Court of Oryx tier 3 boss is mini-Crota this week. Revolving bosses weekly confirmed, that shit is so boss!
Do the weekly guaranteed legendary + marks for heroic reset today or tomorrow?
The Nightfall loot table is too diluted now, there's too much garbage in it.
Sleeper Simulant could very well be a Rank 4 Gunsmith quest. However, I doubt that (given the fact 1250 REP is all you can get for a week) someone actually HAS the quest. NF-buff is gone ... and there's no other way to actually get more rep besides grinding for those Fusion Rifle drop XP thingies.
reset raid? ugh, i want to. maybe i can move my ps4
Hi Druv. Yesterday I got your invite but couldn't join since had already plans with 2 other players. I always answer party invites ( unless I am on a raid) so next time feel free to party chat invite me.
You still need the charged rune to open the chest so no, it doesn't disappear if you fail.
Anyway, why solo it? Just ask us for assistance.
this is how the person got it, pretty sure
Just need the Celestial Nighthawk Helm for hunters on Oryx to stagger the bastard. So good!
I got three of those farming Draksis the other day.Sleeper Simulant could very well be a Rank 4 Gunsmith quest. However, I doubt that (given the fact 1250 REP is all you can get for a week) someone actually HAS the quest. NF-buff is gone ... and there's no other way to actually get more rep besides grinding for those Fusion Rifle drop XP thingies.
Wait ... there's a person who actually GOT it? Where? Proof?
This light system is shit sometimes. At 290+ I finally got a blue ghost shell (2nd ever) and it's 278. I got a 283 light sniper from the nightfall and Darryl got a 295. It's all over the place sometimes and makes no sense.
i actually got a year 2 from Xur but i haven't upgraded yet.
oh nevermind, that perk is already unlocked by default. hyyype
so i just golden gun him then? works for me.
One golden gun shot with the nighthawk helm does 18K damage to Oryx.
Stagger EZ MODE
Finally this dumb Crucible Questline done, man this was even worser then farming for Public Events to get the Emblem, soooo glad it's over
Morning DGAF.
So, as I feared with the announce of the NF buff being gone, my main motivation for running them is gone as well. And since they added new possible (crappy) rewards in the loot table for it (apparently you can also have one tier 3 charged rune from it?), it's no longer the great source of exotics it was, especially now that any boss can pop an exotic engram, even without using 3oC.
And I don't really like that strike.
I got three of those farming Draksis the other day.
I suppose that if you really wanted to, you could be rank 4 today...
I have max Vanguard marks. .should I upgrade a year 1 exotic to year 2? I am at 289 light on my Hunter and I don't want to touch my alts until I finish all of the quests for my Hunter.
I have max Vanguard marks. .should I upgrade a year 1 exotic to year 2? I am at 289 light on my Hunter and I don't want to touch my alts until I finish all of the quests for my Hunter.
What was the last step?
You can farm for those rep items if you really want to go rank 4.How? The first week was the only week the NF actually still gave you a reputation buff. After that ... the buff got removed and those XP Fusion Rifles started to drop.
You can farm for those rep items if you really want to go rank 4.
I would never do it because it sounds horrible, but it's possible. ^^
Either that, or buy a weapon/armor from Vanguard Vendor
1000 yard stare is good, pulse rifle is good, ghost shell is good.
You can farm for those rep items if you really want to go rank 4.
I would never do it because it sounds horrible, but it's possible. ^^
I have farmed tons of enemies during strikes, missions, mat farming etc. and those gunsmith rep items just stopped dropping long time ago.
I got three of them when farming Draksis last Friday.Really? Farm 'em?How? Because if I turn in 5x 250 tonight I'll be 100XP removed from Gunsmith rank 3 haha ...
I thought they were random drops?
Interesting, maybe there's a cap as to how many can drop.Same here, I've had 4 of them drop, and after that not a single one....
You can farm for those rep items if you really want to go rank 4.
I would never do it because it sounds horrible, but it's possible. ^^
So who has had a chance to get their Chaperone this morning?
Thing looks, sounds, and performs pretty nicely. Love the animation when you switch to it.
Also, check this out....
Interesting, maybe there's a cap as to how many can drop.
I'm sure I got 5 of them to drop for me, but didn't get any new one since Friday.
in love with the chaperone, i wasnt expecting that all the slugs damage would be in one shot, is a crazy amount of damage, this thing in "specialist" modifier will be a monster
Starring NF now. Fireteam is public.
PSN: DirtyAquaticApe
I don't even think it's possible to 'grind' for the fusion rifle relic since I believe only ONE has the possibility to drop per rank.Sleeper Simulant could very well be a Rank 4 Gunsmith quest. However, I doubt that (given the fact 1250 REP is all you can get for a week) someone actually HAS the quest. NF-buff is gone ... and there's no other way to actually get more rep besides grinding for those Fusion Rifle drop XP thingies.
It's very good, and very fun to use. The damage on it feels like the pre-nerf shotguns.... maybe that's why they nerfed 'em in the first place... because of how insane the Chaperone would be if they hadn't
I don't even think it's possible to 'grind' for the fusion rifle relic since I believe only ONE has the possibility to drop per rank.
Any new raid groups starting up?