I'm already overwhelmed by all the new content. if I took a break, it would be worse!
Man The Chaperone is dope as hell. Only pve so far but this thing is nice. A tad more range would be good but it handles like butter. Maybe my favorite special already
I'm at the final part of Fear's Embrace if anyone would like to join up and help me.
PSN: The_Sacred
WTF! I hit rank 3 during HoW and rushed through with TTK to reach rank 4 with no exotic rewards. Does this mean I need to reach rank 6?Queen's Wrath rank 3 achieved!
You don't have to feel overwhelmed, just play the content you think is most fun and you will progress in a meaningful way. You'll knock out most quests without grinding by just enjoying yourself.
The normal mission or the harder version of the ToM quest?
I actually have a Warlock I haven't done anything on! I've been dreading doing all the quests again but I'd be super willing to do them if I had someone to play it with. Just hit me up with the times you usually play and we can work something out. If there's something that gives us a hard time I can pop out and get my high level Hunter/Titan
Or if you're further along, I did the main story campaign on my Titan but haven't done any Taken War or Eris quests on him (just the CoO one for the Artifact)
Uhh don't know the name. I know it starts asking you to do a mission in the VoG and ends asking you to do 5 Heroic Strikes + 1 NF.
Wait are we talking about the same thing? Not the Legendary Engrams you buy from the Cryptarch. I mean the Exotic Engrams Xur sells - it was Helms this past weekend. I decrypted a ton - like 20 - and they were all 290. It is my understanding that 290 is the base for these engrams, but they have a good chance of being 310 of your Light level is 300+. I've yet to see *any* Exotics at random Light - they're either Y1 at 170, Y2 at 280 (from kiosks or the one Xur sells directly), 290/310 from an Engram, or a weird but necessarily higher than 280 value from infusions.
WTF! I hit rank 3 during HoW and rushed through with TTK to reach rank 4 with no exotic rewards. Does this mean I need to reach rank 6?
I need your help later with this fucking Cosmodrome Champions BS. I need to kill the Taken at Rocketyard. I tried to do it last night but Guardians weren't visiting to Rocketyard to help out. So annoyingWe still on for 7pm right? I'll be on a bit earlier for quick NF/dailies/heroics for marks. Need a better primary or legendary sniper.
2 people, at least, who want to do new T3 CoO boss for fragment?
I'm guessing this is the harder version. lol. It's from The Taken Wars: Mars quest.
That the normal mission.
Hardmode is later on for ToM
Queen's Wrath rank 3 achieved!
have you completed both Petra and Variks questlines? Dropped for me when i cleared the Variks questline.
That the normal mission.
Hardmode is later on for ToM
One more for a blind raid 6PM EST, PS4. We're experienced Destiny raiders and just need one more soul that is ready and hasn't done it before. PM me or send a PSN rarbusto
I've got a run I need to use, no mic though. psn jiza88
2 people, at least, who want to do new T3 CoO boss for fragment?
I've got a run I need to use, no mic though. psn jiza88
That explains it, still need the taken champions on Venus.have you completed both Petra and Variks questlines? Dropped for me when i cleared the Variks questline.
There's a harder version of that mission? Well fuck me.
If you got the rune im down in a few minutes. Gonna help Flocki beat Hardmode Fears. Shouldnt take that long.You can listen in on party tho, yes?
One more interested? High light level preferred so we can brute it as 3 man.
To get Touch of Malice you enter a hardmode version yeah.
At the moment this Quest appears to be bugged. Several XBL friends are rank 2 (some are 3). Some received it on Rank 2 when completing the Quest, some didn't. I, for one, didn't. I'm 1800 XP away from Rank 3. At this rate, I'll probally have it sometime next year.
Sure man whenever. Btw why didn't you buy anything from Xur last weekend? Just inspected you (DestinyStatus can be creepy sorry) and you don't seem to have any Y2 Exotics equipped! That was a great chance for some 280/290 gear to bump your level and increase the quality of your subsequent Blues. Don't miss out this weekendalright, I have you on my list already so i'll ask if I see you on. I haven't been able to do Heroic Strikes because I'm only 226 light atm with certain gear. might actually need to grind with alts just for Legendary Marks.
already missed out with my main raid crew.![]()
i am 288 on my main... he gives me a 68 weaponThe quest lines seem designed to give you items commensurate with the level Bungie expects you to be at when you play them.
I didn't do that crucible quest line (yet) but I will. I am at light level 300 now, and I fully expect to get nothing of value in the way of gear. It was designed to be a fairly entry level quest line.
But at least it will unlock the weekly crucible bounties which is the only reason I want to do it at all.
If you got the rune im down in a few minutes. Gonna help Flocki beat Hardmode Fears. Shouldnt take that long.
You can listen in on party tho, yes?
One more interested? High light level preferred so we can brute it as 3 man.
I need your help later with this fucking Cosmodrome Champions BS. I need to kill the Taken at Rocketyard. I tried to do it last night but Guardians weren't visiting to Rocketyard to help out. So annoying
war priest is such a good fight. the mechanics are brilliant.
Awesome. I'm at 287 now. Desperately need some decent weapons though.I'll be on 5pm GMT onwards 'till raid time to run NF, dailies, heroics and help you out my friend.
Hey guys, you know what's funny in an ironic way: Boots are holding me back from being above 300 on my warlock. I've had 286 boots since Wednesday and RNG won't give me anything better.
didwithout a titan. golden gun with nighthawk hit for 45k.war priest
might be good in the raid after all.
didwithout a titan. golden gun with nighthawk hit for 45k.war priest
might be good in the raid after all.
Any tips for the Warsat part of the nightfall? I'm trying to 2-man it without a Titan bubble.
Hey guys, you know what's funny in an ironic way: Boots are holding me back from being above 300 on my warlock. I've had 286 boots since Wednesday and RNG won't give me anything better.