapest way of me getting back in business? I mean there are only 2 options digital and retail, but I'm pretty sure I got one of those year one expansions for free with preorder, but am not sure.
On the other hand I can buy the TTK disc for 550 SEK
So what do you guys think? PS4 btw
Cheapest way to get TTK:
1. If you already own both the previous expansions (which might be the case if you bought the Digital Guardian, Limited, or Ghost Edition at launch), you can buy TTK separately for US$40 directly from the PSN Store
2. If you do not have these expansions, you'd have to buy them individually before being able to buy TTK. This is expensive. A smarter route is just buying the Destiny: The Taken King Legendary Edition, available at retail and digital, for US$60.
Prices will be different in your country's store but this should give you some reference. Also, if you wind up buying the TTK LE, see if you can trade in your old Destiny copy for some credit.