Woo, I'm online again! Does any body want to team up for anything? Daily, NF, CoO, Raid, whatever...
I'll be home in an hour and need to pop a T3 for the Calcified Fragment. I also need to do 4 distinct T2s if you wanna hang around while I pop it and quit until I get the ones I needengrams for all!
Never got a stolen rune pop from my tier 1 completions, but fyi Eris just gave me a stolen rune and an antiquated one for reaching rank 5 with her.Yep! Got the artifact plus some other better gear. I've got a Stolen rune but no antiquated. But in just playing last night I got two antiquated runes and used them. We should be able to get it done pretty quick.
We're not forced under level, we just haven't reached the level yet. Big difference. This isn't like Skolas where we have a 33% damage penalty no matter how good our gear is. Reaching 300 was possible (but unlikely) last week, but 300+ players will gradually become the norm over the next 2-3 weeks and the DOS checks will become significantly more forgiving.wait you did what I did and skip to the end
Hope my hint helped
In a sense I agree it's you. Being forced under level and getting the correct amount of dps can be frustrating. There should be more room to wiggle around and recover if something happens. Still I think Kings fall is fun so far. I can def see how it can be a nightmare for people tho...
I'll be available for that. Had to drop out of Strider's raid group just now due to some real life stuff. We made it to theRaiding at 5 Eastern.
Never got a stolen rune pop from my tier 1 completions, but fyi Eris just gave me a stolen rune and an antiquated one for reaching rank 5 with her.
Quest from gunsmith rank 2. But it's warlock exclusive weapon.
And yeah, omolon fusion rifle is sexy.
So everyone agree Nightfall loot is crap? So everyone depending on Xur now--might be doing more coin farming until they patch.
I has antiquated rune (s)Yep! Got the artifact plus some other better gear. I've got a Stolen rune but no antiquated. But in just playing last night I got two antiquated runes and used them. We should be able to get it done pretty quick.
Managed to get to the 3rd boss last night with some fellow DGAFers. Not sure how I'm really feeling about the bosses. We self-wiped way more often than we failed outright. "Yeah, that's a wipe." x 30. In that regard, King's Fall isn't a successor to the Vault of Glass. This is the successor to Crota's End, specifically theCrota fight. Crota on Hard, if you missed a sword smash, "that's a wipe." If the sword disappeared, "that's a wipe." If someone died, "that's a wipe." If someone fell off the ledge, "that's a wipe." There is 0 ability to recover. Self-wiping utterly kils the fun, but if you're trying to win, often it's the smartest strategy if something goes wrong near the beginning/ middle of the fight.
King's Fall bosses feel like that, each one more so.Warpriest's worthiness trial is great. Just like the Sword Bridge in CE. The Warpriest does allow for recovering, but more than Golgoroth. If you have a rage taker fail, and it's not on the last phase, then you're pretty much screwed. And by far the worst is the Sisters. Someone falls off a platform, then "that's a wipe." You get killed by a ???, which happened 3x to us last night, then you're down on person, and the DPS hit is so much that you're going to be struggling not just short term, but for the rest of the fight to make up for it. Unless you're on phase 3 or 4, "that's a wipe." Have the witch turn around and thus make it impossible to crit her reliably? "That's a wipe." Most frustratingly, if you fail, then you just burned through all your special & heavy, so your next bout is going to be off. Just like Crota, waiting around for people to be able to synth up isn't fun.
A good point someone made about the need for utterly flawless execution for these boss fights is that it's a function of being undergeared. Every fire team member's DPS is crucial, so if someone isn't alive or isn't using optimal gear, it really hurts the team. The problem with this approach is that difficulty radically changes as you pass the DPS gate so much so that you often don't have to engage in the actual mechanics of the fight. Crota as a 32 was incredibly difficult and about 10 minutes. You need 6 downs and each one needed 3 smashes. You had to deal with Ogres and Gatekeepers. Crota as a 40 apparently only requires 2 downs. You don't even have to run inside anymore. Compare that to Gatekeepers or Oracles. Regardless of your level, you have to do the fight.
I'm not arguing that boss fights should be future-proof, but it highlights the different archetypes of boss-fights. Hands down, my current favorite boss fights are Gatekeepers and Skolas. Defined roles for all players, no DPS windows that have to be perfect to succeed, mechanics must be followed regardless of DPS, ability to recover and multiple methods to complete.
That's my initial impressions from my first week, of the first 3 bosses. Definitely subject to revision.
I really feel like people are not appreciating CoO enough.
It´s basically LootCave 2.0 only with better and more drops.
I´ve gotten two exotic out of purples already.
Time is better spent in the Court IMO.
I'll be available for that. Had to drop out of Strider's raid group just now due to some real life stuff. We made it to theso not that far really.totems
I'm not certain but I'm also new, what platform are you on?
It's beautiful <3That moment when youJesus Christ man.are the Oryx relic runner for 4 hours straight and your hands hurt, your arms hurt, your eyes hurt from the constant black and white bullshit and you are falling half asleep cause it's 4am and every single jump you take has to be perfect over and over again and you need to get the relic to the knight without dying to a wrong double jump or getting stuck on adds and then you pull out your golden gun and you can't miss that shot or else DPS might not be enough.
I have yet to do Court, is there a quest to explain and expose me to the Court?
Looking to get a raid group together around 7pm EDT. This won't be a blind raid, but newbies are welcome if they don't mind getting spoiled on mechanics. If anyone from the group I cleared the raid with wants to join that would be awesome. If we can get some vets in here we should be able to clear it in about 2 hours.
1. Saveweyard
2. Viewtifuljc
Its basically public events split into 3 difficulty levels. You use a rune ranging from tier 1-3. Tier 1 being the easiest, tier 2 being a little harder and tier 3 being the hardest. One person pops a rune, the entire fireteam (randoms in the area can also hop in if they feel like it) enter the little arena and take out the boss before time is up. Each boss has their own mechanic.I have yet to do Court, is there a quest to explain and expose me to the Court?
PS4, I think I'm around light 110 level 25. Just working through story missions.
I kind of wish the DPS windows stayed close to being this strict. Crota's End was waaaaaaay too forgiving. To the point where 4 people could literally sit down. One person rockets Crota twice, one guy swords, and they can finish the fight themselves.
Sadly I know KF will be easy and on farm very, very soon. Either this week or the next runs will start skipping entire DPS waves and steamrolling through encounters without wiping or having to make a big effort at playing their very best. And when this happens, the activity loses like half its appeal for me.
We're not forced under level, we just haven't reached the level yet. Big difference. This isn't like Skolas where we have a 33% damage penalty no matter how good our gear is. Reaching 300 was possible (but unlikely) last week, but 300+ players will gradually become the norm over the next 2-3 weeks and the DOS checks will become significantly more forgiving.
Hunters get a really nice high impact sniper rifle at rank 2, and an exotic hand cannon with firefly and maverick (precision kills move one round from your ammo reserves I to the magazine) at rank 3.What do the other classes get?
And here's another shitty Crucible quest. How about requiring me to kill X players with Auto Rifles, X players with Pulse Rifles, X players with Scout Rifles and X players with Hand Cannons? But no, I have to win three games with at least six AR kills. And then three games with at least six PR kills. And then three games with at least six SR kills. And then three games with at least six HC kills. Jesus Christ.
Need people for T3 CoO.
Thus begins the LFG light level 300+Well I can most likely save my complainants when Hard Mode is release. Just looking back at every thing besides VoG which did have a similar thing to being forced under level aka #forever29. Frankly I still think the timing is too strict especially for everyday folks. Why make a great experiences when only 0.1% are able to finish according to PS4 trophies as of now. Just my personal opinion
I don't really see how they're that different. VoG once you're leveled enough = 1 man gatekeepers, relic holder can kill all the Oracles himself, you can kill Atheon in one portal without even using the damn Relic bubble.Perfect post. This explicitly articulates my problem with this Raid and it's what I attempted to say when I compared it to the Vault of Glass. My criticism to that end was mostly a personal issue, but the underlying cause is what you highlighted in this post. Crota and the encounters in King's Fall are flawless DPS gates when you're underleveled and easy as hell when you pass the threshold, such so that the mechanics become irrelevant. The Vault of Glass on the other hand still requires you to engage with the mechanics regardless of your level and in some cases lets you tackle them differently.
The philosophies are fundamentally different and it's why I feel that - while King's Fall is a fun Raid with challenging mechanics - is ultimately inferior to the Vault of Glass in encounter design.
Susanoo looks cool! How do I get one?
Looking to get a raid group together around 7pm EDT. This won't be a blind raid, but newbies are welcome if they don't mind getting spoiled on mechanics. If anyone from the group I cleared the raid with wants to join that would be awesome. If we can get some vets in here we should be able to clear it in about 2 hours.
1. Saveweyard
2. Viewtifuljc3.
4. Skywalker_3li
I'll be home in an hour and need to pop a T3 for the Calcified Fragment. I also need to do 4 distinct T2s if you wanna hang around while I pop it and quit until I get the ones I needengrams for all!
Perfect post. This explicitly articulates my problem with this Raid and it's what I attempted to say when I compared it to the Vault of Glass. My criticism to that end was mostly a personal issue, but the underlying cause is what you highlighted in this post. Crota and the encounters in King's Fall are flawless DPS gates when you're underleveled and easy as hell when you pass the threshold, such so that the mechanics become irrelevant. The Vault of Glass on the other hand still requires you to engage with the mechanics regardless of your level and in some cases lets you tackle them differently.
The philosophies are fundamentally different and it's why I feel that - while King's Fall is a fun Raid with challenging mechanics - is ultimately inferior to the Vault of Glass in encounter design.
Lol 2 shards from Oryx thanks game. Consumed 20 shards to give me that.
Oof. I was wondering how to use the Moldering Shards...you just consume 20 of them before the battle?
I really feel like people are not appreciating CoO enough.
It´s basically LootCave 2.0 only with better and more drops.
I´ve gotten two exotic out of purples already.
Time is better spent in the Court IMO.