everyday math
Is no mic fine?Looking for 2 for the NF on ps4. Send me a request
1. SeanR1221
I can wear it, but my throat hurts.
Is no mic fine?Looking for 2 for the NF on ps4. Send me a request
1. SeanR1221
There are 3 "Tiers" of runes, with difficulty and payoff scaling accordingly.can you guys explain Coo more?
i find the explanations and different runes to be confusing.
i did join in on events with randoms out if the blue by running into this are and jumping in the fight.
is that okay even if dont use rune or have no idea what Eris is talking about?
I'm on the same boat. 294 everywhere. 290 artifact. 286 boots. :/
i am 288 on my main... he gives me a 68 weapon
Sure man whenever. Btw why didn't you buy anything from Xur last weekend? Just inspected you (DestinyStatus can be creepy sorry) and you don't seem to have any Y2 Exotics equipped! That was a great chance for some 280/290 gear to bump your level and increase the quality of your subsequent Blues. Don't miss out this weekend![]()
Other than the 3oC, has anyone seen an exotic engram in the wild?
It's be really nice if they happened naturally on rare occasions.
I can't decide. How useful is the Susanoo's transfusion perk in practice?
How does the Agonarch Rune actually progress? Do I specifically need to kill the 7 individual named enemies to fill it?
For example in at 4/7 and I believe I did last Tues, Wed, Saturday and today.
Does this mean I will need to kill the specific enemies I missed or can I re-kill the same ones if they come up again and charge it?
For PvE, as good as you can be creatively. Its jack of all trades secondary...![]()
I can't decide. How useful is the Susanoo's transfusion perk in practice?
You only get 1 charge a day unless you:How does the Agonarch Rune actually progress? Do I specifically need to kill the 7 individual named enemies to fill it?
For example in at 4/7 and I believe I did last Tues, Wed, Saturday and today.
Does this mean I will need to kill the specific enemies I missed or can I re-kill the same ones if they come up again and charge it?
I am almost to 280 light on my warlock.
Haven't touched my hunter yet (still at 34)
Got a friend to buy destiny for the first time so i get to start my third character!
Excited to try Titan!
So much to do!
Also CoO is a new addiction.
Should I raid now or later? Hmm...
I can't decide. How useful is the Susanoo's transfusion perk in practice?
I also managed to Nighthawk the CoO tier 3 Wizard last night while I had the damage buff active, plus a melt was applied. Killed her from like 60% health, lol. Night stalker is great, but I still think Gunslinger will always be my favorite class in PVE and PVP.
Finally got myself a Touch of Malice!
Finally got myself a Touch of Malice!
So Three of Coins did nothing for me yet. Used 9 (one by one always before an Ultra-Kill) and didnt get a single exotic drop....
wanna help me through some EASY quests tonight? they're very easy so you should have no trouble.
So Three of Coins did nothing for me yet. Used 9 (one by one always before an Ultra-Kill) and didnt get a single exotic drop....
Finally got myself a Touch of Malice!
So Three of Coins did nothing for me yet. Used 9 (one by one always before an Ultra-Kill) and didnt get a single exotic drop....
If you promise to use a mic and swear more than Fig I can help you. We can do court of oryx.
I think Bungie mentioned they were looking into it, maybe a stealth nerf?
Were you killing Draxis?
BTW Tier 3 changed this week, no longer will we fight Ogre XL. Now it's Mini Crota. Also gives a new Calcified Fragment, so we can have 46/50.
Or failing that, if you're shooting for Touch of Malice getting this one means you can leave 1 that you find annoying or can't get for a later time and still have the requisite 45 for the weapon![]()
No, just random Ultras i came across through normal play.
Jumped on the Taken King PS4 console bundle, how do I Destiny? General tips?
This was exactly me on my Titan last night. Teamed up with Nooblet, Ruthless, Ji66a and some helpful randoms and did a CoO, went to Tower to grab quest, came back to CoO, did 6 Tier 1s, the 3 Tier 2s and the Tier 3, went from a 200 Artifact to a 300 and became Raid ready on altMy Warlock would be raid ready if it wasn't for this shitty 200 Artfifact holding me back. Aside from the ghost (277) everything else is 280+.
Fake edit: oops forgot I had a 285 ghost in the vault.
I need to do all the other early quests first.
I think it has to be a boss, try Scourge of Winter. Get to Draxis at the end.
You need to kill one taken target each day.
When you load into the Dradnaught. right where you spawn, the area to the right... keep killing mobs until you see taken show up, kill a bunch of the the taken enemies, and eventually a yellow bar names enemy will show up. That's the one you need to kill.
There is also another area at the Mausoleum that will spawn taken targets.
You can do this on each one of your characters, so you can get 3 a day.
You only get 1 charge a day unless you:
1. Transfer via Vault to another character for an extra charge or two if you have two alts
2. Join someone who is doing the Agonarch challenge. The yellow bar named enemies in that encounter will charge yours up even if you hit the one a day cap.
I did it with Ruthless and Ray yesterday. Theirs were at 4/6 I think and mine was full. By the time we finished the event they both had theirs fully charged and were able to open the rewards chest with me.
So Three of Coins did nothing for me yet. Used 9 (one by one always before an Ultra-Kill) and didnt get a single exotic drop....
I need to do the story first on her. -__-This was exactly me on my Titan last night. Teamed up with Nooblet, Ruthless, Ji66a and some helpful randoms and did a CoO, went to Tower to grab quest, came back to CoO, did 6 Tier 1s, the 3 Tier 2s and the Tier 3, went from a 200 Artifact to a 300 and became Raid ready on alt
It goes by surprisingly quick if you can get randoms to invite more people to the instance.
I can't decide. How useful is the Susanoo's transfusion perk in practice?