How many three of coins do you suggest to stack at a time?
Oh I would totally run some strikes if it wasn't the fucking Echo Chamber every other time.
This would do nothing to prevent duplicates.I'm seeing a lot of people get two or more of the same thing here and on reddit. I would guess that means it would be better to go decrypt the engram once you get it to avoid duplicates. So making less runs and more frequent trips to the tower would likely be worthwhile for varieties sake.
I think the theory is that when you kill the Ultra but don't pick up the Engram, you pop your next Coin and it triggers the "stack" (under the assumption that the last one didn't give you a drop since you never picked it up).
I need to get off Gaf and Reddit. I was excited to learn about the Raid today but at this point I just feel sick. Hopefully I get a small chance to use some 3oC's tonight but I see this getting over-corrected to the point where people who weren't able to play early are left out of the fun (see: Queen's Wrath 1.0, Xur selling strange coins, any other exploit I'm missing here).
Feels bad man.
Maybe they just leave it. Give us the Quest Exotics to strive for, and if people want to farm engrams and gamble at the Draksis casino, let 'em.
Would be nice.
Good luck with your raids everyone.
I know the feeling, usually that's me in your seat.All of you people touting your engrams and exotics...congratulations! Being at work when this happens is part of destiny life it seems
Uhhhh, anyone using these while doing Court of Oryx?
EDIT: since many of the low-level CoO are 2 bosses, the rate of drops might be faster than even Draksis.
EDIT 2: and you can be getting runes and artifacts and shit.
I haven't gotten Echo Chamber once, but I've gotten the Bond brothers one 15 times
Im farmed out, need to save some of them coins. Good haul!
Someone please confirm, I have an exotic engram there, should I not pick it up until a few runs? Will it stay there until I pick it up/go to orbit or will it go to the Postmaster?
Someone please confirm, I have an exotic engram there, should I not pick it up until a few runs? Will it stay there until I pick it up/go to orbit or will it go to the Postmaster?
how many 3oC are people using to ensure an engram drop?
Im farmed out, need to save some of them coins. Good haul!
Yeah not to be a wet blanket but I'm kind of in agreement - this isn't good for the game. Not blaming anyone for taking part but this is, in my opinion, one of the biggest exploitations the game has seen.
Any suggestions on how to get a better Ghost, it's holding me back with its 234 defense
Also, I got a Hawkmoon, and on the second column the two skills "Accurized Ballistics" and "Field Choke" both give "More range and Impact. Increased recoil". The fuck is up with that?
LmfaoI AM Alpha Lupi
sitting at work, so jealous.
Bungie will probably patch this before I get home
Wet Blanket
(Today, 10:05 AM)
Zhalo supercell really seems like that hotness. chain lightning auto rifle? gimme.
Maxed out on marks, wanna buy a Y2 exotic weapon but don't know which one I should pick up... I do love my Hawkmoon... Any tips?